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Coast to Coast AM - 12-23-09 - UK Ufology, 2010 Trends, & Angelic Interventions

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UK Ufology, 2010 Trends, & Angelic Interventions

Date: 12-23-09
Host: George Noory
Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, Neil Slade

Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the British Ministry of Defence closing down their UFO hotline and offices, the Allan Hills Martian Meteorite, 2010 trends with Gerald Celente, and her own angelic intervention experiences.

She spoke with former U.K. Ministry of Defence staffer Nick Pope who opined that the MoD will continue to investigate UFO activity, but just didn't want to share this information with the public. He wondered if they were adopting this new policy of silence in prelude to an upcoming global public announcement that we aren't alone in this universe. Click here to read Linda's complete interview with Pope.

In her second report, she talked about compelling new data from electron microscopy of the Allan Hills Martian meteorite (which crashed into Antarctica around 13,000 years ago) that indicate chemical and fossil evidence of ancient microbial life on Mars. She interviewed scientist Kathie Thomas-Keprta who believes that organic life is the only explanation for the magnetite crystals found in the Allan Hills meteorite. More here.

In her interview with trends analyst Gerald Celente, he shared his insights as to what he sees coming in the new year. This included 'The Crash of 2010' which he said will occur when the stimulus money of '09 dries up, new terrorist attacks, and a 'Shape Up America' trend in which people strive to make it through difficult times by being physically, emotionally, and spiritually fit. See the full interview.

Linda also shared two dramatic incidents of angelic intervention from her life when she responded to a sudden inner voice or instinct and likely avoided catastrophic incidents on the highway.

Belief in Santa Claus

First hour guest, author Neil Slade talked about how belief in Santa and fantasy is actually good for a child's brain, as it engages the frontal lobe's circuits. Slade will be George Noory's featured guest on Tuesday night, January 5th to talk about the power of wands and how they can help us to traverse other dimensions.

# Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles