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Avery - Dispatch of Merchants (income tax, merchant law, federal reserve)

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CommentThis is William L. Avery's amazing book The Dispatch of the Merchants - A short presentation on the subject of sources of the liability for the so-called Income Tax as grounded in the Law Merchant through the Federal Reserve and other Statutes (1976) which exposes the legal system of merchant bankers where bills of exchange are accepted around the world as being money itself. The fundamental premise has been to compel as many private individuals as possible to become 'merchants' subject to these laws, where they could be subject to no others, and had actually been promoting the 'free flow' of interstate commerce, but right straight into one monopolized ocean of private control outside the government. Thus, the simplest way to compel everyone to bedcome a 'merchant' under this unwritten law is to compel him to accept bills of exchange as MONEY. These compulsory bills of exchange are none other than the Federal Reserve Notes, series 1963, 1969, and 1974, legalized as 'money' March 18, 1968, being also irredeemable perpetual annuity bonds, or small change for government securities. As can be seen on the wall of the merchant-banker Sigmund G. Warburg, in Hamburg, of a long line of Hamburg Warburgs, and one of the hidden manipulators of the Federal Reserve, is a merchant bankers' map of the world showing Germany, Britain, the United States, and Israel as 'Warburg Countries'. 75 pages. A must read for everyone.
Created ByTorrent PHP Class - Adrien Gibrat
Creation Date2008.08.09 10:01
Info Hash939aa852ac276452e54eb5bdf06b52d4a8656258
NameAvery - The Dispatch of the Merchants - Short presentation on subject of sources of liability for so-called Income Tax as grounded in Law Merchant through Federal Reserve and other Statutes (1976).pdf
Node ID6969
Number of Files1
Number of Pieces5
Piece Length64 KiB
Size279.46 KiB