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"They [the Turks] have completely destroyed some of God's
churches and they have converted others to the uses of their own
cult. They ruin the altars with filth and defilement. They
circumcise Christians and smear the blood from the circumcision
over the altars and throw it into baptismal fonts. They are pleased
to kill others by cutting open their bellies, extracting the end of
their intestines, and tying it to a stake. Then, with flogging, they
drive their victims around the stake until, when their viscera have
spilled out, they fall dead on the ground. They tie others, again, to
stakes and shoot arrows at them; they seize others, stretch out
their necks, and try to see whether they can cut off their heads
with a single blow of a naked sword. And what shall I say about the
shocking rape of women?"
Many Muslims sought shelter in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where,
according to one famous account in Gesta, "...the slaughter was so
great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles..." According
to Raymond of Aguilers "men rode in blood up to their knees and
bridle reins." However, most serious historians believe this to be
mere, but classic medieval, poetic boast, pointing to the factual
impossibility of such an occurrence.The chronicle of Ibn al-Qalanisi
states the Jewish defenders sought refuge in their synagogue, but
the "Franks burned it over their heads", killing everyone inside.
The Crusaders circled the flaming building while singing "Christ,
We Adore Thee!". Tancred claimed the Temple quarter for himself
and offered protection to some of the Muslims there, but he could
not prevent their deaths at the hands of his fellow crusaders. The
Fatimid governor Iftikhar ad-Daula withdrew to the Tower of
David, which he soon surrendered to Raymond in return for safe
passage for himself and bodyguards to Ascalon. [14]
The Gesta Francorum states some people managed to escape the
siege unharmed. Its anonymous author wrote, "When the pagans
had been overcome, our men seized great numbers, both men and
women, either killing them or keeping them captive, as they
wished."] Later it is written, " also ordered all the Saracen dead to
be cast outside because of the great stench, since the whole city was
filled with their corpses; and so the living Saracens dragged the
dead before the exits of the gates and arranged them in heaps, as if
they were houses. No one ever saw or heard of such slaughter of
pagan people, for funeral pyres were formed from them like
pyramids, and no one knows their number except God alone."
The Crusades have been hailed as the driving force that brought
Western Europe out of the Middle Ages—and condemned as the
beginning of European imperialism in the Muslim Near East.
But what really were the Crusades?
What were the forces that led to one of history’s most protracted
and legendary periods of conflict? How did they affect the three
great civilizations that participated in them? And, ultimately,
why did they end and what did they accomplish?
A Crucial Chapter in the Story of Western Civilization
In The Era of the Crusades, Professor Kenneth W. Harl looks at the
"big picture" of the Crusades as an ongoing period of conflict
involving Western Christendom (we would now call it Western
Europe), the Byzantine Empire, and the Muslim world. From this
perspective, you will study the complex but absorbing causes of the
Crusades, which include the many political, cultural, and economic
changes in Western Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire.
In addition, Professor Harl presents the Crusades in terms of the
specific military campaigns—the eight "canonical" Crusades that
took place from 1095–1291—proclaimed to retake Jerusalem and the
Holy Land from Muslim hands and return them to Christendom.
You will consider the immediate circumstances—the leaders,
purposes, key battles, and degrees of success or
failure—surrounding these often-monumental expeditions (they
could number as many as 100,000 soldiers and religious pilgrims).
This course is an opportunity to appreciate fully how Western
Civilization changed in many profound ways during the Crusading
era. You will understand how the Byzantine Empire collapsed; how
Western Europe began its rise to global political, economic, and
cultural power; and how the Middle East became a majority Muslim
You will also explore a wide variety of misperceptions and
long-debated questions about the Crusades. Did the popes preach
the Crusades as a way to increase their personal power and
authority? Were the Crusader armies made up of zealous and
brutal religious fanatics or of highly disciplined soldiers—heirs to a
sophisticated Western European military tradition? Why did the
members of the Fourth Crusade decide to sack Constantinople,
turning the Crusades from Christian against "infidel" to Christian
against Christian?
An Era of Adventure, Chivalry, and Legend
This three-part, 36-lecture course is as sweeping in scope as were
the Crusades themselves. Professor Harl delves into fascinating
aspects of history, all related to the Crusades, that make each
lecture a new adventure. These include advances in shipbuilding
that were spurred by the Crusades, the types of weapons and
military tactics used in battle, and the legend of "Prester John," a
mysterious eastern king with whom the popes hoped to form an
alliance against the Muslims.
You will appreciate the opulence of the "Queen of Cities," the
Byzantine capital of Constantinople, a city that conveyed a sense of
awe-inspiring ceremony and splendor to the Crusaders and other
visitors. Attending Mass in the city’s cathedral, the Hagia Sophia
(now a mosque), was said to be so stirring that a number of
Russians converted to Christianity out of the simple conviction
that God must dwell in such a magnificent church.
