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June 30, 2009
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
Logic Estranged for the Deranged:
"Soya, Veggies and Beans, the Farce is Starting,
We'll Soon, by Law, Each Pay for Farting,
A Collective Punishment on the Masses
For Expelling Legume Greenhouse Gases,
A Whole Lot of Nothing to be Traded for Money,
Two Cons Together, Now ain't that Funny,
No Jobs, and Services Given the Axe
As We're Ordered to Pay Existence Tax,
We're Bankrupt, Soon to Ration Food,
Sending Billions to Third World for 'Common Good' "
Media Spins - Legal Declarations, Agreement by Silence - "Voluntary" becomes Mandatory, Driving Licences, Auto Insurance - Personal Carbon Tax, Carbon Offset for Air Travel - Chicago Climate Exchange (Casino); Contracts, Permits and Penalties for Energy Consumption - Al Gore Socialized (Factory) Medicine, Cutting Costs - Obama, "Burden of Elderly", Euthanasia - Flu Shots for U.S. - Mix of Common Flu and Avian Flu, Viral Mutations from Hosts' DNA, Breeding Viruses - Contagious Diseases - Creation of Killer Virus (Spanish Flu Mix) - Swine Flu Diagnosis and Hype. Svalbard, Norway's Global Seed Storage Bank. PBSG Polar Bear Conference, Dr. Taylor's "Contrary Belief" on Global Warming, More Bears (They Can Swim), Thickening Arctic Ice. WWF wants Vegetarian World, Meat and Dairy Warning Labels - War Scenario to Unite Planet - Food Rationing - Foundation-Funded NGOs, Soviet Rule by Councils - Gordon Brown's Call for New Bretton Woods. Creation of Communism by Bankers - World Population Reduction and Management.
***Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 30, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
32kbps mp3