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Cutting Through the Matrix w/ Alan Watt - June 1, 2009

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June 1, 2009
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
Save Your Soul from Mind Control:
"Ever Thought of the News They Daily Feed Ya,
Preparing Future Conclusions by Daily Media,
Between Boob Babes and Trivia, Praise or Derogatory,
You're Left with an Opinion from Writers' Commentary,
From Stories Sublime, Emotions Anger to Hate,
Essential Arm of Government is the Fourth Estate,
Journalism Articulate or Journal Banality,
Their Job Prepares You for the Next Reality,
Dictates with Authority or Presentation Informal,
Build Your Opinions which You Think are Normal,
Bits and Bytes in Your Mind Floating, Perplex,
Strategically Placed in Cerebral Cortex,
Will All Come Together in Coded Fusion
When the Masters Present Your Final Conclusion"
Website Disk Space Issue with Not Resolved by Yahoo - Dirty Tricks, No "Legal" Reason. Mainstream News Articles, Legalities, Commentary - Media Gives Your World View. Bill Gates, Mosquito Release - Fruitflies, Sterilization of Male - Anti-Malarial Drugs - Kissinger, Threat to State of Overpopulation - DDT - Mosquito Breeding. League of Nations, UN, WHO, World War I and II Death Toll - International Bankers, Eugenics ("Bioethics" ) Societies, Adolf Hitler. Mandatory (Forced) Vaccination, France - Revived Spanish Flu - Baxter Labs, Killer Flu Virus Creation - Crisis, Stampeding Herd. Annual Flu Vaccine Promotion (Never Get Flu Strain Right), Guilt Advertising, "Immunization". Autism (Old and New Forms), MMR Vaccine Strain Virus Found in Victims' Gut - "Extended Family" of Social Workers - Abortions for Disabilities - Political Motives - Culling Off "Animals". Chemtrails, HAARP, Glowing and Flashing Clouds - New Type of Dark Lumpy Cloud - Daily Aerial Spraying. Africa, New Haemorrhagic Virus, AIDS, Viral and Bacterial Warfare - Canadian Hospitals - New Orleans Evacuees - Home Foreclosures, Displacement.
***Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - June 1, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)

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