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Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox - with Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales

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TODOS SOMOS AMERICANOS - March 14, 2010 (SOAPBOX #54) - Those words mean "We are ALL Americans." Today is the day! Cindy says a warm "hello" to Pacifica Radio, starting with this interview with Venezuela's Hugo Chavez, in honor of exactly that sentiment! Cindy's request to interview President Hugo Chavez Frias of Venezuela was finally granted on March 2nd, when Cindy and two photographers were down in Montevideo, Uruguay with President Chavez for the inauguration of the new left-ish president and freedom fighter, Jose Mujica. Eva Golinger (Venezuelan-American attorney and author) was the translator.

As Cindy explains: "We are not anti-American, we are anti-Imperialism". She just plain got tired of all the misinformation spread here in the USA about President Chavez and the people's Bolivarian Revolution. For only one example, the National Endowment for Democracy (an Orwellian named agency receiving federal money to subvert real democracy) spends millions of dollars every year in Venezuela trying to destabilize Chavez's democratically elected government. Meanwhile, back at home in "the freest nation on earth," we enjoy a President who keeps us safe by killing American citizens (anywhere in the world) who are only suspects - without trials! Somehow, I doubt this interview (or this observation) will be noticed or covered by the Mainstream Media.

Cindy's best show to date.