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The Carl Gustav Jung Multimedia Archive
Carl Gustav Jung (26 July 1875 – 6 June 1961) was a Swiss psychotherapist and psychiatrist who founded analytical psychology. Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extraverted and the introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. His work has been influential in psychiatry and in the study of religion, literature, and related fields.
Individuation is the central concept of analytical psychology. Jung considered individuation, the psychological process of integrating the opposites, including the conscious with the unconscious while still maintaining their relative autonomy, to be the central process of human development.
Jung created some of the best known psychological concepts, including the archetype, the collective unconscious, the complex, and synchronicity. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a popular psychometric instrument, has been developed from Jung's theories.
Jung saw the human psyche as "by nature religious", and made this religiousness the focus of his explorations. Jung is one of the best known contemporary contributors to dream analysis and symbolization.
Though he was a practicing clinician and considered himself to be a scientist,[5] much of his life's work was spent exploring tangential areas, including Eastern and Western philosophy, alchemy, astrology, and sociology, as well as literature and the arts. His interest in philosophy and the occult led many to view him as a mystic.
--- eBooks [PDF] ---
C. G. Jung - Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self
Published by Pantheon Books in 1959
PDF, 372 pages, English
"Aion is one of a number of major works that Jung wrote during his seventies that were concerned with the relations between psychology, alchemy and religion. He is particularly concerned in this volume with the rise of Christianity and with the figure of Christ. He explores how Christianity came about when it did, the importance of the figure of Christ and the identification of the figure of Christ with the archetype of the Self. A matter of special importance to Jung in his seventies - the problem of opposites, particularly good and evil - is further discussed and the importance of the symbolism of the fish, which recurs as a symbol of both Christ and the devil, is examined. As a study of the archetype of the self, Aion complements The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, which is also published in paperback."
I. TheEgo
II. TheShadow
III. The Syzygy: Anima and Animus
IV. The Self
V. Christ, a Symbol of the Self
VI. The Sign of the Fishes
VII. The Prophecies of Nostradamus
VIII. The Historical Significance of the Fish
IX. The Ambivalence of the Fish Symbol
X. The Fish in Alchemy
1. The Medusa
2. The Fish
3. The Fish Symbol of the Catharists
XI. The Alchemical Interpretation of the Fish
XII. Background to the Psychology of Christian Alchemical Symbolism
XIII. Gnostic Symbols of the Self
XIV. The Structure and Dynamics of the Self
XV. Conclusion
C. G. Jung - Contributions to Analytical Psychology (1928)
C. G. Jung - Four Archetypes
The concept of the archetype is crucial to Jung's radical interpretation of the human mind. Jung believed that every person partakes of a universal or collective unconscious that persists through generations. The origins of the concept can be traced to his very first publication in 1902 and it remained central to his thought throughout his life. As well as explaining the theoretical background behind the idea, in Four Archetypes Jung describes the four archetypes that he considers fundamental to the psychological make-up of every individual: mother, rebirth, spirit and trickster. Exploring their role in myth, fairytale and scripture, Jung engages the reader in discoveries that challenge and enlighten the ways we perceive ourselves and others.
C. G. Jung - Freud and Psychoanalysis
C. G. Jung - Jung on Christianity (Encountering Jung)
Published by Princeton University Press in 1999
PDF, 280 pages, English
C. G. Jung, son of a Swiss Reformed pastor, used his Christian background throughout his career to illuminate the psychological roots of all religions. Jung believed religion was a profound, psychological response to the unknown--both the inner self and the outer worlds--and he understood Christianity to be a profound meditation on the meaning of the life of Jesus of Nazareth within the context of Hebrew spirituality and the Biblical worldview.
Murray Stein's introduction relates Jung's personal relationship with Christianity to his psychological views on religion in general, his hermeneutic of religious thought, and his therapeutic attitude toward Christianity. This volume includes extensive selections from Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity," "Christ as a Symbol of the Self," from Aion, "Answer to Job," letters to Father Vincent White from Letters, and many more.
C. G. Jung - Man and His Symbols
Published by Dell in 1968
PDF, 432 pages, English
Illustrated throughout with revealing images, this is the first and only work in which the world-famous Swiss psychologist explains to the layperson his enormously influential theory of symbolism as revealed in dreams.
