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Cutting Through the Matrix w/ Alan Watt - March 24, 2009

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March 24, 2009
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
Youth Service Act -- Freeman —> Serve —> Serf:
"Faster Than Clerks Could Even Pen It,
Bill HR1388 is Moved Through Senate,
With 74 For and 14 Agin' It,
Makes You Wonder if Anyone Read It,
Includes Various Service and Ideology,
Pavlovian Style Training, Military Psychology,
Politicians Gloating, Coats a-Preening,
Prospects of Indoctrinating Youth, All Greening,
Land of the Free has Taken a Swerve
Down the Highway, Pit Stop, Self-Serve"
Planned War Against Public - Government Changing Your Behaviour - Mass Demonstrations, G20 Meeting - Britain, Allegiance to Queen (Her Majesty) - "Democracy" and Voting. Riots, Provocateurs - Think Tank Reports - Stock Market Collapse, Middle Classes - Politicians at Top, CFR, RIIA - Collectivism, Youth Parties. Up Against the Wall - Ideology for Children, New Generation - Post-WWII Germany - U.S. Mandatory National Service Corps, Voluntary Servitude, Americorps - Service to World State. Debt, New Economic System - Order Out of Chaos, Continual Crisis - World Government, Court, Bank, IMF - Orwellian Stage - France. Use of Disenfranchised, Welfare Recipients - Internal Army of Thugs (to be used) - British and French Govt. Databases - "Suspected" Criminals, Personality Profiles. Massive Aerial Spraying, Chemtrails - Instincts of Wild Animals, Survival Instincts - Immunity Drop, Asthma and Eczema Increase - HAARP Signals - Hurricane Katrina, Forbidden Rescuers. Front Speakers, Plato, Socrates, Fomenting Youth Revolution - Futurists, Predictive Programming, Familiarization.
(Articles: "National Service Corps Bill Clears Senate Hurdle" by Kate Phillips ( - March 23, 2009.)
"Call to scrap 'illegal databases' " ( - March 23, 2009.)
***Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 24, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

32kbps mp3