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Astronomy,Angels,Military,Nutrition,Self-Defense,Self-Help (eBook Compilation)

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1. The Body Detox Guide

Learn how everyday items contain deadly poisons that enter our body, what we can do to stop them, avoid them and remove them detoxing the body and living a cleaner healthier life!


How would you like to save hundreds every year on your utility bills?

You can with the tips you will find in No-Cost and Low-Cost Energy Saving Tips For Your Home. The average family currently spends $1600 each year on utilities, and that amount is expected to rise drastically this year. A lot of the energy costs for a typical home is wasted though and this is where you can save 10% to 50% on your utility bills. In No-Cost and Low-Cost Energy Saving Tips For Your Home.

3. The Art of Expressing the Human Body - by Bruce Lee; John R. Little 1998

Beyond his martial arts and acting abilities, Bruce Lee's physical appearance and strength were truly astounding. He achieved this through an intensive and ever-evolving conditioning regime that is being revealed for the first time in this book. Drawing on Lee's own notes, letters, diaries and training logs, bodybuilding expert John Little presents the full extent of Lee's unique training methods including nutrition, aerobics, isometrics, stretching and weight training.

Excellent book showing how Bruce Lee developed his awesome body and how he built-up the power behind it. The author has great sources that he got the material from, since some of the pictures are of actual notes that Lee himself wrote. Lee worked extremely hard to get his body in the near-perfect shape that it was in, and this book describes how he did it. This book contains alot of material that was previously unavailable before to anyone wanting to know how Lee trained, what he ate, how he taught his students how to train, what his views were on exercise, cardiovascular training, stretching, and most important, how to develop power from your workout. His training was based on his martial arts influence, as he always searched for ways to improve himself in his own martial art of Jeet Kune Do (JKD). This book shows how he incorporated various exercises and his training regimen during various parts of his life to constantly change and adapt to what he felt would benefit him the most at that particular time. If he felt he needed more endurance, he would incorporate more running and punching the heavy bag, if he felt he needed more quickness and speed, he would do more speed drills, jump rope, etc. An excellent book to learn more about how Lee trained himself and his students to get in the best shape of their lives, and also an example and inspiration to other who exercise and try to keep fit. Of course, if you want a book to show you "how" to workout with weights, then this is not the book for you, but if you want to learn how to improve your overall self through exercise, diet and training, then this is an excellent book.

4. Chinese Gung Fu: The Philosophical Art os Self-Defense - by Bruce Lee 1987

An exact facsimile edition of Bruce Lee's original book, this rare collector's item (first published in 1963) includes stances, training, and techniques against single and multiple attackers. Fully illustrated.

5. The Heavenly Writing: Divination, Horoscopy, and Astronomy in Mesopotamian Culture - by Francesca Rochberg 2004

In antiquity, the expertise of the Babylonians in matters of the heavens was legendary and the roots of both western astronomy and astrology are traceable in cuneiform tablets going back to the second and first millennia B.C. The Heavenly Writing discusses Babylonian celestial divination, horoscopy, and astronomy, their differentiations as well as interconnection and their place in Mesopotamian intellectual culture. Focusing chiefly on celestial divination and horoscopes, it traces the emergence of personal astrology from the tradition of celestial divination and the way astronomical methods were employed for horoscopes. It further takes up the historiographical and philosophical issue of the nature of these Mesopotamian 'celestial sciences' by examining elements traditionally of concern to the philosophy of science (empiricism, prediction, and theory) in relation to the Babylonian material without sacrificing the ancient methods, goals, and interests to a modern image of science. This book will be of particular interest for those concerned with the early history of science and the problems introduced by modern distinction between science, magic, and religion for the study and understanding of ancient cultures.

6. Turn Right at Orion: Travels Through the Cosmos - by Mitchell Begelman 2001

Turn Right at Orion provides a delightful tour of the heavens, written with verve and imagination."
-Alan Lightman, author of Einstein's Dreams.

In this ingenious book, we are all aliens-reading what is in essence a message found in a bottle. Turn Right at Orion is the account of an epic astronomical journey, discovered sixty million years in Earth's future-the product of one man's amazing, revelatory, and occasionally perilous space odyssey. Astrophysicist Mitchell Begelman takes the reader to far distant shores, across a vast ocean of time, in a narrative style that zips along at just below light speed. We travel to the center of the Milky Way, witness the births and deaths of stars and of planets, and almost perish in the crushing forces at the perimeter of a black hole-and all the while Begelman explains in clear and vibrant prose how things work the way they do in the cosmos. Turn Right at Orion is a serious science book that reads like fiction.