You will examine the organization and purpose of the Hospitallers
and the Templars: the Knights of the Hospital and the Knights of
the Temple. These "soldiers for Christ," a unique mixture of clergy
and warrior, played an instrumental role in defending the Holy
Land and in operating its banking system.
What makes the Crusades so attractive to study is that they are
like a great novel. This is a time in history that is the source of
many of our notions of adventure and chivalry and that is peopled
with colorful and renowned figures. Those you will meet include:
Odo of Bayeux, a churchman who fought in the Crusades but still
maintained his beliefs against shedding blood. Instead of a sword,
he used a mace to simply hit his opponents in the head and give
them a concussion.
Louis VII of France, the pious and monkish king who slept on a bare
stone floor, worried constantly about his sins, and viewed the
Second Crusade as a means to personal redemption.
Eleanor of Aquitane, one of the most brilliant and engaging women
in history, whose adventuresome nature led her to join the Second
Crusade, accompanied by a personal court that included maidens
dressed as Amazons.
Saladin, the great Kurdish-Muslim conqueror whose victory at the
Battle of Hattin in 1187 ended the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem.
Through his gallantry and generosity toward his enemies, Saladin,
a Muslim, ironically came to be seen as the epitome of Christian
Richard the Lion-hearted, the son of Eleanor of Aquitane and heir
to a family tradition of participation in Crusades. Considered "the
perfect knight," handsome and with a fondness for gambling,
jousting, and tournaments, Richard fought Saladin to a stalemate
in a relationship of mutual respect and admiration.
A Masterful Teacher
Professor Harl’s presentation of this intricate story makes it easy
to see why he has become one of The Teaching Company’s most
popular professors. He seems to have all of the many facts about
the Crusades at his fingertips, from key dates to royal lineages to
how major battles played out.
Professor Harl has won eight teaching awards at Tulane, including
the coveted Sheldon H. Hackney Award (twice voted by faculty and
students). In addition, he was the Fall 2001 recipient of the
prestigious nationwide Robert Foster Cherry Award for Great
Teachers from Baylor University. Dr. Harl also teaches the popular
Teaching Company courses Great Ancient Civilizations of Asia
Minor and The World of Byzantium.
Course Lecture Titles
1. The Heirs of Rome
2. Byzantine Orthodox Civilization
3. Byzantine Zenith in the Macedonian Age
4. The Failure of the Heirs of Basil II
5. Abbasid Baghdad and Fatimid Egypt
6. The Coming of the Seljuk Turks
7. The Recovery of Western Europe
8. Kings and Princes of Western Europe
9. Warfare in Western Europe
10. The Papacy and Religious Reform
11. Piety and Pilgrimage
12. Christian Offensives in Spain and Sicily
13. Alexius I and the First Crusade
14. From Clermont to Jerusalem
15. Conquest and Defense of Outremer
16. Frankish Settlement of Outremer
17. Comnenian Emperors and Crusader Princes
18. The Second Crusade
19. The Empire at Bay
20. The Rise of Saladin
21. Byzantine Recovery under the Comnenians
22. A Renaissance of Byzantine Letters and Arts
23. Trade and Currency in the Mediterranean
24. Cultural Exchange in Gothic Europe
25. The Horns of Hattin
26. The Third Crusade
27. From Jerusalem to Constantinople
28. The Sack of Constantinople
29. The World of Frankish Greece
30. Splinter Empires and Orthodox Princes
31. Ayyubid Egypt and Seljuk Anatolia
32. Crusader Cyprus and the Levant
33. Venice and Genoa
34. The Mongols and the Legend of Prester John
35. The Royal Crusaders
36. The Passing of the Crusades
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes
By Amin Maalouf. New York: Schocken, 1987. 283 pp. $8.95 (paper).
Reviewed by Jon West
Two of the three divisions of the PLO (Hittin and 'Ain Jalut) are
named after medieval battles fought between the Crusaders and
Arab forces in the Levant. Although the Crusades ended on June 17,
1291, when the Muslim armies surrounding Acre finally pierced
Crusader defenses, sending Henry of France into a headlong flight
for Cyprus, their legacy can still be felt in the Middle East.
In the West, the sights and sounds of medieval Palestine became
etched into cultural memory, later to form the basis of
"Orientalism." The Saracens became synonymous with the entire
Muslim world. In the Middle East, dark references are still made in
the fundamentalist mosques of Cairo and Damascus to the invading
enemies of Islam. The Crusades fueled Western myths of the
"Orient" as a place of decadent splendor, and the Arabs as
rapacious, cunning thugs—myths which endure in the minds of
millions in the West today. One of the reasons for the persistence of
these images is their existence in an intellectual vacuum, devoid of
the corrective influence of different opinions. At Oxford University,
for example, no Arab authors can be found on the reading lists of
students of the Crusader era.
