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Criticism of the Bible - Collection 30

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Criticism of the Bible - Collection 30:

There are 24 titles in this upload:
- Addinall - Philosophy and Biblical Interpretation; a Study in Nineteenth-Century Conflict (1991)
- Armstrong - In the Beginning; a New Interpretation of Genesis (1996)
- Armstrong - The Bible; the Biography (2007)
- Coffey - The Gospel According to Jehovah's Witnesses (1979)
- Ehrman - Studies in the Textual Criticism of the New Testament (2006)
- Gurtner - Exodus; a Commentary on the Greek Text of Codex Vaticanus (2013)
- Harris - Understanding the Bible, 8e (2011)
- Haynes - Noah's Curse; the Biblical Justification of American Slavery (2002)
- Humphreys - The Mystery of the Last Supper; Reconstructing the Final Days of Jesus (2011)
- Hurtado -The Earliest Christian Artifacts; Manuscripts and Christian Origins (2006)
- Knust - Unprotected Texts; the Bible's Surprising Contradictions about Sex and Desire (2011)
- Laughlin - Archeology and the Bible; Approaching the Ancient World (2000)
- Luttikhuizen (Ed.) - The Creation of Man and Woman; Interpretation of the Biblical Narratives in Jewish and Christian Traditions (2000)
- McCalla - The Creationist Debate; the Encounter between the Bible and the Historical Mind (2006)
- McIver - Memory, Jesus, and the Synoptic Gospels (2011)
- Moore & Kelle - Biblical History and Israel's Past; the Changing Study of the Bible and History (2011)
- Morrow - Questioning the Bible; 11 Major Challenges to the Bible's Authority (2014)
- Muller et al - Evidence of Editing; Growth and Change of Texts in the Hebrew Bible (2014)
- Noort & Tigchelaar (Eds.) - Sodom's Sin; Genesis 18-19 and Its Interpretations (2004)
- North - 75 Bible Questions Your Instructors Pray You Won't Ask, 2e (1988)
- Oegema & Charlesworth - The Psuedepigrapha and Christian Origins (2008)
- Price - Killing History; Jesus in the No-Spin Zone (2014)
- Walton - The Lost World of Genesis One; Ancient Cosmology and the Origins Debate (2009)
- Zevit - What Really Happened in the Garden of Eden (2013)