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Bloodlines of Illuminati - by Fritz Springmeier (1995)
I am pleased & honored to present this book to those in the world who love the truth. This is a book
for lovers of the Truth. This is a book for those who are already familiar with my past writings. An
Illuminati Grand Master once said that the world is a stage and we are all actors. Of course this was
not an original thought, but it certainly is a way of describing the Illuminati view of how the world
The people of the world are an audience to which the Illuminati entertain with propaganda. Just one of
the thousands of recent examples of this type of acting done for the public was President Bill Clinton’s
1995 State of the Union address. The speech was designed to push all of the warm fuzzy buttons of his
listening audience that he could. All the green lights for acceptance were systematically pushed by the
President’s speech with the help of a controlled congressional audience. The truth on the other hand
doesn’t always tickle the ear and warm the ego of its listeners. The light of truth in this book will be
too bright for some people who will want to return to the safe comfort of their darkness.
I am not a conspiracy theorist. I deal with real facts, not theory. Some of the people I write about, I
have met. Some of the people I expose are alive and very dangerous. The darkness has never liked the
light. Yet, many of the secrets of the Illuminati are locked up tightly simply because secrecy is a way
of life. It is such a way of life, that they resent the Carroll Quigleys and the James H. Billingtons who
want to tell real historical facts rather than doctored up stories and myths. I have been an intense
student of history since I could read, and I am deeply committed to the facts of history rather than the
cover stories the public is fed to manipulate them.
I do not fear the Illuminati taking over this country and doing away with the Constitution, because
they took over this country long ago, and the Constitution has not technically been in effect due to
Presidential emergency decrees since W.W. II. Being a follower of Christ does not mean we should
fear. Perfect love for Almighty God casts out our fear for the situation He has place us in. Don’t think
for a moment you are going to vote the Illuminati out of office. They control the major and minor
political parties. They control the process of government, they control the process of information
flow, they control the process of creating money and finally they control Christendom. (However,
God controls the hearts of His people.)
I have provided information on how to respond in some of my other writings. This book will not tell
you how to deal with the Illuminati families. This volume is simply the first of two volumes which is
published to give an overview of what the Illuminati is. In short the Illuminati are generational Satanic
bloodlines which have gained the most power. A generational Satanist described the Illuminati as
"Satan’s elite."
The Author:
Fritz A. Springmeier was born in Garden City, Kansas. Both sides of his family were farmers for many generations. Seeking solutions to the destruction of the American family farmer, his grandparents and other relatives joined the American Agricultural Movement in the '70's. In seeking solutions, the Ag Movement discovered pieces of the puzzle that helped lay a foundation for Fritz to discover more about the power at the top of the pyramid of control. His father's career was to help third world nations develop their agricultural abilities. As a result, one of the highlights of his youth included living overseas. In 1973, Senator Bob Dole appointed Fritz to West Point, USMA. Fritz resigned after his second year and was honorably discharged. After West Point, Fritz got several two year degrees and attended Rosedale Bible Institute. Fritz has been in Christian ministry since 1983. He was a part-time missionary for Witness, Inc. from 1983 to 1992. Fritz' rich and diverse background has made him an interesting guest, appearing on radio talk shows around the country and lecturing in the United States, Canada and Japan. Fritz has written numerous other books, some of which are now out of print. His ability to communicate complex subjects in a clear organized manner has endeared him to audiences and readers.
1) Audio-book - high quality computer voice
- Name: Bloodlines of Illuminati.mp3
- Container: Mp3 audio
- Size: 611.8 MiB
- Duration: 22h:16m:27s
- Bitrate: 63 Kbps
- Format: No video track
- Format: Mpeg-1 layer 3 (mp3)
- Number(s) and language(s): 1: English
- Bitrate: 64.0 Kbps
- Resolution: 16 bits
- Rate: 22.05 KHz
- Channel(s): mono
Fritz Springmeier - Bloodlines of Illuminati_ 1995.pdf
Paperback: 623 pages
ISBN-10: 0972792929
ISBN-13: 978-0972792929