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Audio: 20040415 - David Holmgren - Energy Descent (Odum permaculture Peak Oil) Agroinnovations Podcast_ Bill Mollison Bioneers - Gaian Wonders of the Co-Evolutionary Dance.mp3 fire1.mp3 fire2.mp3 Paul Stamets on Living Green podcast - 2007.mp3 Permaculture - Broadscale Darren D Nov 2009 Permaculture PDI PDC 2009 permacultureplot.mp3 podcast Audio/20040415 - David Holmgren - Energy Descent (Odum permaculture Peak Oil): 20040415 - David Holmgren - Energy Descent (Odum permaculture Peak Oil).mp3 Audio/Agroinnovations Podcast_: Agricultural Innovations Inc_ Audio/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_: Agricultural Biodiversity_ Interview w_ Rex Dufour.mp3 Appropedia Roundtable Part II.mp3 Appropedia Roundtable part I.mp3 Appropriate Technology with Anil Gupta.mp3 Carbon Footprinting with Jack Mizner.mp3 CSA_ Interview w_ Elizabeth Keen.mp3 CSA_ Interview with Monte Skarsgard.mp3 CSA_ Interview w_ John Peterson.mp3 Equal Exchange_ Fair Trade According to the _Answer Man_.mp3 Fair Trade Roundtable 1.mp3 Fair Trade Roundtable 2.mp3 Highland Andean Crops_ Emigdio Ballon.mp3 Interview w_ Dr. Walter Kaiser.mp3 Interview w_ Suzanne Nelson.mp3 Introduction to Coffee_ Interview w_ Patrick Stewart 1.mp3 Microhoophouse Gardening with Chuck O'Heron-Alex.mp3 Mycelium Running Saving the World with Paul Stamets 1.mp3 Mycelium Running_ Saving the World with Paul Stamets 2.mp3 Permaculture Design with Bill Mollison part 1.mp3 Permaculture Design with Bill Mollison part 2.mp3 Sharing the Harvest_ Elizabeth Henderson on CSA.mp3 The Full Belly Project with Jeff Rose.mp3 The Politics of Food.mp3 The Starbucks Challenge and The Fair Trade Consumer 1.mp3 Audio/Bill Mollison: Bill Mollison - Aquaculture A Permaculture Perspective (12 Hours mp3) Funding the Revolution Audio/Bill Mollison/Bill Mollison - Aquaculture A Permaculture Perspective (12 Hours mp3): 01. Bill Mollison - 01 Aquaculture 1A.mp3 02. Bill Mollison - 02 Aquaculture 1B.mp3 03. Bill Mollison - 03 Aquaculture 2A.mp3 04. Bill Mollison - 04 Aquaculture 2B.mp3 05. Bill Mollison - 05 Aquaculture 3A.mp3 06. Bill Mollison - 06 Backyard Aqua.mp3 07. Bill Mollison - 07 Pdc 02B Trellis Over Water.mp3 08. Bill Mollison - 08 Pdc 03B Patterning The Edge.mp3 09. Bill Mollison - 09 Pdc 04B Flow Form.mp3 10. Bill Mollison - 10 Pdc 09a Biological Water Fi.mp3 11. Bill Mollison - 11 Pdc 13a.mp3 12. Bill Mollison - 12 Pdc 13B.mp3 13. Bill Mollison - 13 Pdc 14a.mp3 14. Bill Mollison - 14 Pdc 14B.mp3 15. Bill Mollison - 15 Pdc 15a.mp3 16. Bill Mollison - 16 Pdc 25a Rowing Around Tasma.mp3 17. Bill Mollison - 17 Walk on The Swamp 1.mp3 18. Bill Mollison - 18 Walk on The Swamp 2.mp3 19. Bill Mollison - 19 Swamp Discussion 1.mp3 20. Bill Mollison - 20 Swamp Discussion 2.mp3 21. Bill Mollison - Water pH Pdc 01a.mp3 Aquaculture Notes.pdf Utility Water Plants.pdf Audio/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution: 01 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 02 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 03 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 04 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 05 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 06 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 07 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 08 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 09 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 10 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 11 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 12 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 13 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 14 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 15 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 16 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 17 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 18 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 19 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 20 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 21 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 22 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 23 Bill Mollison - Funding the Revolution.mp3 Audio/Permaculture - Broadscale Darren D Nov 2009: Audio & Video Audio/Permaculture - Broadscale Darren D Nov 2009/Audio & Video: 010 Day 2 Afternoon III.WMA 011 Day 2 Afternoon IV.WMA 012 Day 3 Morning Darren & Penny.WMA 013 Day 3 Morning Derren & Penny II.WMA 014 Day 3 Morning Darren & Penny II B.WMA 015 Day 3 Afternoon III.WMA 016 Cont of Darrens Point.WMA 01 Day 1 Morning Darren D.WMA 02 Day 1 Moring II Daren D.WMA 03 Day 1 Afternoon Darren D.WMA 04 Day 1 Afternoon Penny L.WMA 05 Day 2 Morning.WMA 06 Day 2 Moring II.WMA 07 Day 2 Morning III.WMA 08 Day 2 Afternoon.WMA 09 Day 2 Afternoon II.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009: Day 10 - Invisible Structures Day 1 - Brock Dolmans & Dave H - Principles and Ethics Day 2 - Dave H & Brock Dolmans - First Thing, Mapping, Nature Awareness Day 3 Brock Dolman- DH - Penny Livingston - Water, Keyline, Contour Lines Day 4 Planting Compost seeds Day 5 Penny Earthworks & Greywater Day 6 Soil, Animals, Compost & Mulching, Tea Day 7 - Agroforestry, Food Forests, Day 8 - Soil Day 9 - Johns Ranch - Soil Sequestration Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 10 - Invisible Structures: James Stark.WMA Star Hawk.WMA WS_10008.WMA WS_10009.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 1 - Brock Dolmans & Dave H - Principles and Ethics: 1 Morning - Principles and Ethics I.WMA 2 Morning - Principles and Ethics II.WMA 3 Morning - Principles and Ethics III.WMA 4 Afternoon - Relative Location.WMA 5 Evening Lecture - History.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 2 - Dave H & Brock Dolmans - First Thing, Mapping, Nature Awareness: 1 Project - Site.WMA 2 Morning song.WMA 3 Morning - First thing.WMA 4 Afternoon - Nature Awareness - Birds.WMA 5 Afternoon - Mapping.WMA 6 Afternnon - Mapping (Triangulating).WMA 7 Evening Slide Show - Water Harvesting.WMA 8 Rap up.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 3 Brock Dolman- DH - Penny Livingston - Water, Keyline, Contour Lines: Afternnon - A Frame buliding for countour lines.WMA Afternoon - Using A frame for countour lines.WMA Moring - Water Sourcesing Rain Water Harvesting.WMA Morning - Intro Penny Livingston.WMA Morning - Water Sources - Brock Dolman.WMA Night - Slide show - Penny Livingstone.WMA Water Song.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 4 Planting Compost seeds: Afternnon - Seeds III.WMA Afternonn - Planting II.WMA Afternonn - Planting.WMA Afternoon - Composet Sifting.WMA Afternoon - Compost.WMA Afternoon - Seeds II.WMA Afternoon - seeds IV.WMA Afternoon - Seeds.WMA Evening - Natural Building Lecture.WMA Forest Systems.WMA Morning - Climate - Penny Livingston.WMA Morning - Plant Guilds - Penny Livingston.WMA Morning Song.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 5 Penny Earthworks & Greywater: Moring - Earthworks & Greywater II.WMA Morning - Earthworks & Greywater.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 6 Soil, Animals, Compost & Mulching, Tea: Afrenoon - Sheep Lecture.WMA Afternnon - Chicken II.WMA Afternnon - Chicken Lecture.WMA Afternnon - EM 1 Activated II.WMA Afternnon - Sheetmulching II.WMA Afternnon - Worms.WMA Afternoon - Bees II.WMA Afternoon - Bees.WMA Afternoon - Composting.WMA Afternoon - Compost Tea.WMA Afternoon - EM 1 Activated.WMA Afternoon - Goats.WMA Afternoon - Sheetmulching.WMA Design Questions for Penny.WMA Evening Lecture - Tropical systems - Jon Venesuela.WMA Moring - Soil Science - Penny Livingston.WMA Morning - Soil Science II.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 7 - Agroforestry, Food Forests,: Agro Forestery.WMA Agro Forestry II.WMA Photos & Videos Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 7 - Agroforestry, Food Forests,/Photos & Videos: Grafting II.WMA Grafting.WMA Pruning III.WMA Pruning II.WMA Pruning IV.WMA Pruning VI.WMA Pruning V.WMA Pruning.