Man and His Symbols is the last psychological work undertaken by Carl Jung before his death in 1961. First published in 1964, it is divided into five parts, four of which are written by associates of Jung: Joseph L. Henderson, Marie-Louise von Franz, Aniela Jaffé, and Jolande Jacobi. The book is meant to be an introduction to Jung's theories and was originally written for a general audience rather than psychology students.
“ In the introduction to the book, John Freeman tells the story of how Jung came to get involved with the project. Apparently, the managing director of Aldus books had seen Jung on the BBC and was so struck by his warmth and personableness that he tried to persuade Jung to apply those same qualities to a book written for the general masses, rather than for psychologists themselves. While at first refusing, Jung was swayed by one of his own dreams into changing his mind and agreeing to take on the project. Given that the book to a large degree dwells on dreams and what can be learned from them, it is an appropriate anecdote.
The publisher does not get any praise for designing the cover in such a way that it implies Jung was the author of the entire book. He was the editor and wrote one of the chapters. Neither is the book an integral whole – the chapters treat different aspects of symbolism and the unconscious, each with their own viewpoint and flavor.
C. G. Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Published by Vintage Books in 1989
PDF, 448 pages, English
In the spring of 1957, when he was eighty-one years old, C. G. Jung undertook the telling of his life story. At regular intervals he had conversations with his colleague and friend Aniela Jaffé, and collaborated with her in the preparation of the text based on these talks. On occasion, he was moved to write entire chapters of the book in his own hand, and he continued to work on the final stages of the manuscript until shortly before his death on June 6, 1961.
C. G. Jung - Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Considered by many to be one of the most important books in the field of psychology, Modern Man in Search of a Soul is a comprehensive introduction to the thought of Carl Gustav Jung. In this book, Jung examines some of the most contested and crucial areas in the field of analytical psychology, including dream analysis, the primitive unconscious, and the relationship between psychology and religion. Additionally, Jung looks at the differences between his theories and those of Sigmund Freud, providing a valuable basis for anyone interested in the fundamentals of psychoanalysis.
C. G. Jung - Psychological Types
C. G. Jung - Psychology and Alchemy
(Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.12)
Psychology and Alchemy is the twelfth volume in the Princeton/Bollingen edition of the Collected Works of Carl Jung. In it Jung argues for a reevaluation of the symbolism of Alchemy as being intimately related to the psychoanalytical process. Using a cycle of dreams of one of his patients he shows how the symbols used by the Alchemists occur in the psyche as part of the reservoir of mythological images drawn upon by the individual in their dream states. Jung draws an analogy between the Great Work of the Alchemists and the process of reintegration and individuation of the psyche in the modern psychiatric patient.
In drawing these parallels Jung reinforces the universal nature of his theory of the archetype and makes an impassioned argument for the importance of spirituality in the psychic health of the modern man. Lavishly illustrated with images, drawings and paintings from Alchemy and other mythological sources including Christianity the book is another example of Jung's immense erudition and fascination with the eso- and exoteric expressions of spirituality and the psyche in religion and mysticism.
Influenced by pioneering work by Ethan Allen Hitchcock and Herbert Silberer (who was in turn influenced by Jung), Psychology and Alchemy is a seminal work of reevaluation of a forgotten system of thought which did much to revitalise interest in Alchemy as a serious force in Western philosophical and esoteric culture.
Also interesting about this book is that patient whose dreams are being analyzed in the second section is the physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who would go on to collaborate with Jung on such ideas as the acausal connection principle of synchronicity. The dreams are interpreted as a series to elucidate the meanings of recurring motifs and symbols, with the series culminating in the vision of a 'world clock', which is actually several clocks on different planes operating on different scales and colours as a symbol of Pauli's unconscious apprehension of some grand cosmic order. Three of the best of these dreams were also mentioned by Jung in his Terry lectures Psychology of Religion.
C. G. Jung - Psychology and Religion: East and West
Published by Pantheon Books in 1958
PDF, 726 pages, English
In this book, Dr. Jung, who has been the author of some of the most provocative hypotheses in modern psychology, describes what he regards as an authentic religious function in the unconscious mind. Using a wealth of material from ancient and medieval gnostic, alchemistic, and occultistic literature, he discusses the religious symbolism of unconscious processes and the possible continuity of religious forms that have appeared and reappeared through the centuries.
