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Cutting Through the Matrix w/ Alan Watt - May 26, 2009

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May 26, 2009
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
Military-Industrial Complex's GMO Arsenal:
"Doctors' Moratorium on GMO Food,
Warning the Public GMO's Not Good,
Seems the Whole Purpose of Modifying
Is to Increase the Rate of People Dying,
List of Human Symptoms Ranges
From Diabetes, Allergies and Cellular Changes,
Regards Procreation, a Huge Reduction,
In Line with the Agenda, Population Deduction,
Yet People Still Ask, When will the End Come?
Can't Believe Killing's Started, Beginning's Long Done,
And it will Continue as Long as You're Obedient,
Instead of Taking Over Matters, Action Expedient,
In Their Plan the Masters are All Resolute,
People Must Unite and Give Them the Boot"
"Mystery" Problems with Websites, Real World Harassment - Your Orders and Donations Keep Me (Alan) Going (see China (Model State for World), Factories Moved to - Depopulation Mandate, Fronts for Foundations, Eugenics, Creation of Superman. Pulled Articles - Media Does Reasoning for Public - Allergies, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancers, GMO Foods - Monsanto, Secret Deal with Canada to Test on Humans. Genetically Modified Organisms, Infertility, Immunity Drop, Accelerated Aging Diseases - Modified Corn, Sterile Pigs, Low Litter Weight - Genetic Alteration - Non-GMO Politicians' Cafeteria. Creation of Public Apathy, Dethroning Man as Sacred Being - CIA's "Cultural Cold War" - H.G. Wells, Free Love - Destruction of Family and Old Values - Bertrand Russell. Nihilism, Dehumanization as "Art", Schizoid View of Humanity - Promoted Artists, Human Skin "Art" - Bodies Donated to Medical Science, Desecration, Grave Robbers. "Blast From the Past" movie, Degradation of Culture - Censorship Committees - Perverts, European Parliament Members, Paedophilia - Green Party. Active Chip ID Card - Cashless Stores. Those Who Control Food and Water Supply Control the Planet.
***Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - May 26, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

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