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Coleman-Club of Rome(exposes major globalist think tank)(2008)

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CommentThis is John Coleman's shocking book The Club of Rome (2008) which exposes the The Club of Rome (COR) as one of chief "think tanks" for the setting up of a New World Order. Set up on the orders of the Committee of 300, its existence was denied until the silver anniversary celebrations of its founding held in Rome 25 years later. Founded in April, 1968, by Aurelio Peccei, an Italian scholar and industrialist, and Alexander King, a Scottish scientist. The COR plays a vital role in all U.S. Government planning, internal and external. It has nothing to do with Rome, Italy or the Catholic Church as the name was chosen deliberately to deceive. More recently it has acted as the foreign policy think tank of the Committee of 300 and carried out its decisions. Some of the wealthiest families of Europe and the US belong to the COR, whose membership list remains a closely-guarded secret. It is known that the late Giovanni Agnelli, also a top Illuminati figure, was one of its most influential members, whose council was sought by such world leaders as Winston Churchill, Nikita Khrushchev and George W. Bush. The Club generated a great deal of public attention with its 1972 report, The Limits to Growth, which would become a best-selling radical-environmental book famous for its gloom-and-doom outlook (overpopulation). Another prominent COR member, Aurelio Peccei advocated carrying out the suggestion of Bertrand Russell, the introduction of a plague similar to the Black Plague that would wipe out unwanted people and bring about a drastic reduction in population in countries like South America and Africa. Nuclear power stations generating the cheapest source of electric power known to the world were bitterly opposed by the COR from their very inception, to protect the oil industry, many of whose top executives belong to the COR and the Illuminati. Find out who is suppressing progress not only in third-world countries but all over the world - all in the name of battle against the (over)population. 80 pages. A must read for everyone.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2009.07.23 16:16
Info Hash89036b15ed931b01a486ddbd053aa192dbca511e
NameColeman - The Club of Rome (expose of major globalist think tank)(2008).pdf
Node ID3688
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces5
Piece Length64 KiB
Size294.07 KiB