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Ben Dragon's - "Freedom"

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CommentThis is a supplemental Audio Lecture to Ben Dragon's book AMFH and this one is called "Freedom". In this lecture Ben Dragon talks about how the word "Freedom" is used to confused the minds of the listeners. He goes on to cover other words that are used in similar ways and talks somewhat, about the technics that they use to make them work on us. This guy continues to impress me! He has a very good... no an outstanding! understanding of what is going on and how they are making us go along with there bullshit agenda! I wish his talks were a bit longer than 25 or 30 minutes, but he's putting one up about once a week now, so I'm ok with that. If I were you I'd go back and listen to all of his stuff. ------- This is a supplement to his book "A Manual For Humanity", but I'm quite sure that everyone will find this stuff good... I certainly do! His website is at; Ben Dragon's E-mail address is: b-c at I'll post more on his work when he does. Thanks to those that download my torrents and make sure to check out my other ones too! Thomas C. PS Don't forget to look at my other uploads and expect more as time allows. He has lots more stuff up on his site, but I only have a DSL line and my uploads suck!
Created ByqBittorrent v2.9.8
Creation Date2014.04.15 15:54
Info Hashe262aeef3ed0a737cec6a1b01daa184e57a92cf2
Node ID28022
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces251
Piece Length32 KiB
Size7.84 MiB