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Breaking The Set 217 - One Party Dictatorship, Moral Monday Demonstrations, Sex: A Scandalous Distraction

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EPISODE BREAKDOWN: On this episode of Breaking the Set, Manuel Rapalo goes over a growing trend that shows more US states moving away from two party control, but rather than seeing increased political diversity, more state legislative and executive offices are being dominated by a single party. Manny then talks to activist and independent journalist, John Fortenberry, about ongoing demonstrations in North Carolina called 'Moral Mondays', where nearly one thousand people have been arrested in peaceful demonstrations against sweeping state laws that threaten everything from education spending to environmental protections. With Guantanamo officially dubbed the world's most expensive prison, Manny talks to political commentator Sam Sacks, about the factors at play that keep the facility open and the inmate hunger strike reaching its six-month mark. BTS wraps up the show with an interview with RT News producer, Rachel Kurzius, talking about the corporate media fixation on sex scandals instead of the issues that should be regarding political campaigns.