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The Capitalist Conspiracy G Edward Griffin Antony Sutton Carroll Quigley
The Capitalist Conspiracy is not offered as a scholarly tome or an exhaustive treatise on the subject. Rather, it was conceived as an audio-visual aid intended to be viewed by audiences of varied age, interest, and background knowledge. It does not tell all there is to know — especially about the Master Conspiracy behind both the Communist and "Capitalist" conspiracies. But it is the author's earnest hope that it will present enough of the incredible story to stimulate a strong curiosity on the part of the reader, a curiosity that, hopefully, will lead him to explore the heavier and more scholarly works that may be suggested within text and footnote.
The issues raised in this presentation are not political in nature. Nevertheless, they do carry powerful political implications. If partisan action could be backed up by a broad public understanding of these issues, it would have a profound impact upon the future of our Republic. We wish to acknowledge that this presentation was inspired by Cleon Skousen's book, The Naked Capitalist, which we believe is one of the most important documents of this decade.
Conspiracy: One of the darkest words in the language of man. Yet there is hardly a single page of history that does not partially reveal the deadly eye of conspiracy at work. It was a conspiracy that directed Brutus against Caesar in the Roman Senate on the Ides of March. It was a conspiracy that plotted the betrayal of West Point by Benedict Arnold during the American Revolution. It was a conspiracy that led John Wilkes Booth to the assassination of President Lincoln on Good Friday, 1865.
The past record of man is burdened with accounts of assassinations, secret combines, palace plots, and betrayals in war. The tenet of conspiracy has been a dominant force in all history. But in spite of this clear record, an amazing number of people have begun to scoff at the possibility of conspiracy at work today. They dismiss such an idea merely as "a conspiratorial view of history."
The purpose of this presentation is to show that the conspiratorial view of history — particularly of recent history — is the correct view; that there is a secret and powerful combine at work today; that it constitutes the unseen government of the United States; and that it properly can be identified as The Capitalist Conspiracy.
Antony Sutton 1976 Lecture (64kbit).mp3
Antony Sutton How Wall Street Financed Communism and Nazism (64kbit).mp3
From Major Jordan’s Diaries audio-book computer voice.mp3
Antony Sutton Wall Street and FDR.pdf
Antony Sutton Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.pdf
Antony Sutton Wall Street the Bolshevik Revolution.pdf
Carroll Quigley The Anglo American Establishment.pdf
Carroll Quigley Tragedy and Hope 1091p 1966.pdf
Carroll Quigley Tragedy and Hope 1367p 1966.pdf
Cecil Rhodes by Sarah Gertrude Millin.pdf
Cecil Rhodes Last Will and Testament.pdf
Cleon Skousen The Naked Capitalist 1970.pdf
Edward Griffin The Capitalist Conspiracy OCR.pdf
Edward Mandell House Philip Dru Administrator 1998.pdf
From Major Jordans Diaries George Racey Jordan with Richard L Stokes 1952 278pg.pdf
Gary Allen None Dare Call It Conspiracy 1971.pdf
Griffin Edward World Without Cancer The Story of Vitamin B17.pdf
Griffin G Edward The Creature From Jekyll Island.pdf
Maj George Racey Jordan From Major Jordans Diaries 131p 1952.pdf
Phillip Dru Administrator Mandell House.pdf
Secret Politics The Schedule to World Domination.pdf
Sutton Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1945 to 1965.pdf
The Anglo American Establishment by Carroll Quigley.pdf
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Antony Sutton.pdf
The Intimate Papers of Colonel House Vol 1 1912-1915 518p.pdf
The Intimate Papers of Colonel House Vol 2 1915-1917 542p.pdf
The Strangest Friendship in History Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House 1932.pdf
Trilaterals Over America by Antony Sutton.pdf
Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930 to 1945 Antony C Sutton.pdf
G Edward Griffin - The Capitalist Conspiracy (480p).mp4
G Edward Griffin - The Collectivist Conspiracy (360p).mp4
Joel Skousen - The Hidden Power Structure of the Left-Right Paradigm (480p).mp4
Prof Antony C Sutton - Skull & Bones 322 (360p).mp4
The Best Enemies Money Can Buy Interview with Professor Antony C Sutton (480p).mp4
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution - Antony Sutton (480p).mp4
tags: capitalist, conspiracy, Quigley, Sutton, Griffin, Hegelian, dialectics, nwo, new world order