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April 24, 2009
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:
No Choice Variety from World Fabian Society:
"Hang on to Reality, Come What May,
As We're Re-Conditioned the Fabian Way,
General Public are Just Silly Children,
Fabian Masters Know How to Re-Build 'em
They've Brought in a Global Society,
Which They'll Rule as Lords in Totality
Don't Think, Obey and Do,
Experts have Plans for Me and You,
Personal Decisions Too Untidy,
For Statisticians, the High and Mighty,
Your Purpose, to Serve the World State,
Or Just Say No Before it's Too Late"
Democracy Bypassed by Parallel Government - Council on Foreign Relations, RIIA. Fabian Society - Continuing Education, Pavlovian Conditioning, Soviet Union - Ritalin, Drugging Children. ID Checks - Regulation by State, Control Freak Society - Services are Now Authorities - Saying NO - Easily-Led Masses, Monitoring, Predictability. Pharmaceutical Lobby Groups, Mandates - Inoculations - Vioxx Drug, Strokes, Heart Attacks - Merck's Hit List, Intimidation Tactics - University Grants. Fabianism, Generational Plans - Marching Bands, Military - State Reshaping Society, Divide and Conquer - Collective Punishment. G20 Meeting, Beatings by Cops - Debased Generation - Culture Creation Industry - "Jedi Police", Star Wars Religion, Luke (Lucifer) Skywalker, Yoda. IMF, Dominic Strauss-Kahn, Plan for "Economic Recovery" - Unification of Americas, 2005-2010. Compulsory Service, Communitarianism - Say NO - UN's War on Smoking, War on Obesity. Bin Laden / Taliban / Al-Qaeda Myths.
***Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt - April 24, 2009 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
32kbps mp3