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Constitution Repealed by Traitorous Senators (2011)

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Constitution Repealed by Traitorous Senators (2011)

Terrorist Congress Declares War on American People

Warning - Warning - Warning: Martial Law Imminent Now in America

A second 9-11 inside job is highly likely now.

To all members of the militia: This may be your last chance to upgrade your stockpiles. Do it NOW. Or else leave the country and establish a Constitutional government IN EXILE.

The EURO will crash soon and as a consequence the Dollar may crash too. The moment this happens martial law may be declared to "keep up law and order". Yes, THEIR unconstitutional law and their "new world order".

Don't panic. Those who panic cannot think straight anymore. Stay COOL. In calmness rests the power.

The gangster elite have once and for all crossed THE red line now.

Soon they will declare that being a Christian means being a terrorist.

Those Christians who want to survive will either have to learn using a gun or leave the country.

All soldiers of the US army and all members of any US government agency who don't want to be considered traitors will have to stop following orders from an unconstitutional, illegal and terrorist luciferian government IMMEDIATELY!

It's not only about your physical existence it's also about your eternal soul.

What is more important to you: What the government thinks about you, or what GOD thinks about you? You will have to follow your conscience only in this matter. No one in the world can tell you what to do. Some may prefer being killed rather than take a life, some may want to kill those who want to kill their children. It's your choice alone. There is no single answer to this, the truth lies in your heart alone, and different good men may make different choices but they may all be good choices for they were made in good conscience.

What we can see now is exactly what happened to the Weimar Republic after Adolf Hitler had been elected. If you don't want history to repeat itself, then you have to stand up for your rights NOW! If you don't do this, then you DESERVE being a slave for the rest of eternity.

Fight terrorism now, fight state-terrorism now with words and with deeds! Physical violence should only be used if all other methods have failed. Fighting them too early may give them an excuse to establish a totalitarian police state even earlier.

Imagine this: If you had been a Jew in NAZI-Germany back in 1933, what would you have done? Would you have let the Gestapo take your family to Auschwitz, would you have left the country, or would you have shot as many Gestapo-pigs as possible and joined the resistance underground movement? Or maybe you would have joined the NAZI-party?

To all members of any intelligence community: Honor your intelligence by being intelligent. The planned Fourth Reich is not a world you want your children to live in. And remember: Lucifer is the father of all lies. Whatever promise they have made to you - it was A LIE. Do you really want to live in a global prison? You should fight the new world order for the very same reasons you have fought communism and you would have fought Hitler. Did your grand-daddy die on the battlefields of World War II in vain? Always act with honor and never lose your self-respect.

"In every moment of our life we know exactly what we have to do, there is just that little bit of fear that prevents us from following the right path." Admiral Canaris

Mieux vaut mourir debout que vivre a genoux!

All unconstitutional agents of the terrorist government have to be arrested. Criminal police officers have to be arrested, criminal soldiers have to be arrested. Oath breakers have to be seen as traitors, as terrorists and as anti-American hostile forces. You do have the right to make a so called citizen's arrest. It's not about a revolution it's about re-establishing the true Constitutional Republic by putting away those illuminati-gangsters in jail for good. Fortunately there is enough room in those FEMA camps for all of them. Bill Cooper had told us exactly what has to be done. All members of the CFR are traitors and have to be arrested.

You don't need any courage for you ARE courage.

And remember, there are traitors everywhere! Some of them are under monarch-mind-control not even knowing they are traitors.

"Oh, but I have done nothing wrong, therefore I have nothing to fear". That's what many Jews in NAZI-Germany had said too, and only a few years later they were all dead. The will make your life so miserable that you will have to fight them sooner or later, and the moment you do this, they will call you "a terrorist". Just imagine Al Capone taking over the country, and compared to the elite, Al Capone was a nice guy - he didn't kill millions of children.

Has it ever occurred to you that the elite will kill you even if you won't resist them? Remember: Population reduction to 500 million people. And then the elite wants to trigger World War III. How will YOU and your children FEEL when this happens? No, going along with Lucifer will NOT protect your LIFE at all. Let us not even mention your SOUL.

May GOD bless all children of GOD


This bill (National Defense Authorization Act) is a declaration of war against the people of America by their own government. All U.S citizens will immediately have the right to take up arms to reclaim their country if this law passes. None will be terrorists. All will be freedom fighters, fighting for a just society against an odious government, legal and financial system. If this law passes, America will no longer be a country governed by the rule of law, as it undermines the very basis of law itself, as a structure for maintaining civilization. When law is usurped for the purpose of tyranny, all bets are off.

The rule of law will die in America, if this law passes as it is. Full scale civil war, will only be a matter of time. Abduction, torture and murder is the cursed trinity at the heart of all odious systems of government. The passing of this bill will qualify the American government as a fully odious regime, with no remaining basis in morality. All of humanity and every American citizen, will be fully justified in opposing the U.S government and it’s enforcers, to bring about it’s downfall.

Every senator who votes this into law, is in reality committing the crime of treason against the nation and citizens of America and a heinous crime against all humanity, for which they can and should be tried and sentenced to life-imprisonment or death. Because together with torture and murder, this law puts in place the final element of the legal framework for the genocide of American citizens. “Legalized” Abduction, torture and murder, means that Satanic government is here. Therefore genocide is not far behind. No human being is obliged to obey the laws, of any odious regime.


The passing of this law, will be looked back on as the day when the citizens and states of America became legally and morally free to fully oppose and ignore the authority of the government of the United States of America. Unless the ability to abduct American citizens is removed from this bill, the day that this bill is signed into law, will be the day when the rule of law ends in the United States.

Obama, you have been warned. When genuine (as opposed to odious) government is restored you will be tried in a court of law, along with the Senators who supported it, if this bill is allowed to pass, as it is. For it -along with the laws put in place by recent U.S governments – is treasonous and genocidal. Therefore, for all law makers who have supported abduction, torture and murder (thus creating the conditions for genocide) the day is not far away, when the sentence for your actions, will be life imprisonment or death.

You will not escape the restoration and elevation, of the legal basis of society, that is coming. In fact, your convictions and sentencing, will be the much needed proof, that civilization is restored. So don’t fool yourself that you will be walking away. The same applies to the previous administrations also. All odious rulers, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Clintons and satanic politicians and bankers everywhere – your day in court is coming. You think you are protected by your corruption of the law, when in fact you are creating the conditions for it’s improvement that will leave you with no defense for your actions.

All odious politicians, bankers, bureaucrats, agents and executives will be sentenced and punished accordingly, when the time comes. You have been warned. Do not push the world over the edge. Do not destroy the integrity & authority of the rule of law, if you want any chance of a reprieve. The conditions of the French revolution are being re-created. You know what happened there !

--The Truthorator