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390.73 MiB | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Conspiritus - The illuminati UFO conspiracy Full
A journey through the multitude of conspiracy facts that will eventually lead to the coming Strong Delusion. Some of the people included in this video are not Chrsitian (i.e Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, Alex Jones) but much information can be gleened from the work presented as they all reach the same conclusion that there are 2 types of UFO, the ones that are man made and those which are interdimensional Demonic/Fallen angelic spiritual beings that are of THIS earth and NOT extraterrestrial. NEITHER are here for the benefit of humanity
A lot conspiracy clips you might have already seen merged together. It is still one of the better videos that's done like this. I would say it's still worth a watch. The producer of this video made a remake. I'm not 100 percent sure if this is the remake or the orginal version.
Check out the video on youtube here to watch it or to see if you think its worth the download
Towards end of the movie, one part repeats about 3 minutes.