Synopsis from the book:
C. G. Jung's shorter works on religion and psychology are collected in this volume. Several, although of comparative brevity, are of major significance and
take their place with two full-length works Psychology and Alchemy and Aion (in preparation) to complete Jung's statement on this central theme. The contents are as follows, with original dates given in brackets:
Wesfern Religion
Psychology and Religion [1938] "The Terry Lectures" revised and augmented
A Psychological Approach to the Dogma of the Trinity [1942/1948]
Transformation Symbolism in the Mass [1942/1954]
Forewords to White's God and the Unconscious and Werblowsky's Lucifer and Prometheus [1952]
Brother Klaus [1933]
Psychotherapists or the Clergy [1932]
Psychoanalysis and the Cure of Souls [1928]
Answer to Job [1952]
Eastern Religion
Psychological Commentaries on The Tibetan Book of the Great, Liberation [1939/1954] and The Tibetan Book of the Dead [1935/1953]
Yoga and the West [1936]
Foreword to Suzuki's Introduction to Zen Buddhism [1939]
The Psychology of Eastern Meditation [1943]
The Holy Men of India [1944]
Foreword to the I Ching [1950]
An extensive bibliography and index round out this volume, which is the seventh to appear in this edition of Jung's collected works.
C. G. Jung - Psychology and the Occult
Published by Routledge in 2008
PDF, 208 pages, English
A fifteen-year-old girl who claimed regular communications with the spirits of her dead friends and relatives was the subject of the very first published work by the now legendary psychoanalyst C.G. Jung.
Collected here, alongside many of his later writings on such subjects as life after death, telepathy and ghosts, it was to mark just the start of a professional and personal interest—even obsession—that was to last throughout Jung’s lifetime.
Written by one of the greatest and most controversial thinkers of the twentieth century, Psychology and the Occult represents a fascinating trawl through both the dark, unknown world of the occult and the equally murky depths of the human psyche.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961). Founded the analytical school of psychology and developed a radical new theory of the unconscious that has made him one of the most familiar names in twentieth-century thought.
Foreword to Jung: Phenomenes occultes
On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena
On Spiritualistic Phenomena
The Psychological Foundations of Belief in Spirits
The Soul and Death
Psychology and Spiritualism
Foreword to Moser: "Spuk: Irrglaube Oder Wahrglaube?"
Foreword to Jaffe: Apparitions and Precognition
The Future of Parapsychology
C. G. Jung - Psychology of the Unconscious
Published by Dodd Mead in 1949
PDF, 628 pages, English
This fascinating book contains a study of the psychology of the unconscious by the well known Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung. It is highly recommended for the bookshelf of anyone with an interest in psychology.
Translator's Note: 'That humanity is seeking a new message, a new light upon the meaning of life, and something tangible, as it were, with which it can work towards a larger understanding of itself and its relation to the universe, is a fact I think none will gainsay. Therefore, it has seemed to me particularly timely to introduce to the English-speaking world, Dr. Jung's remarkable book, 'Wand lungen und Symbole der Libido.' In this work he has plunged boldly into the treacherous sea of mythology and folklore, the productions of the ancient mind and that of the common people, and turned upon this vast material the same scientific and painstaking method of psychologic analysis that is applied to the modern mind, in order to reveal the common bond of desire and longing which unites all humanity, and thus bridge the gaps presumed to exist between ancient and widely separated peoples and those of our modern time. The discovery of this under-current affecting and influencing ancient peoples as well as modern serves as a foundation or platform from which he proceeds to hold aloft a new ideal, a new goal of attainment possible of achievement and which can be intellectually satisfying, as well as emotionally appealing: the goal of moral autonomy...'
C. G. Jung - Seven Sermons to the Dead
C. G. Jung - Studies in Word-Association (1916)
C. G. Jung - The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
C. G. Jung - The Association Method (1910)
C. G. Jung - The I Ching (or Book of Changes)
By C. G. Jung, Richard Wilhelm, Cary F. Baynes, Hellmut Wilhelm
Published by Princeton University Press in 1967
PDF, 806 pages, English
The I Ching, or Book of Changes, a common source for both Confucianist and Taoist philosophy, is one of the first efforts of the human mind to place itself within the universe. It has exerted a living influence in China for 3,000 years, and interest in it has been rapidly spreading in the West.
