Size | Seeds | Peers | Completed |
1.56 GiB | 2 | 0 | 87 |
In the midst of a feral cat crisis in Los Angeles, an eclectic group of residents ("crazy cat ladies/men") do their part to trap, spay/neuter, and adopt as many cats as they can.
Directors: Garrett Clancy
Writers: Garrett Clancy
Producers: Sarah Brockhoff, Garrett Clancy, Jennifer Conrad, Carol A. Fischer, Amanda Marie Harrison, Tricia Helfer, Jean Krikorian, Gz Lee, Linda Dea Riccomini, Lisa Riccomini, John Shelonko, Joanne Weidhaas, Jeff Werner, Deanna Wilcox
Composers: Mike MacLennan
Cinematographers: Garrett Clancy, Will Molloy
Country: USA
Language: English
Spare a penny of AmazaGoogle monopoly fascist bandwidth guv'nor?
Pls seed if you have this - my download is at 23kbs :-/
I saw you! I won't say which
I saw you! I won't say which city or country you are from haha.
Haven't they upgraded your internet to 5G yet? I just got that recently, it's ridiculously fast now...
Cesession from this planET and Maggie thatcher
If was was able Mr C - you'd see my torrent flag/location as:
--> 'The Region of InBetween Land - UFO Alley'
- William Burroughs was talking of those of us with lifestyles that are not favoured by the current Kleptocrats being able to have their own planet or space station once space migration takes place, that was the 1950s....
Me and you have torrented longer than most so we know that Canada has some FAST net speeds - in England it's always been shite - it was actually related to Mrs Thatcher's policy in the 1990s - she thought the internet would be "a minor passing fad" :-p
PS - I managed to grab it in
PS - I managed to grab it in full - just took overnight I think.