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 8 - Soil: WS_10001.WMA WS_10002.WMA WS_10004.WMA WS_10005.WMA Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009/Day 9 - Johns Ranch - Soil Sequestration: WS_10006.WMA WS_10007.WMA Audio/podcast: Agricultural Innovations Inc_ Audio/podcast/Agricultural Innovations Inc_: Agricultural Biodiversity_ Interview w_ Rex Dufour.mp3 Appropedia Roundtable Part II.mp3 Appropedia Roundtable part I.mp3 Appropriate Technology with Anil Gupta.mp3 Carbon Footprinting with Jack Mizner.mp3 CSA_ Interview w_ Elizabeth Keen.mp3 CSA_ Interview with Monte Skarsgard.mp3 CSA_ Interview w_ John Peterson.mp3 Equal Exchange_ Fair Trade According to the _Answer Man_.mp3 Fair Trade Roundtable 1.mp3 Fair Trade Roundtable 2.mp3 Highland Andean Crops_ Emigdio Ballon.mp3 Interview w_ Dr. Walter Kaiser.mp3 Interview w_ Suzanne Nelson.mp3 Introduction to Coffee_ Interview w_ Patrick Stewart 1.mp3 Microhoophouse Gardening with Chuck O'Heron-Alex.mp3 Mycelium Running Saving the World with Paul Stamets 1.mp3 Mycelium Running_ Saving the World with Paul Stamets 2.mp3 Permaculture Design with Bill Mollison part 1.mp3 Permaculture Design with Bill Mollison part 2.mp3 Sharing the Harvest_ Elizabeth Henderson on CSA.mp3 The Full Belly Project with Jeff Rose.mp3 The Politics of Food.mp3 The Starbucks Challenge and The Fair Trade Consumer 1.mp3 Books: 0909325294 - P. A. Yeoman - Water for Every Farm Using the Keyline Plan.pdf 1992 Bell- The Permaculture Way, Practical Steps to Create a Self Sustaining World.pdf an Introduction to Permaculture.epub an Introduction to Permaculture.pdf Another_Kind_of_Garden-The_Methods_of_Jean_Pain.pdf A-pattern-language-(ENG)_by-Christopher-Alexander.pdf Beyond You & Me Ebook_EcoVillage.pdf Bill Mollison BOOK_Resource-Book-For-Permaculture_by-IDEP-Foundation.pdf BOOK_Site-analysis_by-James-A.-LaGro.pdf Cob Core Concepts Cards Metal Final 2017.pdf Daniel Quinn - Beyond Civilization (eBook).pdf DavidHolmgren Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally By Robert Kourik Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, 2nd Edition.pdf Edible Forest Gardens Vols 1 & 2 Essence_of_Pc_EN.pdf Gaia Gaias Garden - A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture Getting Started in Permaculture - 50 Practical Projects to Build and Design Productive Gardens, 2nd Edition (Simple Living Series) Handbook-Robyn-Francis.pdf Holistic Orchard Management with Michael Phillips UNCUT.mp4 Introduction-to-Permaculture-Andrew_Millison1499790632.pdf Jeff Lowenfels, Wayne Lewis - Teaming with Microbes.pdf Lierre Keith - The Vegetarian Myth - Food, Justice, and Sustainability.pdf Masanobu Fukuoka Organic Gardening Dummies.pdf Permaculture - A Student's Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ecovillage Design Permaculture Design by Aranya -a step by step Rainwater Harvesting Drylands Rural Renaissance Renewing the Quest for the Good Life.pdf Soil Biology Primer by Elaine R. Ingham.pdf Sustainable Agriculture, Second Edition.pdf Teaming with Microbes A Gardeners Guide to the Soil Food Web.pdf The Food and Farming Transition - Toward a Post Carbon Food System.pdf The_No-Till_Garden.pdf The organic way to mulching_.pdf The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook - How to Design and Build Swales, Dams, Ponds, and other Water Harvesting Systems The Permaculture Student 2 - ebook.pdf The Permaculture Transition Manual The Permaculture Way-Practical Steps to Create a Self-Sustaining World.pdf The Resilient Farm and Homestead - An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach The Ultimate Guide to Natural Farming and Sustainable Living - Permaculture for Beginners (The Ultimate Guides) VergeBlogBookE1Final.pdf WinYourWeedWar2.pdf Books/Bill Mollison: 1988 Mollison- Permaculture, A Designers' Manual Bill Mollison.pdf Bill Mollison - Permaculture II - french.pdf Bill Mollison - Permaculture Two Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture.pdf Books/Cob: Cob Builders Handbook.pdf Books/DavidHolmgren: BOOK_Melliodora_by-David-Holmgren.pdf Permaculture_ Principles and Pathways Beyo - David Holmgren.epub Permaculture_ Principles and Pathways Beyo - David Holmgren.pdf Books/Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally By Robert Kourik: Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally By Robert Kourik.epub Books/Edible Forest Gardens Vols 1 & 2: Edible_Forest_Gardens_Vol.1-Vision_and_Theory.pdf Edible_Forest_Gardens_Vol.2-Design_and_Practice.pdf Books/Gaia: 2001 Hemenway- Gaia's Garden, A Guide to Home Scale Permaculture.pdf Gaia A New Look At Life On Earth.pdf Gaia's Garden - A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture.pdf Books/Gaias Garden - A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture: Gaia_s Garden - A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture1.pdf Books/Getting Started in Permaculture - 50 Practical Projects to Build and Design Productive Gardens, 2nd Edition (Simple Living Series): Getting Started in Permaculture.epub Books/Masanobu Fukuoka: 1978 Fukuoka- The One Straw Revolution.pdf Masanobu Fukuoka-The Natural Way of Farming - The theory and Practice of Green Philosophy.pdf The One Straw Revolution -READ THIS-.pdf Books/Permaculture - A Student's Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ecovillage Design: Permaculture - A Student's Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ecovillage Design.epub Books/Rainwater Harvesting Drylands: Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volume 1.pdf Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volume 2.pdf Books/The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook - How to Design and Build Swales, Dams, Ponds, and other Water Harvesting Systems: The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook - How to Design and Build Swales.pdf Books/The Permaculture Transition Manual: The Permaculture Transition Manual - Ross Mars.epub Books/The Resilient Farm and Homestead - An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach: The Resilient Farm and Homestead - An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach.epub Books/The Ultimate Guide to Natural Farming and Sustainable Living - Permaculture for Beginners (The Ultimate Guides): The Ultimate Guide to Natural Farming and Sustainable Living.pdf Documents: Bill Mollison - Permaculture Design Course .pdf David Holmgren - The Flywire House.pdf Essence_of_PC_eBook.pdf Fukuoka Related Gardening When It Counts - Growing Food In Hard Times - Steve Solomon [organic].pdf Guerilla Gardening - Urban Permaculture - 30p.pdf Kato - Body and Earth Are Not Two.pdf Mushrooms pdf collection perennial polyculture farming - seeds of anoter agricultural revoltion_.pdf Permaculture-in-Humid-Landscapes.pdf Permaculture - sustainable farming.pdf Syn.Ag. Handbook excerpts..txt West-Coast-Food-Forestry.pdf Documents/Fukuoka Related: Bonfils - Forage Trees.doc Bonfils - Nat Ag Winter Wheat in N Europe.pdf Bonfils - Refutations.pdf Bonfils Winter Wheat.pdf Bonfils - Winter Wheat Physiology.pdf Thresher Documents/Fukuoka Related/Thresher: pedaltresher.jpg pwrthresher1.jpg pwrthresher2.jpg pwrthresher3.jpg pwrthresher4.jpg Documents/Mushrooms: [ebook-drugs]Mushroom Cultivator-A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home-Paul Stamets and J. S. Chilton-Agarikon Press-1983-0961079800.CV.pdf [ebook]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-color photos-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.pdf [ebook]Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.CV.pdf Documents/pdf collection: An_introduction_to_permaculture_sheet_mulching.pdf Another_Kind_of_Garden-The_Methods_of_Jean_Pain.pdf Baile-Dulra-Eco-Village-Project.pdf Bill_Mollison-PERMACULTURE_A_Designers_Manual.pdf Bill_Mollison-Permaculture_Design_Course .pdf Bill_Mollison-Permaculture_Two-Practical_Design_for_Town_and_Country_in_Permanent_Agriculture.pdf Bonfils-Refutations.pdf Bonfils_Winter_Wheat.pdf Bonfils-Winter_Wheat_Physiology.pdf Companion_Planting_Chart.pdf CompanionPlantingGuide.doc Compost_Toilets_and_Permaculture_Design_Principles.pdf David_Holmgren-The_Flywire_House.pdf DIYPermablitzKit.pdf Essence_of_PC_eBook (1).pdf Essence_of_PC_eBook.pdf Essence_of_Permaculture.pdf From_Agriculture_to_Permaculture.pdf Fundamentos_PC_Brasil_eBook.pdf future_scenarios.pdf Gaias_Garden-A_Guide_to_Home-Scale_Permaculture.pdf Gardening_When_It_Counts-Growing_Food_In_Hard_Times.pdf Growing_Gourmet_and_Medicinal_Mushrooms.pdf Growing_Gourmet_and_Medicinal_Mushrooms-photos.pdf Guerilla_Gardening-Urban_Permaculture.pdf Introduction_to_permaculture.pdf Kato-Body_and_Earth_Are_Not_Two.pdf Kinsale-Green-Theatre.pdf Mushroom_Cultivator-A_Practical_Guide_to_Growing_Mushrooms_at_Home.pdf Mycelium_Running.pdf Nat_Ag_Winter_Wheat_in_N_Europe_by_Marc_Bonfils.pdf organic_gardening.pdf pc_flower_poster.pdf pc_principles_poster.pdf PerennialPolycultureFarming.PDF Permablitzinfosheet.pdf Permaculture_Beginners_Guide.pdf Permaculture_Chicken.jpg Permaculture_facilitators_handbook.pdf Permaculture_Facilitators_Resource_Book-Training_Assessment.pdf Permaculture_in_Humid_Landscapes.pdf Permaculture_Mandala.jpg Permaculture_Mandala.pdf Permaculture_Plants-A_Selection.pdf Permaculture-Principles_and_Pathways_Beyond_Sustainability.pdf Permaculture_Reference_Book.pdf Permaculture-Sustainable_Farming.pdf Permaculture_Two.pdf Planning_and_Permaculture.pdf Powerdown_and_Permaculture.pdf Rural_and_Urban_Permaculture_in_the_Context_of_Danish_Society.pdf Sepp_Holzers_Permaculture.pdf Steward_Wood_Management_Plan.pdf Syn_Ag-Handbook_excerpts.txt Terrace_Permaculture_Gardening.pdf The_Basics_of_Permaculture_Design.pdf The_Bunyip_Demystified_by_Tim_Murphy.pdf The_Natural_Way_of_Farming.pdf The_One_Straw_Revolution.pdf The_Permaculture_Way-Practical_Steps_to_Create_a_Self-Sustaining_World.pdf The_Road_Back_To_Nature-Masanobu_Fukuoka.pdf village_building_convergence_7_report.pdf What_is_Permaculture.txt french: Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison: agriculture Apiculture Arbres Comment_gagner_sa_vie_a_la_campagne.pdf DIY entretien maison jardin Le chanvre de monsieur Poncin - A4.pdf liste.nfo Nature peche chasse Permaculture Savoir Revivre - Jacques Massacrier.pdf Strawbridge, Dick and James - Vivre (comme) à la campagne.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/agriculture: Cours d'agronomie.pdf Fertilité des sols - Cadillon Adeline - Fourrié Laetitia.pdf larousse agricole (1921).pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/Apiculture: a.bee.keepers.manual.-.167p.pdf apiculture_bio.pdf apiculture_manuel_1.pdf Apis-(genre).pdf creer son rucher.pdf gdbp-franc_br.pdf Guide débroussaillement_apiculture - IRSTEA.pdf guide de l-_abeille.pdf l.apiculture.ecologique.infos.-.warre.-.14p.pdf L'APICULTURE MOIS PAR MOIS - JEAN RONDIER 2010 version imprimable sans protection.pdf l.apiculture.pour.tous.-.a.warre.-.12ed.-.v.4.0.-.103p.pdf le grand livre des abeilles cours d-_apiculture moderne.pdf le guide de l-_apiculteur.pdf topbar.6b.-.4p.pdf tout savoir sur les abeilles et apiculture.pdf warre-lumiere.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/Arbres: Arbre quel est ton nom.pdf Arbres et arbustes - Grund.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/DIY: Guide de couture à la machine à coudre Eyrolles.pdf La Couture pour les Nuls - Jan Saunders Maresh, Stephanie Boudaille.pdf Le.Tricot.pour.les.Nuls.pdf Pate polymere l art et la maniere sueheaser.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/entretien maison: 60+Millions+de+Consommateurs+Hors-Série+N+178+-+Avril-Mai+2015+(1).pdf Le dictionnaire des produits miracles .pdf le grand menage.pdf Le Vinaigre malin - Leducs Editions.pdf Mon Cahier de Recettes La Droguerie écologique Vos produits d'entretiens, Faites-les vous-même PDF.pdf recettes_savon_noir HOC.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin: champignons Compost, purin Jardinage plantes medicinales et huiles essentielles potager verger french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin/champignons: Champignons de France et d'Europe occidentale.pdf Growing.wild.mushrooms.-.bob.harris.50p.pdf La.mycologie.recreative.-.riri.-.gaspard.des.montagnes.62p.pdf Paul.Stamets.-.Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms.2000.586p.pdf Paul.Stamets.-.Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-color photos.pdf Paul.Stamets.-.The.mushroom.cultivator.374p.pdf Psilocybin.mushroom.handbook.-.Easy.indoor.and.outdoor.cultivation.223.p.pdf Radical.mycology.-.slf.-.broch.a5.22p.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin/Compost, purin: autres.fertilisants.-.Fiche.peda.4.-.Teh.-.5p.pdf compost.-.tout.sur.le.compost.le.connaitre.le.faire.l.utiliser.-.230p.pdf consoude.sureau..ortie.prele.-.teh.-.3p.pdf guide_lombricompostage_sydom.pdf le.brf.pour.gerer.nos.sol.-.Lgep.-.18p.pdf Le.compost.-.Introduction.aux.principes.du.compostage.-.F.Guerin.-.9p.pdf Le compost - Pascal Farcy.pdf Les.engrais.organiques.-.F.Guerin.-.4p.pdf Lombricomposteur.pdf Mieux connaåtre les vers de terre.pdf Préparer purins et décoctions Soigner le jardin avec des plantes, prévenir et traiter.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin/Jardinage: Comment on soigne son jardin - Truffaut Georges.pdf Cultivez-les-plantes-sauvages.pdf Georges Bachelier, La faune des sols son écologie et son action.pdf HERBES FRAICHES - Yolande Baty-Vernier, Philippe Barret 1998 [Pdf].pdf Jardin de rocaille.pdf j-attends-une-recolte.pdf Mon Jardin Aromatique.pdf Plantes Bio Indicatrices vol 1.pdf Plantes Bio Indicatrices vol 2.pdf Plantes Bio Indicatrices vol 3.pdf Soigner les plantes par les plantes.pdf Un jardin pour les petits animaux - Dupérat Maurice.pdf Végétaliser une mare.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin/plantes medicinales et huiles essentielles: 350 plantes médicinales.pdf Plantes aromatiques et médicinales.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin/potager: 365 trucs et astuces du jardin et du potager.pdf Bons gestes au potager _ 2cv.pdf Encyclopédie pratique du jardinage.pdf GRAINES.GERMEES-LIVRE.DE.CULTURES.pdf Guide du Jardinage Ecologique Alternatives aux Pesticides pour les Particuliers.pdf Guide pour réaliser son jardin alimentaire sur le toit.pdf Implanter un jardin en bacs sur les toits - Godin Patrice.pdf La_culture_des_pommes_de_terre.pdf La Pomme de Terre - Elevage et culture.pdf Les meilleures associations au potager.pdf Manuel_pratique_de_la_culture_maraichère 1845.pdf Multipliez toutes les plantes du jardin - Priel Benoît - Retournard Denis.pdf Potager en carrés - Artémis.pdf Protection agroécologique des cultures.pdf Réussir ses semis comme un pro - Colombo Aldo.pdf Réussir son potager.pdf Soigner les plantes par les plantes - Artémis.pdf - A.Baillet.pdf Travaux au jardin avec la lune.pdf Trucs et astuces des anciens jardiniers.pdf Un jardin en lasagne.pdf Un jardin sans travail du sol - Soltner Dominique.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin/verger: ABC de la Taille.pdf Beaux fruits d'autrefois Rustica.pdf Le Grand livre de la taille et de la greffe - Boffelli Enrica - Sirtori Guido.pdf Pommes 400 variétés - 95 recettes.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/Nature peche chasse: 1408AnimalRegne.pdf A La Decouverte Des Oiseaux.pdf Auvergne - Les Plus Belles Randonnées.pdf Champignons-Nathan.Edition.7Mo.160pages.pdf Guide chasse et peche.pdf Guide de la connaissance Les plantes.pdf Guide Des Pierres Et Mineraux-W.Schumann-2007.pdf Guide.Poissons.Mer.Peche.pdf Les Pierres et Leurs Proprietes.pdf Manuel pratique de peche - Luc Bodis.pdf Noeuds french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/Nature peche chasse/Noeuds: Essential.Fishing.knots_by_Takemefishing.pdf Les noeuds de Pêche - noeuds.pdf Noeuds_Synthese.pdf Pioneering_knots_book-by-Scouts.pdf Pioneering.Principles_by_Scouts.J.Thurman.pdf french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/Permaculture: Permaculture de Sepp Holzer.pdf Perma_Dossier.permaculture.