Comment | This is Bill Hughes' shocking book The Secret Terrorists (2002) which exposes a secret terrorist organization run by the Jesuits that has infiltrated the highest levels of the US government and is working to destroy the USA. Is there really a dark conspiracy being conducted by a highly secretive group, whose primary objective is to deprive all Americans of their long-fought freedom? As the author clearly shows, an important part of world history was written by a Vatican-based secret society known as the Jesuits. He gives an account of the Papist conspiracy to destroy America from the assassination of Lincoln to the Waco massacre. An anti-Jesuit and anti-Catholic conspiracy book that contends that the Roman Catholic Church is a threat to liberty. In anti-Catholic literature the Jesuits have long been the main conspirators acting behind the scenes of political events. In the nineteenth century, authors such as Charles Chiniquy claimed that Jesuits were responsible for the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The claim was believed by many who had a predisposition against the Catholic faith. Usually that predisposition was coupled with a deeply held belief that historical events were largely the result of conspiracies. This thinking may have had roots in the widespread popularity of Masonic movements, which, with their secret handshakes and code words, were conspiratorial in structure. The Secret Terrorists easily tops Chiniquy and like him, Hughes also believes that Jesuits were behind Lincoln's death and were responsible for much else. Find out what powerful secret body acts covertly from the small Vatican City and how they influence life in America and elsewhere. 100 pages. A must read for everyone.
From the backcover:
The United States is in more danger today than she has ever been. A secret terrorist organization has been working within to destroy America, its Constitution, and everything for which ste stands. This book gives all the details, and shows how far this terrorist organization has been able to progress in the destruction of America. |