Preface to the Third Edition by Hellmut Wilhelm
The Major Divisions of the Material [Chart]
Foreword by C. G. Jung
Translator’s Note by C. F. Baynes
Preface by Richard Wilhelm
Introduction by Richard Wilhelm
C. G. Jung - The Portable Jung
Published by Penguin Group in 1977
PDF, 704 pages, English
This comprehensive collection of writings by the epoch-shaping Swiss psychoanalyst was edited by Joseph Campbell, himself the most famous of Jung's American followers. It comprises Jung's pioneering studies of the structure of the psyche—including the works that introduced such notions as the collective unconscious, the Shadow, Anima and Animus—as well as inquries into the psychology of spirituality and creativity, and Jung's influential "On Synchronicity," a paper whose implications extend from the I Ching to quantum physics. Campbell's introduction completes this compact volume, placing Jung's astonishingly wide-ranging oeuvre within the context of his life and times.
C. G. Jung - The Practice of Psychotherapy: Essays on the Psychology of the Transference and Other Subjects
Published by Pantheon Books in 1954
PDF, 402 pages, English
Essays on aspects of analytical therapy, specifically the transference, abreaction, and dream analysis. Contains an additional essay, "The Realities of Practical Psychotherapy," found among Jung's posthumous papers.
C. G. Jung - The Psychology of Dementia Praecox (1909) [Schizophrenia]
C. G. Jung - The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga
Published by Princeton University Press in 1999
PDF, 176 pages, English
"Kundalini yoga presented Jung with a model of something that was almost completely lacking in Western psychology--an account of the development phases of higher consciousness.... Jung's insistence on the psychogenic and symbolic significance of such states is even more timely now than then. As R. D. Laing stated... 'It was Jung who broke the ground here, but few followed him.'"--From the introduction by Sonu Shamdasani
Jung's seminar on Kundalini yoga, presented to the Psychological Club in Zurich in 1932, has been widely regarded as a milestone in the psychological understanding of Eastern thought and of the symbolic transformations of inner experience. Kundalini yoga presented Jung with a model for the developmental phases of higher consciousness, and he interpreted its symbols in terms of the process of individuation. With sensitivity toward a new generation's interest in alternative religions and psychological exploration, Sonu Shamdasani has brought together the lectures and discussions from this seminar. In this volume, he re-creates for today's reader the fascination with which many intellectuals of prewar Europe regarded Eastern spirituality as they discovered more and more of its resources, from yoga to tantric texts. Reconstructing this seminar through new documentation, Shamdasani explains, in his introduction, why Jung thought that the comprehension of Eastern thought was essential if Western psychology was to develop. He goes on to orient today's audience toward an appreciation of some of the questions that stirred the minds of Jung and his seminar group: What is the relation between Eastern schools of liberation and Western psychotherapy? What connection is there between esoteric religious traditions and spontaneous individual experience? What light do the symbols of Kundalini yoga shed on conditions diagnosed as psychotic? Not only were these questions important to analysts in the 1930s but, as Shamdasani stresses, they continue to have psychological relevance for readers on the threshold of the twenty-first century. This volume also offers newly translated material from Jung's German language seminars, a seminar by the indologist Wilhelm Hauer presented in conjunction with that of Jung, illustrations of the cakras, and Sir John Woodroffe's classic translation of the tantric text, the Sat-cakra Nirupana.
C. G. Jung - The Red Book [Liber Novus]
Published by W. W. Norton & Company in 2009
PDF, 416 pages, English
The most influential unpublished work in the history of psychology. When Carl Jung embarked on an extended self-exploration he called his “confrontation with the unconscious,” the heart of it was The Red Book, a large, illuminated volume he created between 1914 and 1930. Here he developed his principle theories—of the archetypes, the collective unconscious, and the process of individuation—that transformed psychotherapy from a practice concerned with treatment of the sick into a means for higher development of the personality.
While Jung considered The Red Book to be his most important work, only a handful of people have ever seen it. Now, in a complete facsimile and translation, it is available to scholars and the general public. It is an astonishing example of calligraphy and art on a par with The Book of Kells and the illuminated manuscripts of William Blake. This publication of The Red Book is a watershed that will cast new light on the making of modern psychology.
212 color illustrations.
C. G. Jung - The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man (1928)
C. G. Jung - The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche - [Syncronicity]
C. G. Jung - Theory of Psychoanalysis (1915)
C. G. Jung - Two Essays in Analytical Psychology
C. G. Jung & Karl Kerényi - Essays on a Science of Mythology: The Myth of the Divine Child and the Mysteries of Eleusis (1969)
Essays on a Science of Mythology is a cooperative work between C. Kerényi, who has been called "the most psychological of mythologists," and C. G. Jung, who has been called "the most mythological of psychologists." Kerényi contributes an essay on the Divine Child and one on the Kore (the Maiden), together with a substantial introduction and conclusion. Jung contributes a psychological commentary on each essay. Both men hoped, through their collaboration, to elevate the study of mythology to the status of a science.
