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Cyberpunk DVD-ROM - [ The Induction Series ] - Cyber Culture, Science Fiction

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Induction Into Power - Cyberpunk ••• (Published July 6th 2006)

Cyberpunk films, music and art are a completely unique art form which
has emerged from twentieth century history, a counter-culture movement
which has always prophesied the Internet revolution and the subsequent
redistribution of knowledge. Some call it some call the gnostic revelation
at the end of time, and say that cyberpunk culture and mythology is at
the forefront of that revelation.

This is a compilation where fragments of the history of that revelation,
as well as the authoritarian forces which oppose it. Its subjects include
copyright law and P2P history, bit torrent and the end of Prime-time, the
BBS and the history of hacking, information networks and the morphogenetic
field, holographic reality and the world mind, Internet publishing and cyber-
dissidence, video games, cyberpunk fiction, films and western mythology.

Cyberpunk Audiobooks (650MB CD-ROM)

Lawrence Lessig's "Free Culture" - 6 Hours, MP3, Mono, 16Kbps@11khz
Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash" - 12 Hours, MP3, Mono, 24Kbps@22khz
Orson Scott Card's "Ender Series" - 18 Hours, MP3, Mono, 24Kbps@22khz
Philip K Dick's "A Scanner Darkly" - 10 Hours, MP3 Mono, 24Kbps@22Khz
William Gibson's "Neuromancer" - 8 Hours, MP3 Mono, 16Kbps@11Khz

DVD Main Contents

The Cyberpunk Educator - Gnostic Films.avi 666MB
Holo Moto - Transformer - Advert.mpeg 3.56MB
A Great World Mind - Joseph Matheny.mp3 21.4MB
Ben Mack - Poker Without Cards.pdf 1.79MB
Billy Idol - Cyberpunk - Interlude.mp3 1.5MB
Bit Torrent - Piracy Is Good - Mark 213MB
CBC The Desk Broadband In South Korea.avi 25.5MB
Cracking, Modding and Kevin Mitnick - The Broken.avi 156MB
Don't Copy That Floppy - Propaganda 1992.wmv 16.9MB
Eban Moglen - Freeing the Mind [Article].pdf 113KB
Eben Moglen - Law and Technology.rm 193MB
Electronic Piracy Debate 1985.mp4 75.3MB
Google - Hacks O'Reilly eBook.pdf 292KB
Google on 60 Minutes - Jan 2 2005.avi 60.1MB
Hackers - Heroes of the Revelation.txt 0.89MB
HACKERS - New World Order Reference.avi 32.3MB
Hackers - NYC Hackers DeCSS Documentary.avi 208MB
Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents.pdf 1.72MB
History of Hacking - The Revolution.avi 250MB
In the Beginning was the Command Line.htm 223KB
Internet Archive - BBS Documentary.mht 771KB
Lawrence Lessig - Code is Speech.mp3 14.4MB
Microsoft Calls Hacker of XBOX (2002).mp3 139KB
Napster 9th Circle Oral Argument.mp3 11.9MB
Orwelian Apple Commercial - 13.4MB
Philip K Dick - A Day in the Afterlife - BBC.avi 512MB
Philip K Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.txt 358KB
Philip K Dick - The Gospel According to Philip K Dick.avi 545MB
Quantum Hologram - Gregg Braden on Laura Lee.mp3 6.85MB
Rupert Sheldrake - The Morphogenetic Field.mht 0.75MB
The Super Mario Bross3 Time Attack Video.wmv 18.2MB
xMas Special - Consolevania.mpg 496MB
Zen and the Art of Hacking.txt 0.24MB


This DVD-ROM is part of the Induction series, a self-induced initiation
into self-knowledge and power. The Revelation will not be televised.

Enjoy, and please freely distribute and copy these files and discs.

On Playback •••

For maximum compatibility all files have been converted to low bit mp3 or
DivX. There are also some WMV which either couldn't be re-encoded or were
kept intact due to their small size. All photos are in jpg or gif format,
and most webpages are included in archive MHT files. Converting the files
ensures compatibility and playback on most computers and media players.

All files should be considered sub-retail and for education only.

On Publishing •••

Due to the need for this information, some of these files are distributed
without the direct expressed consent of the original copyright holders.
Most are freely recorded or downloaded from public sources before being
further compiled. In this form they are highly compressed, degraded and
should be considered to be sub-retail, non-commercial files. They were
created for personal reference and educational use only.

I would encourage everyone to make their own compilations and to copy,
publish and distribute them freely. Make induction your own.

The Induction Series is published through the Conspiracy Central Tracker
and as such it follows ConCen's policy of removing content at the original
copyright holders request. For questions, comments or requests contact:

On The Induction Series •••

The Induction series can be thought of as a tree. Its roots can be found
in the She Who Remembers Archives and through Conspiracy Central, torrent
sites and online research. The Induction Tree:

Induction into Self-Knowledge

Tales of Power CD-ROM (The First CD Published)
911 Truth CD-ROM (Questions about 911)
Its Just a Ride - Revelations (Bill Hick Totally)
The Tao of Wisdom SE (Alan Watts Collection)
The Great World Mind (File Sharing and Hacking)
Creating Reality CD-ROM (Jon Rappoport Collection)
The Holographic Vision (Transpersonal Psychology)
The Nahualt CD-ROM (Gnostic Shamanism Collection)
The Most High CD-ROM (James Arthur and Jack Herer)
Human Resources CD-ROM (John Taylor Gatto Collection)
The Kingdom of Nigh CD-ROM (C2CAM Collection)
Mentors DVD-ROM (Radio Shows and Researchers)

Induction Into Power

The Way
Plant Life



To find out more about the Induction series visit:

Special Thanks •••

This particular tree of knowledge finds its roots in many sources, but most
can be found through basic searches or on Conspiracy Central. Most files were
were intentionally found through public trackers or direct downloads on public
sites. DVDrips were avoided where ever possible. All sources of information
and file names are kept relatively accurate to facilitate further research
and encourage inductees to continue on with their research.

Special thanks to all of the authors, speakers and researchers who contributed
to these archives. And thanks to all of the inspiring individuals who contribute
to the sites listed below...

Conspiracy Central Tracker -

Conspiracy Research Forums - http://www/

She Who Remembers Archives -

Extra Special Thanks •••

This disc is dedicated to cyberpunks Philip K Dick and Andrew J Holden,
creator of "The Cyberpunk Educator", the inspiration for this media compilation.

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During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.