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Daniel-Two Satanic Powers Unite for Man 666 Global Dictatorship

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CommentThis is John Daniel's revealing booklet Two Satanic Powers Unite to Establish the Man 666 Global Dictatorship which explains how the 666 satanic system will be implemented on Earth and when it is going to happen according to the Bible. The strategy is not to force it upon the population, instead wars will be instigated in such a horrible manner that people will actually beg to be enslaved by it only to have peace. 10 pages. A must read for everyone.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.07.18 14:34
Info Hashcc813106214c27987dd02df21c0c1b047175d293
NameDaniel - Two Satanic Powers Unite to Establish the Man 666 Global Dictatorship.pdf
Node ID3136
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces9
Piece Length64 KiB
Size523.67 KiB