-.pass-eco.43p.pdf PDC: Permaculture Design Certificate Course Permaculture Design Course 1983 Recorded Permaculture Design Course PDC/Permaculture Design Certificate Course: 01 - The Journey Begins.mp4 02 - Lifeweb.mp4 03 - Methods of Design.mp4 04 - Overview and Review.mp4 05 - Concepts and Themes in Design.mp4 06 - Resources.mp4 07 - Pattern Understanding.mp4 08 - Application of Pattern.mp4 09 - Climate and Landscape Profiles.mp4 10 - Climates.mp4 11 - Landscape Profiles.mp4 12 - Questions and Desert Lecture.mp4 13 - Desert Resources.mp4 14 - Deserts and Islands.mp4 15 - Islands and Wetlands.mp4 16 - Wetlands and Questions.mp4 17 - Tree Energy Transactions (Part 1).mp4 18 - Tree Energy Transactions (Part 2).mp4 19 - Forests (Part 1).mp4 20 - Forests (Part 2) and Questions.mp4 21 - Water (Part 1).mp4 22 - Water (Part 2).mp4 23 - Water (Part 3) Dams.mp4 24 - Water (Part 4).mp4 25 - Soils (Part 1).mp4 26 - Soils (Part 2).mp4 27 - Soils (Part 3).mp4 28 - Soils (Part 4).mp4 29 - Questions and Earthworks.mp4 30 - Aquaculture.mp4 31 - Active Design.mp4 32 - Dam Case Studies.mp4 33 - Housing (Part 1).mp4 34 - Housing (Part 2).mp4 35 - Housing (Part 3).mp4 36 - Questions and Permaculture Design Manual Chapter 14 (Part 1).mp4 37 - Permaculture Design Manual Chapter 14 (Part 2).mp4 38 - Permaculture Design Manual Chapter 14 (Part 3).mp4 39 - Questions.mp4 40 - Assignment and Conclusion.mp4 Permaculture Design Certificate Course Booklet.pdf Permaculture Two - Bill Mollison.pdf readme.txt PDC/Permaculture Design Course 1983: 01 1a.mp3 02 1b.mp3 03 2a.mp3 04 2b.mp3 05 3a.mp3 06 3b.mp3 07 4a.mp3 08 4b.mp3 09 5a.mp3 10 5b.mp3 11 6a.mp3 12 6b.mp3 13 7a.mp3 14 7b.mp3 15 8a.mp3 16 8b.mp3 17 9a.mp3 18 9b.mp3 19 10a.mp3 20 10b.mp3 21 11a.mp3 22 11b.mp3 23 12a.mp3 24 12b.mp3 25 13a.mp3 26 13b.mp3 27 14a.mp3 28 14b.mp3 29 15a.mp3 30 15b.mp3 31 16a.mp3 32 16b.mp3 33 17a.mp3 34 17b.mp3 35 18a.mp3 36 18b.mp3 37 19a.mp3 38 19b.mp3 39 20a.mp3 40 20b.mp3 41 21a.mp3 42 21b.mp3 43 22a.mp3 44 22b.mp3 45 23a.mp3 46 23b.mp3 47 24a.mp3 48 24b.mp3 49 25a.mp3 50 25b.mp3 51 26a.mp3 52 26b.mp3 53 27a.mp3 54 27b.mp3 55 28a.mp3 56 28b.mp3 57 29a.mp3 58 29b.mp3 59 30a.mp3 PDC Notes 1983.pdf PDC/Recorded Permaculture Design Course: HS432 Lecture 10.mp4 HS432 Lecture 11.mp4 HS432 Lecture 12.mp4 HS432 Lecture 13.mp4 HS432 Lecture 14.mp4 HS432 Lecture 15.mp4 HS432 Lecture 16.mp4 HS432 Lecture 17.mp4 HS432 Lecture 18.mp4 HS432 Lecture 19.mp4 HS432 Lecture 1.mp4 HS432 Lecture 20.mp4 HS432 Lecture 21.mp4 HS432 Lecture 22.mp4 HS432 Lecture 23.mp4 HS432 Lecture 24.mp4 HS432 Lecture 25.mp4 HS432 Lecture 26.mp4 HS432 Lecture 27.mp4 HS432 Lecture 28.mp4 HS432 Lecture 29.mp4 HS432 Lecture 2.mp4 HS432 Lecture 30.mp4 HS432 Lecture 31.mp4 HS432 Lecture 32.mp4 HS432 Lecture 33.mp4 HS432 Lecture 34.mp4 HS432 Lecture 35.mp4 HS432 Lecture 36.mp4 HS432 Lecture 3.mp4 HS432 Lecture 4.mp4 HS432 Lecture 5.mp4 HS432 Lecture 6.mp4 HS432 Lecture 7.mp4 HS432 Lecture 8.mp4 HS432 Lecture 9.mp4 RocketStoveHeater: Rocket Mass Heaters Rocket Stove Classroom Instruction with Ernie Erica Wisner.mp4 RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters: Better Wood Heat - DIY Rocket Mass Heater Care and Feeding of a Rocket Mass Heater.mp4 High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival Rocket Mass Heaters Rocket Mass Heaters.pdf Rocket Mass Heaters Superefficient Woodstoves YOU Can Build.pdf Rocket Stove Classroom Instruction with Ernie Erica Wisner.mp4 The Rocket Mass Heater Builder's Guide - Complete Step-by-Step Construction, Maintenance and Troubleshooting Wood Burning Stove 2.0 (original set) RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Better Wood Heat - DIY Rocket Mass Heater: BWH D1 Cob Style.mp4 BWH D2 Pebble Style.mp4 BWH D3 Shippable Cores.mp4 BWH D4 Innovators Event 2014.mp4 RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival: books schematics stove.nfo text videos RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival/books: Designing Improved Wood Burning Heating Stoves.pdf Ianto Evans, Leslie Jackson - Rocket Mass Heaters.pdf RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival/schematics: 4b-Erica_poster_photo.pdf RocketHeater6in20000.pdf RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival/text: firescience - naturalbuilding - Paul Wheaton - Rocket Stove Mass Heater.pdf rocketmassheaterpermitting - rocketstoves - Wood Burning Stoves 2.0.pdf RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival/videos: 12 rocket stove mass heaters - efficient wood heat.m4v clean, sustainable wood burning in missoula, montana.m4v cob oven - double chamber cob oven.m4v cob rumford fireplace in outdoor classroom.m4v greenhouse construction + rocket mass heater how to tutorial.m4v portable rocket mass heater - free cycles missoula.m4v rocket flames - rocket mass heater barrel prep.m4v rocket mass heater build and burn.m4v rocket stove mass heater workshop how to tutorial.m4v wood burning stoves - super efficient rocket mass heater.m4v wood stove + rocket mass heater = hybrid.m4v wood stove vs. rocket mass heater.m4v RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Rocket Mass Heaters: Better Wood Heat - DIY Rocket Mass Heater Care and Feeding of a Rocket Mass Heater.mp4 Wood Burning Stove 2.0 (original set) RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Rocket Mass Heaters/Better Wood Heat - DIY Rocket Mass Heater: BWH D1 Cob Style.mp4 BWH D2 Pebble Style.mp4 BWH D3 Shippable Cores.mp4 BWH D4 Innovators Event 2014.mp4 RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Rocket Mass Heaters/Wood Burning Stove 2.0 (original set): Wood Burning Stove 2.0 D1 - Fire Science.mp4 Wood Burning Stove 2.0 D2 - Sneaky Heat.mp4 Wood Burning Stove 2.0 D3 - Boom Squish.mp4 Wood Burning Stove 2.0 D4 - Hot Rocket.mp4 RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/The Rocket Mass Heater Builder's Guide - Complete Step-by-Step Construction, Maintenance and Troubleshooting: The Rocket Mass Heater Builder's Guide.pdf RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Wood Burning Stove 2.0 (original set): Wood Burning Stove 2.0 D1 - Fire Science.mp4 Wood Burning Stove 2.0 D2 - Sneaky Heat.mp4 Wood Burning Stove 2.0 D3 - Boom Squish.mp4 Wood Burning Stove 2.0 D4 - Hot Rocket.mp4 Videos: 1981 Cox- Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming, One Straw Revolution.flv 1989 Mollison- In Grave Danger of Falling Food.avi 1991 Mollison- Global Gardener Series 1995 Baldwin- Forest Gardening with Robert Hart (Permaculture).avi 2006 Byrne- Gardening Australia (Permaculture).avi 2008 Baldwin- Permaculture in Practice (Springfield, UK).avi 2009 BBC- Natural World, A Farm for the Future (Permaculture).avi 2012 Liu- Regreening the Desert (Permaculture in China).flv 2013 Avis- Rocket Mass Heater Workshop.mp4 A Farm for the Future.avi Agroforestry Compost Heated Shower.avi Dan Jason David Holmgren - Beyond Sustainability.MP4 Dennis_Weavers_Earthship.mpg.mp4 Differences in Tilled and No Till Soils.flv Dirt.The.Movie.2009 Dr. Will Hooker lecture 01 of 38 on Permaculture Organic Farming - Overview and introduction.mp4 EarthShips.mp4 Emilia Hazelip Farming with Nature - A Case Study of Successful Temperate Permaculture.avi Farming with Terraces and Raised Beds.avi Garbage Warrior.avi Gardening Australia - Permaculture [2006].avi Geoff Lawton Growing Mushrooms harvestingwater.avi Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way Misc Videos Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World People Power - Food Shortages, Biofuels 2008-04-20 shunster.avi Permaculture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst [Permaculture] Bill Mollinson - In Grave Danger of Falling Food.avi Permaculture in practice.avi Permaculture Keyline Water Systems_ Don Tipping @ Seven Seed.mp4 Permaculture_Robert_Hart_Forest_gardening.avi Permaculture Skills (Part One) Permaculture Skills (Part Two) Rainwater_Collection_for_the_Mechanically_Challenged Seed Balls Sepp Holzer (High Altitude, Austria) The.Garden.2008.LIMITED.DVDRip.XviD Videos/1991 Mollison- Global Gardener Series: 1991 Mollison- Global Gardener 1, In the Tropics.avi 1991 Mollison- Global Gardener 2, Dry Lands.avi 1991 Mollison- Global Gardener 3, Cool Climates.avi 1991 Mollison- Global Gardener 4, Urban.avi Videos/Agroforestry: Alleycropping.avi Forest Farming.avi Riparian Buffers.avi Silvopasture.avi Windbreaks.avi Videos/Dan Jason: Gardens.of.Destiny.-.with.Dan.Jason.