Amin Maalouf, in his outstanding and thoroughly researched work,
The Crusades Through Arab Eyes, sets out to redress the balance by
presenting the Arab side of the Crusades in their own words.
Lengthy quotations from original sources are incorporated into an
exciting narrative packed with fresh insights, off-beat details, and
succinct commentary. It will not surprise the reader to learn that
Maalouf is a highly regarded journalist and former editor of the
respected Lebanese daily An-Nahar, as well as an award-winning
novelist. This book harnesses these talents to the task of letting
Arab historians speak for themselves, while condensing 200 years
of action-filled history into one volume and never losing the
interest of the general reader. The Crusades Through Arab Eyes is
a story and a historical discussion rolled into one, and to the
author's credit he never overextends himself into polemics, which
is left for the professional historians.
The Arab chroniclers, diarists, and historians he rescues from
obscurity for the Western reader weave a fascinating tale of Arab
history during the Crusader era. Maalouf begins with Ibn
Al-Qalanisi, the young Damascene scholar who observed the
Frankish armies as they advanced through Palestine in 1096. Only
23 at the time, he lived to the age of 87, and as a city official was a
longstanding witness to the fratricidal hatred of Radwan and
Duqaq in Syria, the sectarian struggles of the petty Arab princes,
and the military impotence of Baghdad.
Many of the other sources of Maalouf's story are close to the
principal characters on the Arab side: Usama Ibn Mundiqh, an emir
and adviser to the great soldier-statesman Zangi; Abul Fida', the
governor of Hama; Ibn Shaddad, an advisor to Saladin, as was 'Imad
Ad-Din Al-Isfanhani, and Abduzahir, a secretary to two sultans. As
in classical Rome, historiography was a respectable profession for
men of power and influence, who were also men of letters, at a time
when the Western aristocracy was mostly illiterate.
Maalouf does not shy from providing heavily detailed accounts of
military battles, largely because for the Arabs the Crusades
penetrated and affected their everyday existence as a society. The
rise of the Assassins in the mountain fortress of Alamut is related,
as is Ibn Jubayr's description of oil deposits near Mosul. "The
product looks like a highly viscous, smooth, shiny mud, giving off a
sharp odor .... We were told that when they want to extract the
bitumen they set it on fire. Allah creates whatever he wills. Praise
be upon him," is his non-plussed reaction to the substance that was
to become inseparable from the popular concept of the Arab. An
entire chapter is devoted to Usama's diplomatic mission to the
Frankish kingdoms, as the polished statesman recoils at
amputative medicine and picturesque festivals.
The book's epilogue is masterful. To what extent were the Crusades
responsible for shifting the epicenter of history westward? Was the
decline in Arab civilization due to its complacent reliance on a
militarily and economically superior Western civilization? Was
Europe's ascendency in the Middle East due to a willingness to learn
Arab culture through the Arabic language? Maalouf gives the
reader food for thought in positing tentative answers to these
timeless questions still passionately debated in the Arab world.
Jon West is a history major at the Center for Contemporary Arab
Studies at Georgetown University. He is currently an intern at the
Jordan Times in Amman, Jordan.
Heaven or Heresy: A History of the Inquisition
Course Overview
For many, the Inquisition conjures Gothic images of cloaked figures
and barbarous torture chambers.
So enmeshed is this view of the Inquisition in popular culture that
such scenes play out even in comedies
such as Mel Brooks' History of the World and Monty Python's Flying
Circus. But is this a fair portrayal?
And how was the Inquisition perceived in its own time? Professor
Thomas F. Madden of Saint Louis
University delivers a stimulating series of lectures exploring all
facets of the Inquisition, including the religious
and political climate of its time and the Inquisition's relationship
to heresy and reformation. With a scholarly
eye and infectious enthusiasm, widely published author and noted
expert on pre-modern European history
Thomas Madden imparts an understanding of the Spanish and
Roman Inquisitions while dispelling popular
myths associated with the subject.
Lecture Guide
Lecture 1 The Organization of the Catholic Church
Lecture 2 Heresy and Orthodoxy
Lecture 3 Roman Law and the Church
Lecture 4 Birth of the Medieval Inquisition
Lecture 5 Medieval Heresies
Lecture 6 Centralizing the Medieval Inquisition
Lecture 7 The Working of the Medieval Inquisition
Lecture 8 Birth of the Spanish Inquisition
Lecture 9 "Poisonous, Offensive, Misleading": The New Heresies of
the Protestant Reformation
Lecture 10 The Spanish Inquisition in Its Maturity
Lecture 11 The Roman Inquisition
Lecture 12 Crafting the Myth of the Inquisition
Lecture 13 The Inquisition and Enlightenment
Lecture 14 The Inquisition in Popular Culture