In "The Primordial Child in Primordial Times" Kerényi treats the child-God as an enduring and significant figure in Greek, Norse, Finnish, Etruscan, and Judeo-Christian mythology. He discusses the Kore as Athena, Artemis, Hecate, and Demeter-Persephone, the mother-daughter of the Eleusinian mysteries. Jung speaks of the Divine Child and the Maiden as living psychological realities that provide continuing meaning in people's lives.
C. G. Jung & Levi-Strauss - Myth And The Reconciliation Of The Opposites (1981)
C. G. Jung & R. Wilhelm - The Secret of the Golden Flower
Translated and explained by Richard Wilhelm
Foreword and commentary by C.G. Jung
The ancient Taoist text that forms the central part of this book was discovered by Wilhelm,
who recognized it as essentially a practical guide to the integration. The golden flower
symbolizes the quintessence of the paths of Buddhism and Taoism. Gold stands for light,
the light of the mind itself; the flower represents the blossoming, or opening up, of the light
of the mind. Thus the expression is emblematic of the basic awakening of the real self and
its hidden potential.
C. G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters
By C. G. Jung, R. F. C. Hull, William McGuire
Published by Princeton University Press in 1987
PDF, 514 pages, English
A collection of journalistic interviews which span Jung's lifetime. This book captures his personality and spirit in more than 50 accounts of talks and meetings with him. They range from transcripts of interviews for radio, television, and film to memoirs written by notable personalities.
55 interviews in total from 1935-1966.
Ranging from religion, to philosophy, culture, authors and of course, psychology.
Includes interviews from newspapers (New York Times, Quadrant, Observer, Daily Mail, et cetera.), radio, television, transcripts, journals, notebooks, and letters; all from around the world.
C. G. Jung. - Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology (1920)
--- Audiobooks [MP3] ---
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
A classic autobiography introduces the work of Carl Jung, while revealing a portrait of the man himself. Focuses on his dreams, visions, premonitions, and insights into the mythic dimension of human experience. Read by Michael York.
Modern Man in Search of a Soul
Published by University Press Audiobooks in 2011
MP3, Unabridged, English
Modern Man in Search of a Soul by Carl Gustav Jung
Published: August 4, 1955
Considered by many to be one of the most important books in the field of psychology, Modern Man in Search of a Soul is a comprehensive introduction to the thought of Carl Gustav Jung. In this book, Jung examines some of the most contested and crucial areas in the field of analytical psychology, including dream analysis, the primitive unconscious, and the relationship between psychology and religion. Additionally, Jung looks at the differences between his theories and those of Sigmund Freud, providing a valuable basis for anyone interested in the fundamentals of psychoanalysis.
Approaching the Unconcious (from "Man and His Symbols" )
This is the first and only work in which the world-famous Swiss psychologist explains to the layperson his enormously influential theory of symbolism as revealed in dreams. Jung's text is a particularly apt manuscript for audiobooks. Jung's last work, the essay was written to explain the Jungian approach to the lay audience. It's ripe with examples, which are simply and brilliantly read by Lopez-Morillas. The narration is articulate and presents a clear, visual picture. This program gives listeners a glance back to the infancy of psychology and an opportunity to appreciate the pioneering works of both Jung and his one-time mentor, Freud.
--- Videos [AVI, WMV & FLV] ---
Carl Jung - Face to Face - BBC Interview (1959)
This is fascinating, an extended interview with Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung conducted by the BBC’s John Freeman in October of 1959, when Jung was 84-years-old. The format of this program, Face to Face, is fascinating, almost like an interrogation!
"Face to Face was the first program on British television to unmask public figures and show what lies beneath the surface. Harsh lighting and close-up camera angles were employed to capture each flicker of emotion, a method critics referred to as “torture by television.” Among those who submitted to Freeman’s remorseless scrutiny were Evelyn Waugh, Henry Moore, Bertrand Russell, and Carl Gustav Jung.
"When Carl Jung consented to be interviewed, the medical community was surprised that this very private figure was suddenly willing to allow an interviewer into his personal space. When the program was first aired in 1959, Jung himself was taken aback at the unexpectedly positive response from the general public. This strong interest in his work inspired Jung to write his final work, Man and His Symbols, his theory of the symbolism of dreams, explained in lay terms so as to be accessible to all who would come seeking answers."
