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Cooke-Popes of Rome(exposes criminal papacy)(1999)

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CommentThis is Ronald Cooke's eyeopening booklet The Popes of Rome (1999) which is a tour-de-force of all the major Popes that ruled in Vatican throughout history. The popes of Rome are today considered wonderful charismatic spiritual leaders of the entire world community. There is even talk of moving the See of Rome to Jerusalem so that a future pope may oversee and solve the problems in Israel and the Middle East. The last few popes have been praised not only by Roman Catholics and other religious leaders, but by evangelical and fundamental Protestants. Does the papacy really deserve such praise? Is the papacy really worthy of the adulation heaped upon it by such men? The Popes of Rome documents and answer these questions. Find out who exactly were all these popes and what horrible deeds did they commit in their sick quest for world domination. 50 pages. A must read for everyone.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2008.11.28 14:51
Info Hashd2f657735fac571596735efdfaab79a41f9c4755
NameCooke - The Popes of Rome (exposes criminal papacy throughout history) (1999).pdf
Node ID8477
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces3
Piece Length64 KiB
Size156.86 KiB