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Corona in Search of Truth - English & Dutch Subs (2021) 1080p

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CommentCorona in Search of Truth ... The most deleted documentary of the moment! Published by BLCKBX.TV on May 15th, 2021. German audio, English (default) & Dutch subtitles. -------------------------------------------------------- [Google Translated] Professor Dr. Martin Haditsch is an Austrian microbiologist and infectiologist who has travelled halfway around the world for a documentary that will go down in history as important. He interviewed the following celebrities about the crisis that has gripped the entire world for over a year. - Dr. Pierre Kory - IC physician and researcher in New York - Professor Dr. Michael Levitt - Nobel laureate at Stanford University - Professor Dr. Roland Wiesendanger - University of Hamburg - Professor Dr. Klaus Stöhr - Virologist and Epidemiologist - Professor Dr. Klaus Püschel - Legal Physician - Professor Dr. Kurt Zatloukal - Director of the Research Institute for Pathology & Microbiology in Graz - Dr. Thomas Ly - leads the largest hospital chain in Thailand in the fight against the Pandemic and is a confidant of the Dalai Lama - Professor Marco Confalonieri - Head of the specialist Cattinara Long hospital in Trieste Removed by YouTube “Corona in Search of Truth” is the title of the high-end documentary that program maker Flavio Pasquino received by telegram from someone last week. He opened the link, looked at it for a few minutes, and ran to his computer to secure the impressive documentary as soon as possible. And you guessed it … this documentary was removed by YT less than an hour later. A must see. “Corona in Search of Truth is such a film that you must have seen” Flavio Pasquino opens the promotional video on YouTube which ends after a few minutes and refers to the link in this message. The docu is great to share with people who haven't seen many of us yet. BLCKBX translated the video into Dutch and English by a native German translator and hosted it outside YouTube. So, we would like to ask you to really take the time for it. It lasts 1.5 hours but the documentary is fantastic and for some it is even enjoyable. And enjoyment is quite a strange term for the confronting facts that also come to light in this documentary, but ... as Flavio Pasquino concludes in the announcement "It is still better to know the painful truth than to muddle through in the fog of ignorance." -------------------------------------------------------- Original BLCKBX.TV Video & Post: Rumble Video:
Created ByqBittorrent v4.3.5
Creation Date2021.05.21 10:13
Info Hashd098e937faa16d499e73b59262b13106343fa4a9
NameCorona in Search of Truth - English & Dutch Subs - 1080p H265
Node ID42071
Number of Files2
Number of Pieces1589
Piece Length512 KiB
Size794.26 MiB