Matter of Heart
Carl Gustav Jung, the Swiss doctor and psychoanalyst, gave developed concepts such as: synchronicity, archetypes and the collective unconscious. He examined the intuitive knowledge of antiquity and the few 'primitive' cultures that still practiced the 'old ways' and simply translated that knowledge into modern day terminology. In other words, he brought ancient occult concepts and beliefs into the modern world. Thanks to the advent of 'Jungian Psychology' the interior landscape of dreams and visions once again became valid, acceptable fields of study after centuries of ridicule and disbelief.
This documentary consists of interviews with those who knew or worked with Jung and provides a great deal of insight into the origin and nature of his ideas.
Carl Jung: Sea of Faith
Sea of Faith was a six-part documentary television series, presented on BBC television in 1984 by Don Cupitt. The program dealt with the history of Christianity in the modern world, focusing especially on how Christianity has responded to challenges such as scientific advances, political atheism and secularization in general. This second program dealt with Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.
The World Within: C. G. Jung in His Own Words
(... the images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them or a shrinking of ethical responsibility deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life.) In The World Within, this idea is explored as we are given a glimpse inside Jung s Red Book, the diary in which he described his dreams and fantasies. In addition, he recorded these unconscious images with colorful paintings which appear throughout the film, along with his reflections upon their possible meaning. These are the creations, as Jung comments, which have carried me out of time into seclusion, out of the present into timelessness. Also included in The World Within is rarely seen footage of Jung himself interviewed in Switzerland. He talks at length about his work on dreams, memory, archetypal figures and the importance of ritual and fantasy.
Carl Jung: Wisdom of the Dream (1989)
Part 1
Part one provides an overview of the major contributions made by Jung in his long career. Born on July 26, 1875, in Switzerland, Jung became interested in psychiatry during his medical studies. He saw that the minds of mentally deranged persons had similar contents, much of which he recognized from his own interior life, described in his autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections. His lifelong quest to understand the workings of the psyche led him to develop the analytical method of psychiatry. He proceeded by looking at the role in his patients' lives of what he termed the personal and collective unconscious, as expressed through dreams, myths, and outer events. With film clips, photographs, and interviews with some of his colleagues, as well as with Jung himself, the story of one of the most important figures of the 20th century is told.
Part 2
The Wisdom of the Dream, Vol. 2: Inheritance of Dreams looks at the collective myths that are shared by different cultures and races throughout the world. Jung saw these as evidence of an underlying unifying principle in the human psyche, which he termed archetypes. These archetypes are present in the collective unconscious and express themselves to the individual in dreams and synchronistic events. The film surveys some of the archetypal symbolism in world myths. Jungian analyst John Beebe uses the science fiction film Star Wars to illustrate the presence of the ancient myths in today's symbolic expressions. There is rare footage of Jung's travels to Africa, England, and New Mexico, in search of archetypal motifs.
Part 3
This episode examines some interesting archetypal images expressed in modern imagery. The film takes the viewer through a diverse range of sources, from Alcoholics Anonymous and science fiction films, to modern architecture and the stock market. There are interviews with Jungian analysts including Aniela Jaffe, Jane Wheelwright, James Hillman, and Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig. Dr. Harry Wilmer shares his work with the dreams and "healing nightmares" of Vietnam veterans. New Age philosophy and Alfred Hitchcock's film Notorious are discussed as they relate to Jungian psychology.
Jung on Film (1957)
In September 1957, the philosopher Carl Gustav Jung was interviewed by Richard I. Evans from the University of Houston about the subjects of persona, introversion an extroversion, intuition, archetypes, complexes, the unconscious, the role of the mother and the father in our lives, etc. A part of this interview was filmed in 16mm. After review the images, was censored in some countries and forgotten in a warehouse (for silence Jung's theories versus Freud and keep the reputation of Austrian psychoanalyst). But after several years looking for these images around the world and a hard restoration of them, the filmmaker Salomon Shang, offer to us the interview almost entirety. A high valuable film document for mankind by an eminence on philosophy and psychoanalysis and the main opponent of Freud's theories (with Alfred Adler).
Carl Jung - Legacy and Influence 50 Years After His Death
Philosopher and author Robert Rowland Smith, philosopher Mark Vernon, and Jung biographer Gary Lachman reflect on Carl Jung's legacy, 50 years after his death.
21 Minutes