-.Xvid.Mp3.avi Videos/Dirt.The.Movie.2009: Videos/Emilia Hazelip: Permaculture - Emilia Hazelip - Synergistic Garden.avi Videos/Geoff Lawton: 2008 Lawton- Establishing a Food Forest the Permaculture Way 2008 Lawton- Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way.avi 2009 Lawton- Greening the Desert.flv 2009 Lawton- Introduction to Permaculture Design.avi 2010 Lawton- Permaculture and Time (Animated).mp4 2010 Lawton- Soils (Permaculture).mp4 2011 Lawton- Urban Permaculture 2013 Lawton- 5 Acre Permaculture Paradise.mp4 2013 Lawton- Surviving Collapse, The Property Purchase Checklist.mp4 2013 Lawton- Urban Permaculture, The Micro Space.mp4 Introduction to Permaculture Permaculture Soils (2010) - Geoff Lawton Videos/Geoff Lawton/2008 Lawton- Establishing a Food Forest the Permaculture Way: 2008 Lawton- Establishing a Food Forest the Permaculture Way.avi Extras- 2000 Year Old Food Forest.avi Extras- 300 Year Old Food Forest.avi Extras- 30 Year Old Food Forest.avi Videos/Geoff Lawton/2011 Lawton- Urban Permaculture: 2011 Lawton- Urban Permaculture, Designing the Garden.mkv 2011 Lawton- Urban Permaculture.jpg 2011 Lawton- Urban Permaculture.mkv Videos/Geoff Lawton/Introduction to Permaculture: Introduction to Permaculture.m4v Videos/Geoff Lawton/Permaculture Soils (2010) - Geoff Lawton: Extra - Mollison Lawton Interview.mp4 Extra - Permaculture Trailers.mp4 Permaculture Soils - Geoff Lawton.mp4 Videos/Growing Mushrooms: Let's Grow Mushrooms! Mushroom-Growing-Made_Easy Paul Stamets - LOHAS 2006 - The Mysteries of Mycology.avi Videos/Growing Mushrooms/Let's Grow Mushrooms!: Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.1 - Getting Started with BRF Cakes.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.2 - Casing Layer Preparation.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.3 - 5 Steps to Perfect Grain Spawn.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.4 - Rye Grass Seed Preparation.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.5 - Grain to Grain Transfers.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.6 - Lets Do Straw.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.7 - Lets Do Straw 2.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 1.8 - On Horse Manure.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.1 - Cloning Mushroom Tissue.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.2 - Sterile Innoculation Procedures.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.3 - Innoculating Substrate Bags.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.4 - On Sawdust, Woodchips.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.5 - Sporeprinting and Syringe Making.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.6 - Lets Learn Agar.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.7 - Strain Isolation.mp4 Let's Grow Mushrooms! 2.8 - Master Culture Slants.mp4 Videos/Growing Mushrooms/Mushroom-Growing-Made_Easy: Mushroom.Growing.Made.Easy.2003.DVDRip.XviD-EPiC.avi Videos/Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way: Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way.avi Videos/Misc Videos: An Inspiring Story About Planting Trees Compost Heated Shower.avi Non Conventional Homes Permaculture in practice.avi Videos/Misc Videos/An Inspiring Story About Planting Trees: L'homme qui plantait des arbres - The Man Who Planted Trees (1987).avi Videos/Misc Videos/Non Conventional Homes: Non Conventinal Homes.avi Videos/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World: Bioneers - Gaian Wonders of the Co-Evolutionary Dance.mp3 Paul Stamets - LOHAS 2006 - The Mysteries of Mycology.avi Paul Stamets on Living Green podcast - 2007.mp3 Thumbs.db trailer for 'The 11th Hour'.avi Videos/Permaculture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst: 2011 UofMass Amherst- 1 Sheet Mulching and Soil Preparation.mp4 2011 UofMass Amherst- 2 Design & Planting.mp4 2012 UofMass Amherst- 3 Growing a Model Campus.mp4 Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part One): Disc 1 Disc 2 Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part One)/Disc 1: VIDEO_TS Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part One)/Disc 1/VIDEO_TS: VIDEO_TS.BUP VIDEO_TS.IFO VIDEO_TS.VOB VTS_01_0.BUP VTS_01_0.IFO VTS_01_0.VOB VTS_01_1.VOB VTS_02_0.BUP VTS_02_0.IFO VTS_02_0.VOB VTS_02_1.VOB VTS_03_0.BUP VTS_03_0.IFO VTS_03_0.VOB VTS_03_1.VOB VTS_04_0.BUP VTS_04_0.IFO VTS_04_0.VOB VTS_04_1.VOB VTS_05_0.BUP VTS_05_0.IFO VTS_05_0.VOB VTS_05_1.VOB VTS_06_0.BUP VTS_06_0.IFO VTS_06_0.VOB VTS_06_1.VOB VTS_07_0.BUP VTS_07_0.IFO VTS_07_0.VOB VTS_07_1.VOB VTS_08_0.BUP VTS_08_0.IFO VTS_08_0.VOB VTS_08_1.VOB VTS_09_0.BUP VTS_09_0.IFO VTS_09_0.VOB VTS_09_1.VOB VTS_10_0.BUP VTS_10_0.IFO VTS_10_0.VOB VTS_10_1.VOB Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part One)/Disc 2: VIDEO_TS Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part One)/Disc 2/VIDEO_TS: VIDEO_TS.BUP VIDEO_TS.IFO VIDEO_TS.VOB VTS_01_0.BUP VTS_01_0.IFO VTS_01_0.VOB VTS_01_1.VOB VTS_02_0.BUP VTS_02_0.IFO VTS_02_0.VOB VTS_02_1.VOB VTS_03_0.BUP VTS_03_0.IFO VTS_03_0.VOB VTS_03_1.VOB VTS_04_0.BUP VTS_04_0.IFO VTS_04_0.VOB VTS_04_1.VOB VTS_05_0.BUP VTS_05_0.IFO VTS_05_0.VOB VTS_05_1.VOB VTS_06_0.BUP VTS_06_0.IFO VTS_06_0.VOB VTS_06_1.VOB VTS_07_0.BUP VTS_07_0.IFO VTS_07_0.VOB VTS_07_1.VOB VTS_08_0.BUP VTS_08_0.IFO VTS_08_0.VOB VTS_08_1.VOB VTS_09_0.BUP VTS_09_0.IFO VTS_09_0.VOB VTS_09_1.VOB VTS_10_0.BUP VTS_10_0.IFO VTS_10_0.VOB VTS_10_1.VOB VTS_11_0.BUP VTS_11_0.IFO VTS_11_0.VOB VTS_11_1.VOB VTS_12_0.BUP VTS_12_0.IFO VTS_12_0.VOB VTS_12_1.VOB Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part Two): Disc 3 Disc 4 Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part Two)/Disc 3: VIDEO_TS Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part Two)/Disc 3/VIDEO_TS: VIDEO_TS.BUP VIDEO_TS.IFO VIDEO_TS.VOB VTS_01_0.BUP VTS_01_0.IFO VTS_01_0.VOB VTS_01_1.VOB VTS_02_0.BUP VTS_02_0.IFO VTS_02_0.VOB VTS_02_1.VOB VTS_02_2.VOB VTS_03_0.BUP VTS_03_0.IFO VTS_03_0.VOB VTS_03_1.VOB VTS_04_0.BUP VTS_04_0.IFO VTS_04_0.VOB VTS_04_1.VOB VTS_05_0.BUP VTS_05_0.IFO VTS_05_0.VOB VTS_05_1.VOB VTS_06_0.BUP VTS_06_0.IFO VTS_06_0.VOB VTS_06_1.VOB VTS_07_0.BUP VTS_07_0.IFO VTS_07_0.VOB VTS_07_1.VOB VTS_08_0.BUP VTS_08_0.IFO VTS_08_0.VOB VTS_08_1.VOB VTS_09_0.BUP VTS_09_0.IFO VTS_09_0.VOB VTS_09_1.VOB VTS_10_0.BUP VTS_10_0.IFO VTS_10_0.VOB VTS_10_1.VOB VTS_11_0.BUP VTS_11_0.IFO VTS_11_0.VOB VTS_11_1.VOB VTS_12_0.BUP VTS_12_0.IFO VTS_12_0.VOB VTS_12_1.VOB Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part Two)/Disc 4: VIDEO_TS Videos/Permaculture Skills (Part Two)/Disc 4/VIDEO_TS: VIDEO_TS.BUP VIDEO_TS.IFO VIDEO_TS.VOB VTS_01_0.BUP VTS_01_0.IFO VTS_01_0.VOB VTS_01_1.VOB VTS_02_0.BUP VTS_02_0.IFO VTS_02_0.VOB VTS_02_1.VOB VTS_03_0.BUP VTS_03_0.IFO VTS_03_0.VOB VTS_03_1.VOB VTS_04_0.BUP VTS_04_0.IFO VTS_04_0.VOB VTS_04_1.VOB VTS_05_0.BUP VTS_05_0.IFO VTS_05_0.VOB VTS_05_1.VOB VTS_06_0.BUP VTS_06_0.IFO VTS_06_0.VOB VTS_06_1.VOB VTS_07_0.BUP VTS_07_0.IFO VTS_07_0.VOB VTS_07_1.VOB VTS_07_2.VOB VTS_08_0.BUP VTS_08_0.IFO VTS_08_0.VOB VTS_08_1.VOB VTS_09_0.BUP VTS_09_0.IFO VTS_09_0.VOB VTS_09_1.VOB Videos/Rainwater_Collection_for_the_Mechanically_Challenged: Rainwater_Collection_for_the_Mechanically_Challenged.avi Rainwater_Collection_for_the_Mechanically_Challenged-Book-Chapter_1.pdf Rainwater_Collection_for_the_Mechanically_Challenged.jpg Rainwater_Collection_for_the_Mechanically_Challenged-Numbers.gif Rainwater_Collection_for_the_Mechanically_Challenged-Sample.avi Rainwater_Collection_for_the_Mechanically_Challenged.txt Videos/Seed Balls: Ecovalles - Seedballs.mp4 Masanobu Fukuoka Makes Seedballs.mp4 Seed Balls.doc Seed Ball Story.mp4 wdrawing.jpg whinge.jpg Videos/Sepp Holzer (High Altitude, Austria): 2000 Holzer- Farming with Nature, A Case Study of Successful Temperate Permaculture.avi 2000 Holzer- Permaculture in Alpine Regions.mp4 2002 Holzer - Aquaculture, Synergy of Land and Water (Permaculture).avi 2002 Holzer- Farming with Terraces and Raised Beds (Permaculture).avi Videos/The.Garden.2008.LIMITED.DVDRip.XviD: The.Garden.2008.LIMITED.DVDRip.XviD-VH-PROD.avi The.Garden.2008.LIMITED.DVDRip.XviD-VH-PROD.jpg
Info File: 

