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Ben Dragon's - "A Series of Pointed Questions"

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CommentThis is a supplemental Audio Lecture to volume I of Ben Dragon's book A Manual For Humanity, and is called "A Series of Pointed Questions". Ben Dragon asks questions to the listeners to instil thought and what is really going on in this world. His website is at; Ben Dragon's E-mail address is: b-c at I have made torrents of all of his supplementary audios. Check them out too! - The Preface to Volume I, (it also includes the Table of Contents). - Rituals & Magic. - Freedom. - Child of the State. - Deception I. I got all of this off of his website so you can get it all there if you want. I'll upload more on his work when he does. Thomas C.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2014.06.06 16:43
Info Hasheebb39432a2f04f1adc5ed995412ca8a8665dcfe
NameBen Dragon - A Series of Pointed Questions.Zip
Node ID25833
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces259
Piece Length32 KiB
Size8.08 MiB