7. Touring the Universe through Binoculars: A Complete Astronomer's Guidebook - by Philip S. Harrington 1990

This comprehensive work takes you on a personal tour of the universe using nothing more than a pair of binoculars. More comprehensive than any book currently available, it starts with Earth's nearest neighbor, the moon, and then goes on to explore each planet in the solar system, asteroids, meteors, comets and the sun. Following this, the reader is whisked away into deep space to explore celestial bodies including stars that are known and many sights less familiar. The final chapter includes a detailed atlas of deep-sky objects visible through binoculars. The appendices include guidance on how to buy, care for and maintain astronomical binoculars, tips and hints on using them, and detailed information on several home-made binocular mounts.

8. Star Ware: The Amateur Astronomer's Guide to Choosing, Buying, and Using Telescopes and Accessories - by Philip S. Harrington 2007

"Star Ware is still a tour de force that any experienced amateur will find invaluable, and which hardware-minded beginners will thoroughly enjoy."
- Robert Burnham, Sky & Telescope magazine
"Star Ware condenses between two covers what would normally take a telescope buyer many months to accumulate."
- John Shibley, Astronomy magazine

Whether you're shopping for your first telescope or your fifth, don't be surprised if you feel overwhelmed by the dazzling array of product choices, bells and whistles, and the literature that describes them all. That's why you need Star Ware.

In this revised and updated Fourth Edition of the essential guide to comparing and selecting sky-watching equipment, award-winning astronomy writer Philip Harrington takes you telescope shopping the easy way. He analyzes and explains today's astronomy market and compares brands and models point by point. Star Ware gives you the confidence you need to buy the telescope and accessories that are right for you and the knowledge to get the most out of your new purchase, with:

* Extensive, expanded reviews of leading models and accessories-including dozens of new products
* A clear, step-by-step guide to every aspect of selecting telescopes, binoculars, filters, mounts, lenses, cameras, film, star charts, guides and references, and much more
* Ten new do-it-yourself projects for building your own astronomical equipment
* Easy tips on setting up, using, and caring for telescopes and other astronomical equipment

Lists of where to find everything astronomical, including Web sites and resources; distributors, dealers, and conventions; and corporate listings for products and services

9. The Invisible Constitution of Politics: Contested Norms and International Encounters - by Antje Wiener 2008

As social practices now frequently extend beyond national boundaries, experiences and expectations about fair and legitimate politics have become increasingly fragmented. Our ability to understand and interpret others and to tolerate difference, rather than overcome diversity, is therefore at risk. This book focuses on the contested meanings of norms in a world of increasing international encounters. The author argues that cultural practices are less visible than organisational practices, but are constitutive for politics and need to be understood and empirically 'accounted' for. Comparing four elite groups in Europe, Antje Wiener shows how this invisible constitution of politics matters. By comparing individual interpretations of norms such as democracy and human rights, she shows how they can mean different things, even to frequently travelling elite groups.

10. Our Place in the Universe- by Norman K. Glendenning 2007

Our Place in the Universe tells the story of our world, formation of the first galaxies and stars formed from great clouds containing the primordial elements made in the first few minutes; birth of stars, their lives and deaths in fiery supernova explosions; formation of the solar system, its planets and many moons; life on Earth, its needs and vicissitudes on land and in the seas; finally exoplanets, planets that surround distant stars. Interspersed in the text are short pieces on some of those who revealed these wonders to us. It is written in a very authoritative and readable form and contains more than 100 color prints of the marvelous galaxies, and nebula that have been taken from space-based and land-based telescopes carried by NASA missions, the European Space Agency, the European Southern Laboratory in Chile and many other sources.

11. Celestial Harvest: 300-Plus Showpieces of the Heavens for Telescope Viewing and Contemplation - by James Mullaney 2002

This book describes more than 300 of the finest celestial wonders that can be viewed with common "backyard" telescopes. The sun, moon, and planets in the Earth's solar system, as well as such brighter asteroids are described and their positions given, as are open star clusters, supernova remnants, and a host of other phenomena.

12. Modern European History - by Birdsall S. Viault 1990

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13. Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar - by Simon Sebag Montefiore 2004

There have been many biographies of Stalin, but the court that surrounded him is untravelled ground. Simon Sebag Montefiore, acclaimed biographer of Catherine the Great's lover, prime minister and general Potemkin, has unearthed the vast underpinning that sustained Stalin. Not only ministers such as Molotov or secret service chiefs such as Beria, but men and women whose loyalty he trusted only until the next purge. ' impressive and compelling work' Philip Mansel, Spectator 'This magnificent portrait of the dictator' Richard Overy, Literary Review

14.Secrets of Nature: Astrology and Alchemy in Early Modern Europe - by William R. Newman 2001