A huge permaculture collection

20040415 - David Holmgren - Energy Descent (Odum permaculture Peak Oil)
Agroinnovations Podcast_
Bill Mollison
Bioneers - Gaian Wonders of the Co-Evolutionary Dance.mp3
Paul Stamets on Living Green podcast - 2007.mp3
Permaculture - Broadscale Darren D Nov 2009
Permaculture PDI PDC 2009

Audio/20040415 - David Holmgren - Energy Descent (Odum permaculture Peak Oil):
20040415 - David Holmgren - Energy Descent (Odum permaculture Peak Oil).mp3

Audio/Agroinnovations Podcast_:
Agricultural Innovations Inc_

Audio/Agroinnovations Podcast_/Agricultural Innovations Inc_:
Agricultural Biodiversity_ Interview w_ Rex Dufour.mp3
Appropedia Roundtable Part II.mp3
Appropedia Roundtable part I.mp3
Appropriate Technology with Anil Gupta.mp3
Carbon Footprinting with Jack Mizner.mp3
CSA_ Interview w_ Elizabeth Keen.mp3
CSA_ Interview with Monte Skarsgard.mp3
CSA_ Interview w_ John Peterson.mp3
Equal Exchange_ Fair Trade According to the _Answer Man_.mp3
Fair Trade Roundtable 1.mp3
Fair Trade Roundtable 2.mp3
Highland Andean Crops_ Emigdio Ballon.mp3
Interview w_ Dr. Walter Kaiser.mp3
Interview w_ Suzanne Nelson.mp3
Introduction to Coffee_ Interview w_ Patrick Stewart 1.mp3
Microhoophouse Gardening with Chuck O'Heron-Alex.mp3
Mycelium Running Saving the World with Paul Stamets 1.mp3
Mycelium Running_ Saving the World with Paul Stamets 2.mp3
Permaculture Design with Bill Mollison part 1.mp3
Permaculture Design with Bill Mollison part 2.mp3
Sharing the Harvest_ Elizabeth Henderson on CSA.mp3
The Full Belly Project with Jeff Rose.mp3
The Politics of Food.mp3
The Starbucks Challenge and The Fair Trade Consumer 1.mp3

