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The Creation, God and Property [2014.07.21]

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The Creation, God and Property...

An astounding and complex insight into 'us' by the ever-intriguing Truth Juice Dave given in a presentation to New Horizons Saint Annes on the 21st of July 2014.

Dave asks:

• Who created us? Does this creator own us? If so owned, what is the relationship with our owner?

• Can we or do we own ourselves?... or must we operate under a master?

• Might we have more than one master?

• Could we be viewed as property?... and are there laws that exist pertaining to us as property?

• What is the role of the state in this?

• Are there persons alive with claims on us... and what mechanism exists to support this?

• Does copyright figure in any of this?

• What is the role of the Bible?

• What is the question of sovereignty?

Dave has a regular show on Critical Mass Radio on Thursday evenings, 7--9 pm.