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A Chronology Of Secret Societys - By Apache Cowboy

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40,000 BC
Early establishment of Mystery schools, as depicted in the Lascaux cave

30,000 BC
According to some occult traditions this period saw the colonization of Asia
and Australasia by the inhabitants of the lost continent of Lemuria or Mu.
Goddess worship and matriaarchal cultures established worldwide.

10,000 BC
Evidence suggestive of early contact between extraterrestials and Stone
Age tribes in Tibet.

9,000 - 8,000 BC
Estimated date of the destruction of Atlantis, according to some occult
traditions. The Atlantean priesthood flee to establish colonies in the
British Isles, Western Europe, North Africa and South America. Rise of the
Northern Mystery Tradition centered on the island of Thule and the Aryan
culture. Invention of the runic alphabet.

5,000 BC
First primitive cities established in the Middle East. Agriculture begins
with domestication of animals such as sheep and goats. Possible contact
between extraterrestials and early Sumerian culture.

5,000 - 3,000 BC
Formation of the two lands in pre-dynastic Egypt ruled by outsiders (Isis
and Osiris). The Egyptian pantheon of gods established including Horus,
Thoth, Set, Ra, Ptah and Hathor. Pharoahs regarded as the divine
representatives of the Gods.

all up to:

1900 - 1984
Foundation of the Ordo Templi Orientis (1900). International Order of
CoFreemasonry founded in 1902. Publication of The Protocols of the Wise
Men of Zion in Russia (1905). Foundation of the Ancient and Mystical
Order of the Rose Crucis (1909). Black Hand Society founded in 1911.
Aleister Crowley accepted as head of the British OTO. Order of the Temple
of the Rosy Cross founded in 1912. Assassination of ArchDuke Franz
Ferdinand and Archduchess Sophia von Hapsberg. Attempted murder of
Rasputin. WWI begins in 1914. Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates. Hapsburg
dynasty is overthrown. Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917-1918).
Foundation of German Workers Party by Thule Society (1919). Hitler joins
GWP and changes its name to the National Socialist Party (1920). Crowley
employed by MI6. Cardinal Roncalli, later Pope John XXIII, allegedly joins
Rosicrucian Order. Hitler becomes first chancellor of the Third Reich