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God is a ball of light, the only thing that is in existence. He created heaven, and the universe out of himself. He created hundereds of trillions of angels, living in cities on planets. They could breathe in space, and fly between planets with their wings. They landed and walked on city streets, or flew to go faster. Atlantis, and Leumoria were two cities on Earth.

1/3rd of them fell with lucifer for rebelling so they could be worshipped. God put 1/3rd in hollow planets, and the 1/3rd that were like satan, were killed, and confined to the earth surface as deamons, and the tiny few with satan kept some powers, and were turned into draco reptillians, along with satan. The ones affiliated with satan were turned into dracos, the rest were turned to dero's, toads, saurians, tall greys, insectoids, and pleiadans.

God did this, so at the end of the world, people could choose between the theory that they evolved from those animal groups, and are far more advanced, and we evolved from monkeys. The small greys were created, and the pleiadans lived on lyra.

God then created dinosaurs on earth. He then destroyed them with a comet, which hit underwater near the Yuccatan penensiulla. Then, he created all the animals who exist now. The reptillians genetically engineered neanderthals, so the theory of evolution could be taught in the future to God's creation. Then, a second meteor hit northern AZ, and killed all of them.

Then, God created adam, and eve, in the garden of eden in heaven. Satan fucked eve, and they were casted down to earth in 3700 BC. The son of satan was cain, and of adam was abel. They had 30 kids, and then the kids fucked eachother. Cain impregnated so many women that the serpent seedline(sherry shriner term), which is really the caininites(more correct term), made up 1/3rd of the society, called babylon, in present day Iraq. All people had 30 kids a kid every year they could, and society engulfed the midle east, and northeast Africa. In 3,500 BC, the caininites with thei 1/3rd of society manpower, forced all others at swordpoint to not teach their children who God was, and to worship them, creating the first governments. Those who refused were taken to northeastern africa, and enslaved.

In 3,300 BC, the cities of Sadam, and Gamora were destroyed by God. At 3,100 BC, the watcher angels, created when Adam, and Eve were sent to earth wo watch over Gods creation fucked earth women, and were casted down, turning into anunaki aliens. The offspring of them, and the earth women became the giant, nephilim.

In 3,000 B.C., society engulfed all of africa, asia, and eoroupe. The anunaki appeared to eoroupeans and were worshipped like Gods, and became the Gods of Greek Mythology. God punished their followers by turning them from bronze, to white. The reptillians were worshipped in Africa. The ones who sacrificed people were turned black, and the non violent pagans in northern Africa were turned brown, and Egypt was formed. The reptillians created ancient structures with percision, and The Giza pyramids were built to connect with the pyramids in Cydonia, Mars.

The reptillians created Islam in the middle east, and God punished them by making them brown, and the Pleiadans created Godless religions in Asia. Bhuddists were punished by being born Oriental, and northern Asians were punished by being made to look like the American indians.

In 2,500 BC, God made the great flood to kill off the Nephilim, and the caininites. After the flood, northern asians, and africans had all caininites killed, and they became tribal. The northern asians wandered across the frozen Artic, and filled north, and south america. The eoroupeans moved east, and filled their place, creating the Russian Empire. The draco reptillians created a race of chineese, draco hybrids which started the nation of mongollia. They killed Chineese, so the chineese built the great wall.

The caininites needed manpower to control people, but didn't take up 1/3rd of the population, so they got mason slaves to join them. Masons became freemasons in exchange for worshipping satan, and joining them. The governments were re-stablished. Level 33 freemasons were an extension of ruling government, lower level were population controlling soldiers.

In 2,200 BC, reptillians appeard to indians in south america, and southern North America, and they were worshiped by them, and the indians became violent pagans, and God turned them to the black indian Aztecs, and Incas. Later on, the Mayans were taken by reptillians to live on another planet.

In 2,000 BC, moses was assinged by God to free the slaves from Egypt. He seperated the sea, and recieved the Old testament, including the ten commandments from God, as he, and the Jews migrated across the desert. They moved into the promised land of Israel. In 1,000 BC, the roman empire took control of Israel.

Gods creation remained on earth as a spirit, no one could be pure enough to enter heaven. God sent his son, Yahushua to make it possible for people to be in heaven after death, instead of remaining on earth like before him, or after without accepting him, untill he comes back for final judgement, at the end of the world. God created hell for people to go to at the end of the world. No one goes there untill then, and Satan isn't there. He is in our solar system.

After Yahushua was crucified, and Peter wrote the bible, constantine took it, and edited it, removing parts about fallen angels in sky chariots, and adding crucifix, and government idolatry. Catholocism then engulfed Eoroupe. In 1,000 AD, the jews vacated Israel, and lived in Eoroupe, opressed in Ghettoes, which is the source of that word. The King James version of the bible was written, and the freemason, Michelangelo drew a picture of the body satan will use for the antichrist, and that is the gay jesus picture that people have now. Yahushua looked nothing like that. Muslims took the jewish land, and made Palestine. In 1300 AD, in Arizona, the reptillians were worshipped by american indians, who were the hohokham, and they were taken off the planet by the reptillians.

In 1500 AD, the spaniards killed, and dissolved the evil pagans, and the Portugest helped spain in South america. The Latin brown people resulted. In the 1600s, the colonies were created, and in 1776, the United states was created. In the 1850s, the Untied states engulfed the continent, and recived the boundaries it has now. American indians were put on reservations.

Life was hard, but possessing the holy spirit made it bearable. In 1930, God appeared to every caininite, and level 33 freemason in the word, and called a meeting at the vatican. He blackmailed them with the fake dead sea scrolls, and Satan took control of the vatican. He united the governemnts of the world, and said they would be called the Iluuminati, a new world order. He gave them the all seeing eye over the pyramid logo, and gave the freemasons the G in the line symbol logo. Satan spoke in the center of a cathedral, with all illuminati, and level 33 freemasons in a room. This is how illuminati meeting work today. All world leaders have met Satan face to face, and shook hands with him, or even associated with him.