Audio/Bill Mollison:
Bill Mollison - Aquaculture A Permaculture Perspective (12 Hours mp3)
Funding the Revolution

Audio/Bill Mollison/Bill Mollison - Aquaculture A Permaculture Perspective (12 Hours mp3):

Aquaculture Notes.pdf
Utility Water Plants.pdf

Audio/Bill Mollison/Funding the Revolution

Audio/Permaculture - Broadscale Darren D Nov 2009/Audio & Video (2 Day)

Audio/Permaculture PDI PDC 2009 (10 Day)

0909325294 - P. A. Yeoman - Water for Every Farm Using the Keyline Plan.pdf
1992 Bell- The Permaculture Way, Practical Steps to Create a Self Sustaining World.pdf
an Introduction to Permaculture.epub
an Introduction to Permaculture.pdf
Beyond You & Me Ebook_EcoVillage.pdf
Bill Mollison
Core Concepts Cards Metal Final 2017.pdf
Daniel Quinn - Beyond Civilization (eBook).pdf
Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally By Robert Kourik
Earth User's Guide to Permaculture, 2nd Edition.pdf
Edible Forest Gardens Vols 1 & 2
Gaias Garden - A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture
Getting Started in Permaculture - 50 Practical Projects to Build and Design Productive Gardens, 2nd Edition (Simple Living Series)
Holistic Orchard Management with Michael Phillips UNCUT.mp4
Jeff Lowenfels, Wayne Lewis - Teaming with Microbes.pdf
Lierre Keith - The Vegetarian Myth - Food, Justice, and Sustainability.pdf
Masanobu Fukuoka
Organic Gardening Dummies.pdf
Permaculture - A Student's Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ecovillage Design
Permaculture Design by Aranya -a step by step
Rainwater Harvesting Drylands
Rural Renaissance Renewing the Quest for the Good Life.pdf
Soil Biology Primer by Elaine R. Ingham.pdf
Sustainable Agriculture, Second Edition.pdf
Teaming with Microbes A Gardeners Guide to the Soil Food Web.pdf
The Food and Farming Transition - Toward a Post Carbon Food System.pdf
The organic way to mulching_.pdf
The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook - How to Design and Build Swales, Dams, Ponds, and other Water Harvesting Systems
The Permaculture Student 2 - ebook.pdf
The Permaculture Transition Manual
The Permaculture Way-Practical Steps to Create a Self-Sustaining World.pdf
The Resilient Farm and Homestead - An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach
The Ultimate Guide to Natural Farming and Sustainable Living - Permaculture for Beginners (The Ultimate Guides)
1988 Mollison- Permaculture, A Designers' Manual Bill Mollison.pdf
Bill Mollison - Permaculture II - french.pdf
Bill Mollison - Permaculture Two Practical Design for Town and Country in Permanent Agriculture.pdf
Cob Builders Handbook.pdf
Permaculture_ Principles and Pathways Beyo - David Holmgren.epub
Permaculture_ Principles and Pathways Beyo - David Holmgren.pdf
Designing and Maintaining Your Edible Landscape Naturally By Robert Kourik.epub
Books/Edible Forest Gardens Vols 1 & 2:
2001 Hemenway- Gaia's Garden, A Guide to Home Scale Permaculture.pdf
Gaia A New Look At Life On Earth.pdf
Gaia's Garden - A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture.pdf
Books/Getting Started in Permaculture - 50 Practical Projects to Build and Design Productive Gardens, 2nd Edition (Simple Living Series)
1978 Fukuoka- The One Straw Revolution.pdf
Masanobu Fukuoka-The Natural Way of Farming - The theory and Practice of Green Philosophy.pdf
The One Straw Revolution -READ THIS-.pdf
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volume 1.pdf
Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond Volume 2.pdf
The Permaculture Earthworks Handbook - How to Design and Build Swales, Dams, Ponds, and other Water Harvesting Systems
The Permaculture Transition Manual - Ross Mars.epub
The Resilient Farm and Homestead - An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach.epub
The Ultimate Guide to Natural Farming and Sustainable Living - Permaculture for Beginners

Bill Mollison - Permaculture Design Course .pdf
David Holmgren - The Flywire House.pdf
Fukuoka Related
Gardening When It Counts - Growing Food In Hard Times - Steve Solomon [organic].pdf
Guerilla Gardening - Urban Permaculture - 30p.pdf
Kato - Body and Earth Are Not Two.pdf
pdf collection
perennial polyculture farming - seeds of anoter agricultural revoltion_.pdf
Permaculture - sustainable farming.pdf
Syn.Ag. Handbook excerpts..txt

Documents/Fukuoka Related:
Bonfils - Forage Trees.doc
Bonfils - Nat Ag Winter Wheat in N Europe.pdf
Bonfils - Refutations.pdf
Bonfils Winter Wheat.pdf
Bonfils - Winter Wheat Physiology.pdf

Mushroom Cultivator-A Practical Guide to Growing Mushrooms at Home-Paul Stamets and J. S. Chilton-Agarikon Press-1983-0961079800.CV.pdf
Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-color photos-Paul Stamets-2000-1580081754.pdf

Documents/pdf collection:
Bill_Mollison-Permaculture_Design_Course .pdf
Essence_of_PC_eBook (1).pdf


entretien maison
Le chanvre de monsieur Poncin - A4.pdf
Nature peche chasse
Savoir Revivre - Jacques Massacrier.pdf
Strawbridge, Dick and James - Vivre (comme) à la campagne.pdf

Cours d'agronomie.pdf
Fertilité des sols - Cadillon Adeline - Fourrié Laetitia.pdf
larousse agricole (1921).pdf

creer son rucher.pdf
Guide débroussaillement_apiculture - IRSTEA.pdf
guide de l-_abeille.pdf
L'APICULTURE MOIS PAR MOIS - JEAN RONDIER 2010 version imprimable sans protection.pdf
le grand livre des abeilles cours d-_apiculture moderne.pdf
le guide de l-_apiculteur.pdf
tout savoir sur les abeilles et apiculture.pdf

Arbre quel est ton nom.pdf
Arbres et arbustes - Grund.pdf

Guide de couture à la machine à coudre Eyrolles.pdf
La Couture pour les Nuls - Jan Saunders Maresh, Stephanie Boudaille.pdf
Pate polymere l art et la maniere sueheaser.pdf

Le dictionnaire des produits miracles .pdf
le grand menage.pdf
Le Vinaigre malin - Leducs Editions.pdf
Mon Cahier de Recettes La Droguerie écologique Vos produits d'entretiens, Faites-les vous-même PDF.pdf
recettes_savon_noir HOC.pdf

Compost, purin
plantes medicinales et huiles essentielles

Champignons de France et d'Europe occidentale.pdf
Paul.Stamets.-.Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms.2000.586p.pdf
Paul.Stamets.-.Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms-color photos.pdf

french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin/Compost, purin:
Le compost - Pascal Farcy.pdf
Mieux connaåtre les vers de terre.pdf
Préparer purins et décoctions Soigner le jardin avec des plantes, prévenir et traiter.pdf

Comment on soigne son jardin - Truffaut Georges.pdf
Georges Bachelier, La faune des sols son écologie et son action.pdf
HERBES FRAICHES - Yolande Baty-Vernier, Philippe Barret 1998 [Pdf].pdf
Jardin de rocaille.pdf
Mon Jardin Aromatique.pdf
Plantes Bio Indicatrices vol 1.pdf
Plantes Bio Indicatrices vol 2.pdf
Plantes Bio Indicatrices vol 3.pdf
Soigner les plantes par les plantes.pdf
Un jardin pour les petits animaux - Dupérat Maurice.pdf
Végétaliser une mare.pdf

french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/jardin/plantes medicinales et huiles essentielles:
350 plantes médicinales.pdf
Plantes aromatiques et médicinales.pdf

