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Cremaster 2.Matthew Barney.1999

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the art documentary "the cremaster cycle"

done by micheal barney.

the print i got is really crappy and lots of noise in the musicthe original copy which costs $100000 is limited edition so this is the only copy u get. and bottom line is "its watchable".

there is no spoken word but only soft music which has bit of noise.

.suppose to an art movie or show or documentary or watsoever.

for more info


ANS.-- this docu has lot of occult and sacred geometry infused and embedded with modern art. though a practical understanding was way beyond my mental horizon, i leave it for u to interpret it and post it as comments. and since this docu is a limited edition set priced at $100000 , i sense it was made only for the elite.

there are 5 parts of this docunmentary, i ll upload the rest shortly.

people notice this is the second part of this weird documentary or movie ......the other 3parts are coming up.

the first part of this is available here

Did you notise the locations used in filming? The film permits and insurance alone cost him or his financial backers a million bucks. Banf sprins hotel's great room is like $20,000 to rent
The whole guginheim museum in new yourk/the Chryseler building's atrium and ground floor was a mess not to mention an elevator full of mud, some race track I'm not familiar with. The giants causwy in scottland or Ireland, I can't remember which. Not to mention-a stadium, renting a beard of Bees death metal dude. All the plastic molds and props. I think dude was making a big statement with the places he filmed in. I diddn't see a lot of fake places in that film, Only real and expensive real estate. Like the proveing grounds at the salt falts with the rodeo scene. Pricey places, and extensive art production in those places too. it seems as though mony was the central but hidden theme.

the genre is visual art/social narrative. Trust me it is like nothing you have ever seen

Please, if you are studying ocult or masonic imagery view this movie. It is the kind of imagery that stays in your head, and the sound quality and tone is super-natural. Good luck.

It's Mathew Barney's project called The entered aprentice....Here is a link to the cream master official site. Use at your of risk of enlightenment...or rather the exact oposite, for...once you see you canno't un-see.
Profound symbolism here....Take the time to get a full length copy and review it. It's heady territory.

don't let the abstract nature of the information you can find about this film fool you into thinking it's an art movie and nothing more. If you not the "shapes" and charactors in their relationships, it points invariably to an elite hierarchy of civil designers with megalomaniacle power issues. It is a portrait of true western society, with our crap culture and our unchecked rulers with the structures they have set up beneath them to perpetuate....the cycle.

It certainly is full of symbolism, no doubt.

According to that site "The full series was released in a limited series of 20 sets of DVDs, sold each for at least $100,000, and will not be made available on mass-market DVD."

It really is about masonic control, and the individual within this system.

It's big, but worth the watching I promise. That design at the top of this post, the apron is worn in a ceremony in this movie. That is what reminded me of it.

One more thing about this Film that i just remembered: It is as much about human biology and hormonal conditioning done to us by our manufactured environments as it is about hierarchy or physical structure. Me are only as complex a society as we are biological machines that may attempt to break from the program

It's a ridiculously long series. Why Matthew Barney has made it so expensive and difficult to see is kind of baffling. If you put so much work into such a project, wouldn't you want more people to see it?


