Comment | Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History (PDF)
The startling truth behind the planned world takeover
The scripts of Vernon Coleman's 'Old Man in a Chair' videos for YouTube together with articles from
p.8 The Author
p.9 Dedication
p.10 Foreword
p.14 Hidden Agendas
p.16 The Hidden Agendas behind Government Lies and Deceits
p.22 How Many Million Will the Global Lockdown Kill?
p.24 Is Boris Taking Advantage of the False Coronavirus Crisis to Steal Our Democracy?
p.25 How Medical Truths Are Suppressed
p.27 Another Disgraceful Incident Involving Vernon Coleman
p.29 Why Did YouTube Ban My Video?
p.32 Seventeen Things You Should Know About Face Masks
p.34 A Population Control Plan?
p.36 Why the Economy Won't Bounce Back
p.38 Protecting the Oil Supplies
p.39 We Are Breeding a Race of Psychos: Act Now to Stop the Politicians' Damaging, Deadly Lies
p.43 Mental Health Problems Will Now Soar
p.47 The Only Shops Which Will Survive…
p.48 Passing Observations (May 23rd 2020)
p.50 There Is No Science Behind Social Distancing
p.52 You've Been Brainwashed (Here's How They Did It)
p.55 Patients Who Have Been Betrayed
p.59 Passing Observations (May 26th 2020)
p.61 The End for NHS Dentistry?
p.62 Passing Observations (May 27th 2020)
p.64 These Tests for New Drugs Will be Dangerously Misleading
p.66 Will Social Distancing be Permanent?
p.69 How They Deliberately Terrified Us
p.72 Snitches, Sneaks and Quislings Are Killing Families, Communities and Society
p.75 How and Why Thousands of Old People Have Been Murdered
p.79 UK Government Now Only Six Weeks Behind Coleman
p.80 Is This How They Plan to Steal and Sell Your DNA?
p.83 Passing Observations (June 3rd 2020)
p.84 New Law - Everyone Must Now Hop and Wear Galoshes
p.86 Passing Observations (June 5th 2020)
p.88 How the Hell Did We Get Here?
p.93 Why We Must Fight To Keep Cash
p.96 Passing Observations (June 8th 2020)
p.97 Face Masks - Ending the Confusion
p.102 Why Is the BBC Peddling Fake News?
p.105 Face Masks 2: The Reason They Want Us to Wear Them
p.109 Why I Resigned from My Job as a GP
p.111 Why You Should Stockpile Food - Now
p.114 The Coming Global Food Shortage - A Perfect Storm
p.117 Have the Lockdown Laws Caused Vitamin D Deficiency and Increased the Number of Coronavirus Deaths?
p.118 Why There Will Be A Second Wave (They Need One)
p.124 The End of Dentistry?
p.128 Passing Observations (June 17th 2020)
p.130 Why We Are Fighting for Our Future - and Why We Will Win
p.135 Have You Been Put On A List to Be Left to Die?
p.139 Advice for Anyone Not Wanting To Be Stuffed
p.142 How Many Coincidences Make a Conspiracy?
p.148 The Stupidities Keep Coming but Lockdowns are Finished
p.150 This Couldn't Possibly Happen. Could It?
p.153 Rage Against the Zombies
p.158 Climate Change is a Lot of Hot Air
p.162 Would You Trust these People with Your Life?
p.166 The ‘Banned' Plays On
p.167 Your Government Wants You Dead
p.170 Lies, Deceits and Consequences
p.174 They're Going to Starve Us and Freeze Us to Death
p.178 We're At War
p.183 Just a Little Prick - The Bill Gates Story (Part One)
p.190 Just a Little Prick (Part Two)
p.194 Who Is Pulling the Strings?
p.198 What Did You Do In The War?
p.201 The Madness is Everywhere
p.205 Old Lives Matter
p.210 Hand Sanitisers Can Kill You
p.213 It's Going to Get Worse
p.216 That's Not Science: It's Propaganda
p.219 Doctors and Nurses Betrayed Patients - and Themselves
p.222 Is There Anything They Won't Do?
p.225 The Screw is Tightening
p.228 Your Body and Mind Aren't Enough - They Want Your Soul
p.231 Mask Wearers are Collaborators Who Could Destroy Us All - They Should Be Locked Up for Helping the Enemy
p.236 They Want to Kill Six Billion of Us - Here's How They'll Do It
p.240 Why is YouTube Protecting Government Lies?
p.244 How the Greens Will Destroy Our World
p.246 We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime in History
p.252 Five Battles We Cannot Afford to Lose
p.255 How to Survive in the Lunatic Land of the Coronavirus Hoax
p.259 How They Are Lying to Enslave Us
p.264 The Forces of Evil are Gathering
p.268 Vaccination Challenge
p.272 The Satanic Wars Have Started
p.276 BBC Fact Checking Investigated
p.279 It's Our Bloody Country - and We Want it Back
p.283 Why There Are So Many Zombies
p.285 Global Nightmare: Staying Sane During the Madness
p.289 We Are Prisoners of War
p.293 Why Genetic Engineering Must Stop!
p.297 We're the Good Guys - and Good Guys Win
p.301 Zombies and Trolls
p.305 The Plan to Create Unending Misery
p.309 How Many Billion Could the Covid-19 Vaccine Kill or Damage?
p.316 Forbidden Truths
p.321 Is This Fraud Ever Going to End?
p.326 Nothing is Now Impossible
p.333 Guarded Secrets and Blatant Deceits
p.337 London Rally August 29th
p.339 How the Coronavirus Hoax Has Permanently Destroyed Health Care
p.345 A Conspiracy of Silence
p.351 My Last Video for You Tube
p.355 Ending YouTube
p.356 Afterword
p.357 Dear Reader
p.358 Biography and reference articles
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