365 trucs et astuces du jardin et du potager.pdf
Bons gestes au potager _ 2cv.pdf
Encyclopédie pratique du jardinage.pdf
Guide du Jardinage Ecologique Alternatives aux Pesticides pour les Particuliers.pdf
Guide pour réaliser son jardin alimentaire sur le toit.pdf
Implanter un jardin en bacs sur les toits - Godin Patrice.pdf
La Pomme de Terre - Elevage et culture.pdf
Les meilleures associations au potager.pdf
Manuel_pratique_de_la_culture_maraichère 1845.pdf
Multipliez toutes les plantes du jardin - Priel Benoît - Retournard Denis.pdf
Potager en carrés - Artémis.pdf
Protection agroécologique des cultures.pdf
Réussir ses semis comme un pro - Colombo Aldo.pdf
Réussir son potager.pdf
Soigner les plantes par les plantes - Artémis.pdf - A.Baillet.pdf
Travaux au jardin avec la lune.pdf
Trucs et astuces des anciens jardiniers.pdf
Un jardin en lasagne.pdf
Un jardin sans travail du sol - Soltner Dominique.pdf

ABC de la Taille.pdf
Beaux fruits d'autrefois Rustica.pdf
Le Grand livre de la taille et de la greffe - Boffelli Enrica - Sirtori Guido.pdf
Pommes 400 variétés - 95 recettes.pdf

french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/Nature peche chasse:
A La Decouverte Des Oiseaux.pdf
Auvergne - Les Plus Belles Randonnées.pdf
Guide chasse et peche.pdf
Guide de la connaissance Les plantes.pdf
Guide Des Pierres Et Mineraux-W.Schumann-2007.pdf
Les Pierres et Leurs Proprietes.pdf
Manuel pratique de peche - Luc Bodis.pdf

french/Pack.Permaculture.Jardin.Nature.Maison/Nature peche chasse/Noeuds:
Les noeuds de Pêche -

Permaculture de Sepp Holzer.pdf

Permaculture Design Certificate Course
Permaculture Design Certificate Course Booklet.pdf
Permaculture Two - Bill Mollison.pdf

PDC/Permaculture Design Course 1983
PDC Notes 1983.pdf

PDC/Recorded Permaculture Design Course:

Rocket Stove Classroom Instruction with Ernie Erica Wisner.mp4

Care and Feeding of a Rocket Mass Heater.mp4
Rocket Mass Heaters.pdf
Rocket Mass Heaters Superefficient Woodstoves YOU Can Build.pdf
Rocket Stove Classroom Instruction with Ernie Erica Wisner.mp4
The Rocket Mass Heater Builder's Guide - Complete Step-by-Step Construction, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Wood Burning Stove 2.0 (original set)

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Better Wood Heat - DIY Rocket Mass Heater:
BWH D1 Cob Style.mp4
BWH D2 Pebble Style.mp4
BWH D3 Shippable Cores.mp4
BWH D4 Innovators Event 2014.mp4

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival:
Designing Improved Wood Burning Heating Stoves.pdf
Ianto Evans, Leslie Jackson - Rocket Mass Heaters.pdf

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival/schematics:

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival/text:
firescience -
naturalbuilding -
Paul Wheaton - Rocket Stove Mass Heater.pdf
rocketmassheaterpermitting -
rocketstoves -
Wood Burning Stoves 2.0.pdf

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/High Efficiency Rocket Stove Mass Heater for Survival/videos:
12 rocket stove mass heaters - efficient wood heat.m4v
clean, sustainable wood burning in missoula, montana.m4v
cob oven - double chamber cob oven.m4v
cob rumford fireplace in outdoor classroom.m4v
greenhouse construction + rocket mass heater how to tutorial.m4v
portable rocket mass heater - free cycles missoula.m4v
rocket flames - rocket mass heater barrel prep.m4v
rocket mass heater build and burn.m4v
rocket stove mass heater workshop how to tutorial.m4v
wood burning stoves - super efficient rocket mass heater.m4v
wood stove + rocket mass heater = hybrid.m4v
wood stove vs. rocket mass heater.m4v

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Rocket Mass Heaters:
Better Wood Heat - DIY Rocket Mass Heater
Care and Feeding of a Rocket Mass Heater.mp4
Wood Burning Stove 2.0 (original set)

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Rocket Mass Heaters/Better Wood Heat - DIY Rocket Mass Heater

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/Rocket Mass Heaters/Wood Burning Stove 2.0 (original set)

RocketStoveHeater/Rocket Mass Heaters/The Rocket Mass Heater Builder's Guide - Complete Step-by-Step Construction, Maintenance and Troubleshooting

1981 Cox- Masanobu Fukuoka's Natural Farming, One Straw Revolution.flv
1989 Mollison- In Grave Danger of Falling Food.avi
1991 Mollison- Global Gardener Series
1995 Baldwin- Forest Gardening with Robert Hart (Permaculture).avi
2006 Byrne- Gardening Australia (Permaculture).avi
2008 Baldwin- Permaculture in Practice (Springfield, UK).avi
2009 BBC- Natural World, A Farm for the Future (Permaculture).avi
2012 Liu- Regreening the Desert (Permaculture in China).flv
2013 Avis- Rocket Mass Heater Workshop.mp4
A Farm for the Future.avi
Compost Heated Shower.avi
Dan Jason
David Holmgren - Beyond Sustainability.MP4
Differences in Tilled and No Till Soils.flv
Dr. Will Hooker lecture 01 of 38 on Permaculture Organic Farming - Overview and introduction.mp4
Emilia Hazelip
Farming with Nature - A Case Study of Successful Temperate Permaculture.avi
Farming with Terraces and Raised Beds.avi
Garbage Warrior.avi
Gardening Australia - Permaculture [2006].avi
Geoff Lawton
Growing Mushrooms
Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way
Misc Videos
Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World
People Power - Food Shortages, Biofuels 2008-04-20 shunster.avi
Permaculture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
[Permaculture] Bill Mollinson - In Grave Danger of Falling Food.avi
Permaculture in practice.avi
Permaculture Keyline Water Systems_ Don Tipping @ Seven Seed.mp4
Permaculture Skills (Part One)
Permaculture Skills (Part Two)
Seed Balls
Sepp Holzer (High Altitude, Austria)
1991 Mollison- Global Gardener Series
Forest Farming.avi
Riparian Buffers.avi

Permaculture - Emilia Hazelip - Synergistic Garden.avi

Videos/Geoff Lawton:
2008 Lawton- Establishing a Food Forest the Permaculture Way
2008 Lawton- Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way.avi
2009 Lawton- Greening the Desert.flv
2009 Lawton- Introduction to Permaculture Design.avi
2010 Lawton- Permaculture and Time (Animated).mp4
2010 Lawton- Soils (Permaculture).mp4
2011 Lawton- Urban Permaculture
2013 Lawton- 5 Acre Permaculture Paradise.mp4
2013 Lawton- Surviving Collapse, The Property Purchase Checklist.mp4
2013 Lawton- Urban Permaculture, The Micro Space.mp4
Introduction to Permaculture
Permaculture Soils (2010) - Geoff Lawton

Let's Grow Mushrooms!
Paul Stamets - LOHAS 2006 - The Mysteries of Mycology.avi

Videos/Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way:
Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way.avi

Videos/Misc Videos:
An Inspiring Story About Planting Trees
Compost Heated Shower.avi
Non Conventional Homes
Permaculture in practice.avi

Videos/Paul Stamets - How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World:
Bioneers - Gaian Wonders of the Co-Evolutionary Dance.mp3
Paul Stamets - LOHAS 2006 - The Mysteries of Mycology.avi
Paul Stamets on Living Green podcast - 2007.mp3
trailer for 'The 11th Hour'.avi

Permaculture at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Permaculture Skills (Part One)Permaculture Skills (Part Two)


Ecovalles - Seedballs.mp4
Masanobu Fukuoka Makes Seedballs.mp4
Seed Balls.doc
Seed Ball Story.mp4

2000 Holzer- Farming with Nature, A Case Study of Successful Temperate Permaculture.avi
2000 Holzer- Permaculture in Alpine Regions.mp4
2002 Holzer - Aquaculture, Synergy of Land and Water (Permaculture).avi
2002 Holzer- Farming with Terraces and Raised Beds (Permaculture).avi



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