In recent years scholars have begun to acknowledge that the occult sciences were not marginal enterprises but an integral part of the worldview of many of our ancestors. Astrology was one of the many intellectual tools--along with what we consider to be the superior tools of social and political analysis--that Renaissance thinkers used to attack practical and intellectual problems. It was a coherent body of practices, strongly supported by social institutions. And alchemy was not viewed primarily as a spiritual pursuit, an idea popularized by nineteenth-century occultists, but as a part of natural philosophy. It was often compared to medicine. Many Renaissance writers suggested links between astrology and alchemy that went beyond the use of astrological charts to determine the best time to attempt alchemical operations. This book shows the many ways in which astrology (a form of divination) and alchemy (an artisanal pursuit concerned with the technologies of minerals and metals) diverge as well as intersect. Overall, it shows how an appreciation of the role of the occult opens up new ways of understanding the past. Topics include the career of Renaissance astrologer Girolamo Cardano and his work on medical astrology, the astrological thinking of Johannes Kepler and Galileo Galilei, the history of the Rosicrucians and the influence of John Dee, the work of medical alchemist Simon Forman, and an extended critique of the existing historiography of alchemy.

15. The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - by J. Poolos 2008

Desperate to bring an end to the Pacific Theater in World War II, the United States unleashed the most powerful and deadly bomb known to humankind at the time. The atomic bomb was a marvel of modern science, but it left a devastating imprint on the world - particularly in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Japanese cities that were chosen as sites for the attacks. The loss of life in these cities was catastrophic. Hundreds of thousands were killed or sickened from exposure to the radiation. More than 60 years after the bombs were dropped, the use of atomic weapons is still debated among nations. "The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" examines the reasons for using the bombs and the outcomes of their use.

16. World Military Leaders: A Biographical Dictionary - by Mark Grossman 2007

Spanning the years from the beginning of recorded history to the modern day. "World Military Leaders: A Biographical Dictionary" profiles the influential military leaders whose actions precipitated enormous change in the world around them. From master strategists such as Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, and Napoleon to the great tacticians, including Decatur, Hannibal, and Rommel, this comprehensive A-to-Z biographical dictionary will serve as an indispensable guide to the student and military buff alike. Entries include Alexander III, Napoleon Bonaparte, Oliver Cromwell, Dwight David Eisenhower, Tommy Ray Franks, Genghis Khan, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, Robert Edward Lee, Douglas MacArthur, Horatio Nelson, John Joseph Pershing, Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel, Saladin, Sir William Wallace, Isoroku, Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov, and more.

17. Angels A To Z (Second Edition) - By James R. Lewis

Written by two recognized authorities on nontraditional religious movements, this resource is one of the most comprehensive books on angels and related topics currently available. More than 300 entries are included and drawn from multiple religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Hindu traditions, as well as from pop culture. A variety of angel topics are discussed, including celebrity angels, classifications of angels, obscure angels still waiting for their big break, guardian angels, fallen angels, Anaheim angels, biblical figures associated with angels, angels in art and architecture, and angels in the media and literature. Angels are also discussed in terms of the occult and metaphysics, with entries on UFOs, fairies, and witches. A comprehensive resource section lists movies, books, magazines, and organizations related to angels.

18. Germany's Secret Weapons in World War II - by Roger Ford 2001

During the course of a long, hard-fought war, scientists and engineers of the Third Reich mounted a campaign aimed at nothing less than changing the nature of warfare itself. This is a catalog of their campaign, looking in depth and in detail at its successes and its failures. Detailed chapters cover: Jet Aircraft; Rocket-powered Aircraft; Hybrid Aircraft and Gliders; Rotary-Wing Aircraft; Submarines and Their Weapons; Tanks and Anti-Tank Weapons; Artillery; Anti-tank Weapons; Air-to-Air Weapons; Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons; and Surface-to-Surface Missiles. Superbly illustrated with full-color artworks

19. Complete Weight Loss & Healthy Eating Book Collection

000 Atkins Diet Recipes.pdf
A Guide To Healthy Living.pdf
Agatston Arthur South Beach Diet v1.pdf
Caroline Wheater - Juicing Detox Diet.pdf
Doctors Heart Cure.pdf
Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution.pdf
Eat Yourself Slim, or the Secrets of Nutrition.pdf
For Your Body Only - Discover the diet you were born to eat.pdf
How To Boost Your Metabolism.pdf
Nutrition and Well Being A to Z, Volume 1 - A to H.pdf
Nutrition and Well Being A to Z, Volume 2 - I to Z.pdf
The Negative Calorie Diet.pdf
Understanding Dietary Supplements.pdf
WEIGHT LOSS TIPS Compilation.pdf

20. The History of Money - by Jack Weatherford 1998

n his most widely appealing book yet, one of today's leading authors of popular anthropology looks at the intriguing history and peculiar nature of money, tracing our relationship with it from the time when primitive men exchanged cowrie shells to the imminent arrival of the all-purpose electronic cash card. 320 pp. Author tour. National radio publicity. 25,000 print.

