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Conquering Cancer Summit 2021

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CommentConquering Cancer Summit 2021 9-Day summit screened from November 10th - 18th, 2021. DAY 1: THE DEVASTATING DIVIDE IN CANCER TREATMENT & HOW IT MAY BE HARMING YOU (AND YOUR LOVED ONES) - Kevin Conners, D.PSc., FICT, FAARFM | Healing the Divide Between Opposing Cancer Treatment Methodologies - Christine Schaffner, N.D. | How COVID is Widening the Gap For Effective Cancer Treatment and What to Do About it - Sayer Ji | The COVID Vaccine, Cancer, and How to Activate Your “New Biology” to Regenerate Your Health - Elaine Gibson | Redefining the Impossible: Beating Stage 4 Cancer with an Integrative Approach - Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D. | LED Healing Beds - Antonio Jimenez, M.D., N.D. | The Financial Burden of Cancer: How to Make Your Cancer Care Affordable DAY 2: THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT WHAT'S CAUSING CANCER (AND WHICH ARE HIDING IN YOUR HOME) - Thomas Lodi, M.D. | What is Cancer? Beyond "Rapid Cell Growth:" The Truth About Why and How Cancer Grows - Brian Vaszily​ | Cleanse your Body and Home of Carcinogens and Other Toxins with Simple, Natural Methods - Jonathan Landsman​ | The hidden toxins in your home and how to detox safely - Dr. Rashid Buttar | How to Stop Feeding Cancer - Veronique Desaulniers, DC | How I Reversed Cancer Twice: How to Tackle the Anxiety of a Terrifying Prognosis DAY 3: THE WHOLE TRUTH: THE LATEST NATURAL & CONVENTIONAL BREAKTHROUGHS BEATING CANCER (PART 1) - Nalini Chilkov, D.O.M. | Building A Cancer Fortress: 10 Ways to Build a Body That’s Impenetrable to Cancer - Tom O'Bryan DC, CCN, DACBN, CIFM | The Altered Microbiome: The five pillars for all chronic inflammatory diseases - Michael Karlfeldt, N.D., PhD | Killing cancer stem cells, photodynamic therapy, and how to prevent recurrence - Leigh Erin Connealy M.D. | Your Cancer Diagnosis: Overcoming the devastating fear of cancer and putting it in checkmate - Jason Prall | Indigenous Secrets: Ancient Wisdom for Living a Long, Healthy, Cancer-Free Life in Our Modern Time - Anita Morales | Bioenergetic Healing Devices for Pain, Lymphatic Drainage and Healing DAY 4: THE WHOLE TRUTH: THE LATEST NATURAL & CONVENTIONAL BREAKTHROUGHS BEATING CANCER (PART 2) - Kelly Turner, Ph.D​ | Radical Remission: How Healing From Cancer is Possible Without Conventional Medicine - Sunil Pai, M.D. | An Inflammation Nation: How to Reduce It through Diet, Lifestyle and Natural Anti-inflammatories - Misty Williams | Top 10 Hacks for Healing Cancer While You Sleep - Keesha Ewers, ARNP-FNP-C, AAP, IFM-C | How to Heal Grief, Trauma and Abuse: A Deeper Look at Healing The Underlying Cause of Chronic Disease - Molly Fini, DNM | Bio Meridian Testing for Infection and Imbalances DAY 5: WHAT TO EAT TO BEAT CANCER (THE BEST AND WORST FOODS FOR FIGHTING CANCER) - Joel Fuhrman, M.D. | The Anti-Cancer Diet: The Best Diet Backed by Science to Increase Your Chances for Reversing Cancer - Ocean Robbins | Proven Food Principles for Helping Prevent and Heal from Cancer - Cyrus Khambatta, PhD | Diabetes and Cancer: Everything You Need to Know - John Santoyo | SEP, Electrohydraulic Pressure Pulse Device for Reversing Cancer Cell Polarity DAY 6: FASTING, DETOX, EMF'S, AUTOIMMUNITY & CLEANSING - Daniel Pompa, DC | Fasting 101: The Truth About Fasting and Cancer - Jonathan Otto | Inflammation, Parasites, Heavy Metals and Autoimmunity - Addressing Key Underlying Conditions That Lead To Cancer - Peter Osborne, PhD | Autoimmunity Unlocked: How to heal autoimmune disease and optimize your ability to fight cancer - Donna Gates | Candida, Parasites and Cancer: Removing the Infections to Facilitate and Accelerate Healing - Lloyd Burrell | Separating Fact From Fiction With EMFS: Do Cell Phones and Wifi Cause Cancer? And How To Protect Ourselves - Martin Bales, DC | Ridding the Body of Parasites and Accelerating Healing with Firefly, F-SCAN and PEMF DAY 7: THE SHOCKING MIND-BODY CONNECTION ALMOST EVERY SURVIVOR USES TO BEAT CANCER (AND KEEP IT GONE) - Sue Morter, DC | Energy as Medicine: The Incredibly Compelling Stockpile of Evidence for the Healing Power of Energy - Carol Tuttle | Energy Healing 101: How to Harness and Transform the Energy of Cancer For Self-Healing - Gabriel Cousens, M.D. | Finding Grace: The Importance of Spirituality While Struggling With a Cancer Diagnosis - Liliana Partida, CN | Healing Emotional Traumas with EVOX Technology DAY 8: PROTECT & SAVE YOUR FURRY FAMILY MEMBERS: HOW TO AVOID AND FIGHT PET CANCERS - Marlene Siegel, DVM | How to Help Our Furry Friends Heal from Cancer and Autoimmune Disease and Live Years Longer (Post COVID) - Trinah Hazah, DVM | Cannabis, Cancer and Pets: And Unconventional approach for healing - Gary Richter, DVM | Integrative Cancer Treatments for Our Furry Loved Ones DAY 9: CANCER FREE: SURVIVORS SHARE THEIR INSPIRING JOURNEY - Paul and Barbara Siegel | Paul’s Extraordinary Integrative Approach to Healing from Cancer - Steve Wallis | Discovering Integrative Medicine After Surgery - TJ Hills | Surviving Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation Through Integrative Medicine - Danielle Palmer | Scenar Therapy for Pain and Physical Harmonization
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Creation Date2021.11.20 02:02
Info Hash0aeb2b19a0725505dcf74342ec098b0378521cfb
NameConquering Cancer Summit 2021 [720p H265 MP4]
Node ID42793
Number of Files23
Number of Pieces6950
Piece Length1024 KiB
Size6.79 GiB