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Breaking The Set 89 - Jordan Elections: 'Empty Pageant', Kim Dotcom on Internet Freedoms, Sokha Hor, Know Your Rights

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EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin talks to RT Correspondent Lucy Kafanov about the recent parliamentary elections in Jordan and the public sentiment toward a reform process that critics call 'cosmetic'. Abby then showcases part 2 of RT producer Andrew Blake's exclusive interview with internet tycoon and founder of Mega Upload, Kim Dotcom, discussing internet freedoms, Hacktivism and the need to encrypt the internet to protect public privacy from prying eyes. BTS wraps up the show with a look at the case of Sokha Hor, a 22 year old man shot by police in Long Beach, CA, stressing the importance of knowing your rights in a police state.