21. The Taboos of Leadership: The 10 Secrets No One Will Tell You About Leaders and What They Really Think - by Anthony F. Smith 2007

Most leaders who make it to the top possess characteristics that are all too human: they have politically incorrect attitudes, are conflicted, and play politics to get their way. Written by leading management consultant Anthony F. Smith, The Taboos of Leadership reveals the rarely discussed realities of leadership the secrets that leaders just cannot admit to publicly for fear of losing power, self-respect, or even their jobs. This revelatory book will help both leaders and followers achieve real understanding and co-create a two-way street culture of openness, trust, and improved performance in their organizations.
The Taboos of Leadership discloses ten guarded secrets that leaders can't discuss, even with their closest constituents, including: charisma shouldn't make a difference . . . but it does; women make better leaders . . . when that's what they really want to do; blatant self-interest is dangerous . . . in followers, not leaders; thou shalt not play favorites with friends and family . . . except when it makes a lot of sense; and more.

22. Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors - by Rex Feral 1983

Rex Feral kills for hire. Daring. Unafraid. Profrssional. Now he dares to tell his professional secrets.

Feral is a hit man. Some consider him a criminal. Others think him a hero. In truth, he is a letal weapon aimed at the enemy of the one who pays him. He is the last recourse in these times when laws are so twisted that justice goes unserved. He is a man who controls his destiny through his private code of ethics, who feels no twinge of guilt at doing his job. He is a professional killer.

Learn how a pro makes a living at this craft without landing behind bars. Find out how he gets hit assignments, creates a false working identity, makes a disposable silencer, leaves the scene without a trace of evidence, watches his mark unobserved, and more. An expert assassin and bodyguard, Feral reveals the details of how to get in, do the job, and get out - without getting caught. For informationl purposes only!

23. U-boats vs Destroyer Escorts - by Gordon Williamson 2007

"Gordon Williamson's U-Boats vs. Destroyer Escorts: The Battle of the Atlantic tells of a key confrontation between U-Boats and Destroyers during World War II and is a top pick for specialty World War II collections." -California Bookwatch (December 2007)

"The author takes a good look at the two antagonists, covering their development and the see-saw changes in fortune as one side got the upper hand adn the other countered it... In all, an excellent addition to what is sure to become a popular series. I know you will enjoy it as much as I." -Scott Van Aken, (October 2007)

Product Description

Winston Churchill claimed that the "U-boat peril" was the only thing that ever frightened him during World War II. A formidable foe, the U-boat was developed from a small coastal vessel into a state-of-the-art killer, successfully stalking the high seas picking off merchant convoy ships. It was not until the destroyer escort was introduced, alongside the development of destroyer groups with dedicated anti-submarine tactics, that there was an effective means of defence and attack against the U-boat peril.

Gordon Williamson describes the design and development of these two deadly opponents, their strengths and weaknesses and of their tactics, weaponry and training. He provides an insight into the lives of the Allied Navy and Wolf Pack crews as they played their deadly games of cat and mouse on the high seas, gambling not only with their lives but with the fate of their nations.

24. 50 Self-Help Classics: 50 Inspirational Books to Transform Your Life - by Tom Butler-Bowdon

For the first time, fifty of the most important life-changing works in one volume!

Thousands of books have been written offering the ‘secrets’ to personal potential, fulfillment, and happiness: how to walk The Road Less Traveled, Win Friends and Influence People, or Awaken the Giant Within. But which are the all-time classics? Which ones really can change your life?

Tom Butler-Bowdon has cut through the bewildering array of choices to bring you the essential ideas, insights, and techniques from the ‘literature of possibilities’. In works that span the world’s religions, cultures, philosophies, and centuries, he summarizes each work’s key ideas and finally makes clear how these legendary classics can educate, affirm, and motivate anyone searching for the inspiration to make a meaningful life change.

The 50 classics examined here – from the ancient teachings of Buddha and Lao-Tzu and the character-building works of Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Smiles, to contemporary bestsellers such as Emotional Intelligence, Learned Optimism and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – represent the very best of what has become known only since the early 20th century as "self-help".

50 Self-Help Classics is the first and only ‘bite-sized’ introduction to the classic works of life transformation - a unique guide that acknowledges everyone’s yearning for a more meaningful and successful life, yet appreciates that each of us is inspired by different philosophies and ideas.