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March 11, 2009
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
Politicos Chatter on Remnants of Gaza:
"Startling Truth Emerges Now and Then
From Unlikely Sources, e.g. Tony Benn,
When He Gave the Address for Gaza Relief
On BBC, the Interviewer Wishing He'd Cease,
He Said the Beeb was in a Bit of a Pickle,
Having Promised (Not to Mention the Address) to Israel,
Sir Gerald Kaufman in Parliament Spoke Like Lion,
Professing He'd been Life-long Supporter of Zion,
He'd Followed the Slaughter at Gaza, Left Chilling,
Likened Israelis to Nazis at Their Unquenchable Killing,
Called For Ending Aid for Western Munitions
For Israel's Final Solution to Their 'Problem' Conditions,
Ultra-Modern Military Fights Stone Throwers with Ease,
With Arrogance, No Conscience, Hate's a Disease"
Canadian Winter Storm, Road of Ice, Flying Shingles, Tar Job. ID Cards, "Terrorist" Mode - Sustainability, "Superior" Types and Removal of "Inferior", Genetics, Eugenics. Dialectic, Political Parties - Bank Bailouts, Compound Interest, British War Debt - British Parliament, Communist Party - Gaza Relief Fund - Modern Israel, Atrocities, Killed Palestinians. Sting Operations, FBI, CSIS, Young Guys Set-up by Agents - Infiltrator-Agitators. Climate Change Theology, "Nightmare" Scenario, Home Inspections - HIV, AIDS, Drugs - Foundation Funding and Campaigns, Control of Humanity. German School Shooting, Shooter in SWAT Outfit - Psychiatry, Drugs - Columbine School Shooting, Shooters' Video, "Death" Education - Dunblane Shooting. Centralized Government, EU "Representatives" - U.S. Prison Industry, Laws - Working for World State. "Overpopulation" Threat, Malthus, Immigration, Crowded Cities, India - African Famines, Lack of Farming. Nature Programs, Indoctrination, "Just Another Species" - Huxleys, "Evolved" Types - "Green" Schooling. Economic Inflation, Printing Money, "Quantitative Easing", Debt Monetary System.
***Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - March 11, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
32kbps mp3