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427.1 MiB | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Feb 17
UFOs & Nuclear Sites
UFO researcher Robert Hastings discussed declassified documents, as well as witness testimony that confirms UFO incursions at nuclear weapons sites, weapons laboratories, and bomb test sites. UFO activity accelerated after WWII, around the time that the testing and deploying of nuclear weapons began in America. Initially, the premise was that the unidentified craft were Soviet devices, though Hastings became convinced "we're dealing with multiple races from multiple worlds."
He said he's had contact with over 100 military employees who knew of UFO activity that occurred when they worked at various facilities between 1964 and 1996. There was an incident at Malmstrom AFB in March 1967 where a large red disc-shaped object was seen over the missile area, and all 10 missiles simultaneously went offline. The guidance and control systems were affected, and the hardware had to be replaced, he detailed. This technological display of shutting off the missiles seemed to be sending a message or "wagging a finger," he commented.
Conversely, missiles suddenly went into launch mode at Minot AFB when a bright object was seen over the launch site. A similar episode in Soviet Ukraine occurred in October 1982, when missiles were suddenly activated at an ICBM base while a saucer-shaped object was observed nearby. A 1964 test of a nuclear missile sent across the Pacific Ocean was said to be thwarted in progress by a UFO, and the incident was purportedly captured on film.
Feb 18
Earth Changes, Prophecy, & Preparedness
Authors Stan Deyo and his wife Holly Drennan Deyo discussed earth changes, prophecy, social unrest, and what we can do to prepare for the coming upheaval. Stan noted that the sun's protective "bubble" has been shrinking, which makes Earth more susceptible to harmful cosmic rays (view related graphics). We've been seeing dramatic weather events, with extremes in cold and heat, and more floods and drought, they detailed.
The Deyos recently visited an Indian tribe and discussed Hopi Prophecy with them. According to Hopi prophecy, at one point the sun will get so hot that grass will burn, and water will submerge many areas in the United States (see map). A prelude to the earth changes will be a civil war between factions within the U.S., followed by Martial Law, and an overseas invasion leading to the fall of America, the Hopis believe.
In preparation to shield themselves from the sun, some Hopis are digging underground igloos stocked with 3-4 weeks worth of food, Stan reported. Holly suggested that families put together a Disaster Plan which includes a meeting place outside of the home. Because food delivery could be interrupted at stores, she advocated for intensive gardening, growing a lot of plants in a small, concentrated area. We need to have enough food, medicine and water to regroup in the event of an emergency, said Stan. For more on preparedness, review this material.
Feb 19
11:11 and Synchronicities
Appearing during the middle two hours, authors Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman discussed the phenomenon of frequently seeing 11:11 on clocks, and the synchronicities of numbers. For instance, sometimes when people wake up and look at the clock, it's often the exact same time every night.
Jones suggested that such synchronicities could be an exterior influence, such as a guardian angel giving a time prompt, or it could be the "matrixing" of the brain. Flaxman defined matrixing as the brain's propensity for pattern recognition.
Synchronicities, or meaningful coincidences, link an objective experience with a subjective response, and the more this occurs, the more we take notice, Jones noted. Time prompts such as 11:11, and other combinations like 4:44, can serve as a reminder to live in the present, be alert, or to slow down, they offered. This kind of message is more important than the numbers themselves, Jones said.
The last hour of the show featured a replay of the 4th hour from the 3/22/07 Secret Door special.
Feb 20
Economic Downturn
Art Bell was joined by Wall St. insider Michael J. Panzner, who discussed the dire economic circumstances in America and around the globe. According to Panzner, the U.S. is not in a typical recession. Instead, he believes the crisis more closely resembles a depression, in which we can expect an extended period of economic contraction accompanied by deflation.
Panzner said the largest players in our banking system are insolvent. He explained their current situation was brought on by a combination of factors, including exposure to trillions of dollars of mortgage backed securities, derivatives and default swaps, and suggested that bailouts and stimulus packages will only postpone the inevitable, not resolve the nation's financial troubles. "What got us here, decades of excesses, decades of imbalances, you can't just stop them by saying, 'OK, we're determined and we're going to think positive,'" Panzner remarked.