The aliens gave us technology, so people could get joy from it, and not need the holy spirit

In 1940, the world war 2 was started, and the Nazi's killed the talmudic jews in the holocaust, and the anunaki started creating a race of anunaki, arab hybrids. In 1945, the nazis were brough to america (see "operation paperclip"), to teach american scientists how do do the experiments they did. The nazis were then given full fledged alien technology, and were relocated to underground cities in Antartica. In the 40's, the Philidelphia time travel expiriment sent people with working knowledge of electricity, and partial automotive knowledge back in time. All he things invented then, were invented by people from the late 40's. When Satan called the meeting, this time, when he took the worlkds gold, and replaced it with paper money (with the illuminati symbol on the US $1 bill), he put no technology into earth. The great depression resulted. In 1947, the roswell crash resulted in alien technology going to America, and being shared with its allies. Only america recieved technology, and the rest of the owrld remained in depression, making them 3rd world countries.

Alien abduction started, and by 1960, 75% of the human race had trace amounts of alien blood, causing them to have pointy chinned tall can faces, as opposed to wide not noticeable chin round faces. In 1970, George W Bush learned how to expiriment on people from the scientists who were educated by Nazi scientists, and he started expirimenting on kidnapped americans. In 1980, gangs and drugs were brought to america to kill off minorities, and because of his expiriments, George W Bush was turned to a level 33 freemason.

In 1995, Satan ordered the Zionists jews to reveal the aliens in the media. This was to trick people into thinking God wasn't real, and that the theory of evolution is world wide. That theory bgan to be told in schools, along with the big bang THEORY, and the geneoration of 90's childredn was predominately hopefull agnostic, and atheist.

In 2000, George W Bush became president, and the 1998 implemented project cloverleaf became a weekely chemtrail project. In 2001, Bush did 9-11, and alien portrayl in the media changed after that, with all abductiuon stores wiped out, except a few, and they were not detailed. This was to make people forget the negative aspect of the alien presence, so that they would accept aliens as our Gods, and believe bible stories were really UFO's. In 2003, that theory was introducted by "UFO's in the Bible", were the anunaki race was first uncovered by the jew media.

Then, they used bullshit studies, which the 95% retarded public took as truth, which supposedly de-bunked the negative aspect of the alien presence, such as "Roswell Declassified", and the one where they said abduction was caused by sleep apnia hallucinations. In 2004, only these shows, and UFo are real, but the other things arent shows, such as UFO files, were the only documentaries on aliens allowed. Somehow, Unexplained Mysteries slipped through the cracks on WB in spring 2004 for a final series. On July 1st, 2004, they turned on frequency fence, and all freemasons, and defvil worshippers worldwide were soul scalped. They started dropping nanotech braincells, mucus, and chemicals in chemtrails, instead of just morgellong fibers, which don't affect the majority. They used frequency fence signals to control the mind, and the weather. Iran created the Florida hurricanes of 2004. In 2005, all TV shows about aliens were wiped out, and only UFO files was aired, every few months. Then, hurricane Katrina was created by Iran. In 2006, the governemnt used weather modification to create global warming as a scapegoat. One reigon of the US had crazy weather each season, due to weather modification. This weather could not occur naturally.

In summer '06, they screwed up the worlds electromagnetic field, causing all thunderstorms to have mega lightning, and strobelight lightning. This also resulted in aroura borealis in illinois. In 2004, all home mortgages had baloon payments, so by 2007, forclosures caused the cost of living to go down, and caused a crisis. In 2007, They tried to kill everyone in the US by stopping their heart with frequency fence, but God only allowed atheists do be killed. The nano tech braincells brought them back to life, causing soul scalping. The soul scalped people immediately began reprogramming people by touching their asses, and calling them bitches.

In 2008, not much changed, but in july 7th, 2008, the Us government took complete control of the weather, and chemtrails were sprayed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including dangerous chemicals. On july 10th, they put aluminum in clouds, and made the clouds change shape. In september 2008, they controlled the weather, and didn't need aluminum to modify windflow. Aluminum in the lower atmosphere stopped. They dropped so much chemtrail fallout in late september that the visibility was less then a mile. They dropped hardening mucus, and mold spores which were supposed to kill everyone in their sleep for soul scalping, but it only workied on hopefull agnostics. Those who believed in god were saved. In October, aliens becan contacting survivors, and people who didn't believe in aliens were contacted by anunaki posing as Gods, to prepare them for the blue beam project, which happened in May 2009. In JAnuary 2009, the chemtrails became more obvious, and they increased aluminum in the trails to block sunlight. Chemtrails stopped in spring '09, and came back in June after the illuminati meeting. Currently, we are seeing spring weather in summer, because the illuminati decided to create a global warming induced ice age.


It will get colder this summer. Privately owned weather modiciftion projects will be seized by the federal government in july 1st. The arizona, and nevada tornado season wil be created. All major cities in these states will be hit by large tornadoes. UFOs will be seen all day, every day by everyone. In August, they will melt the ice caps, and flood all costal cities, the economy will collapse, and the nation will plunge into anarchy. In september, the news will report UFO's live, and the Ie age will be in full force by this fall. On December 1st, martial law will be declared in the US, and all will be taken to american holocaust FEMA camps. Biological warfare will start. Then, a global nuclear war will destroy 1 3rd of the world, including america. The antichrist will come back to life, and a fleet of UFO's will claim to be our Gods, and start the one world government on December 21st, 2009. It will last untill December 21st, 2012.