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The Breaking Up of Japan - Maybe (2011)
Is this the beginning of the end for Japan as prophesied by Edgar Cayce? Granted, nuclear war was predicted for 1999 by some prophets - so why didn't it happen? Every single prayer of each single human being actually postpones GOD's great tribulation. Each time I or you curse humanity the big event will happen some time earlier and each time you show humility before GOD and pray for the world, GOD's wrath will be appeased and thus the tribulation will be somewhat postponed.
You don't believe that? Well, I can assure you that it works exactly like that - it's magick on a grand scale. The more humans worship satan or lucifer the worse it will get, and each time a lost soul shows insight and a sense of remorse and penance it will be delayed. I understand that I must sound like a fundamentalist nutcase here, but that's how it works. Ten years back I didn't even believe in GOD, but I've studied these things and come to this insight. It's as clear as a bell to me now. But don't trust me, do your own research. Don't trust anyone, trust your SELF only. In this world no one can be trusted, that's for sure.
And don't trust Ron Paul, he's one of the Illuminati too. Yeah, I like what he says too, but he's still one of them. Remember: Hegelian dialectic - always control the opposition too. You should have learned this by now, stupid.
The Breaking Up of Japan _ 2011.mp4
H.264, 640 × 360, Millions
AAC, Stereo (L R), 44.100 kHz
478.34 kbits/s