What does Panzner see on the horizon then? Our currency will continue to be devalued by the ongoing "printing press" policies of our government, he said, and we can expect an inflationary environment. Real estate prices will fall even further, perhaps not reaching final lows until 2012 at the earliest. There will be multiple "lurches down" in the stock market, Panzner continued, noting the Dow might fall by as much as 75% from its current level. The retail sector could also be wiped out as the "religion of consumerism seems to be dying," he said. At the extreme, Panzner foresees the U.S. breaking apart, conflict with Mexico, and perhaps another world war.
Parts of the country will become "suburban wastelands" due to water and energy issues, Panzner further speculated. He exhorted listeners to adjust their attitudes and lifestyles accordingly, and to accept the reality that the current economic downturn is not short term -- it's the new norm. He recommended people pay down debt and live within their means, and advised investors to look at precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum.
Feb 21
The Soul
Researcher Ian Lawton discussed the soul, evidence of its existence, and how it functions as a holographic aspect of the source.
In the first hour, reporter Kristi Piehl provided an update on the Smiley Face Killers. She was joined by Bill Szostak, father of a 2007 victim. In the latter part of the first hour, privacy expert Lauren Weinstein announced a new online forum for people who want to understand what their Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are doing with their data and information.
Feb 22
Rebroadcast from 11/16/08: UFO Disclosure and Disinformation
In a rebroadcast from 11/16/08, George Knapp talked with historian and author Richard Dolan about UFO disclosure as well as other UFO related subjects. In the first hour, witnesses Frank Costigan and 'Houseboat Bob' spoke about the Needles UFO case.
Note: Due to technical difficulties in Las Vegas, George Knapp's live program with Michael Salla was postponed.
Feb 23
Billy Meier's Contacts & Prophecies
Representative for contactee Billy Meier, Michael Horn spoke about Meier's long standing communications with an ET group called the Plejarens, and the dire prophecies they shared with him. Horn also discussed Meier's UFO photos which he said skeptics have not been able to replicate.
Meier was purportedly given ET metal samples. One such sample, studied by scientist Marcel Vogel, was said to contain the rare earth element thulium and showed evidence of having crystalline structures inside the metal, Horn reported. He believes that Meier is the reincarnated spirit of such prophets as Elijah, Enoch and Mohammed. Prophetic writings, Meier was said to pen in 1958, included warnings of countries going bankrupt from fiscal irresponsibility, two wars with Iraq, and the disease AIDS.
Some of Meier's other prophecies include a 9.0 quake that will last for five minutes off the coast of Oregon, and a huge earthquake in San Francisco that will topple the Transamerica Pyramid. According to Horn, in 1978, witnesses such as Wendelle Stevens saw Meier's "photos taken in the future," which showed the aftermath of this San Francisco quake. Interestingly, the cars in the photos were said to be of a more rounded design than in the seventies, and didn't have rear view mirrors. Horn noted that some new car models are coming out that use cameras instead of mirrors, and he estimated this style could be commonplace 3-7 years from now.
Feb 24
Heart Health & Weight Loss
Appearing in the second hour, researcher Christian Wilde discussed how stress is one of the main contributors to heart attacks. The body is not designed to handle chronic stress, and it can lead to an increase of blood pressure and arterial spasms, he noted. Getting enough sleep and exercise helps to reduce stress, and supplements such as turmeric, have healthful anti-inflammatory properties, he said.
A cardiac patient named Ron joined the show to talk about his success with experimental stem cell treatments. Wilde has a posted a list of clinical trials being conducted in the U.S. for heart patients.
In the latter half of the show, Jon Gabriel, a graduate of the Wharton School, shared how he discovered a mind-body connection that helped him lose over 220 pounds. For over a decade he'd tried various diets in which he would initially lose weight, and then gain it back, in cycles of denial and binging. Eventually, he realized that his "body wants to be fat," and he set out to learn how he could make his body want to be thin.
Through studying obesity, he discovered a connection between eating and stress-- heavy stress changes the body's chemistry, and causes cravings for sweet or fatty foods. This raises insulin levels and the ability to burn fat. A big component of Gabriel's eventual weight loss was his use of visualization techniques-- seeing himself as a thinner person. Additionally, he said by changing the type of foods he ate, he was able to increase his nutrition levels, and cravings dropped away.
As always thanx to ZUG for the original upload!