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Ares's videos

Here are all Ares's videos on Vimeo.

The Beast as Saint: The Truth about Martin Luther King Jr.

WHEN THE COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER a country, one of the first things that they did was to confiscate all the privately-held weapons, to deny the people the physical ability to resist tyranny.

But even more insidious than the theft of the people's weapons was the theft of their history. Official Communist "historians" rewrote history to fit the current party line. In many countries, revered national heroes were excised from the history books, or their real deeds were distorted to fit Communist ideology, and Communist killers and criminals were converted into official "saints."

Holidays were declared in honor of the beasts who murdered countless nations.

Did you know that much the same process has occurred right here in America?

Every January, the media go into a kind of almost spastic frenzy of adulation for the so-called "Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr." King has even had a national holiday declared in his honor, an honor accorded to no other American, not Washington, not Jefferson, not Lincoln.

Why the Jews Are Hated - Dr. William Pierce

Dr. Pierce says, "we cannot blame the Jews for the fact that we have many fools and many knaves among our own people, and we cannot blame them for the fact that we have a system of government which is so susceptible to corruption: a system in which fools are allowed to vote and knaves are allowed to hold office. So this weakness, this susceptibility to manipulation and corruption, was inherent in us even without the intervention of the Jews. But you know, the Jews have an amazing talent for sniffing out weaknesses in others and then figuring how to turn those weaknesses to their own advantage."

The Jews and the New World Order

Various quotes from the Jews over the decades show their agenda for the world.

Talmudic Judaism - Dr. William Pierce - Dr. Pierce exposes the danger of the Jewish religion.

The Lesson of Haiti - Dr. William Pierce - Haiti's bloody history and relationship with the US.

And the Walls Came Tumbling Down: How the Jews Opened America's Borders - A documentary on the Jewish involvement in opening America's borders to the Third World.

The Sexual Exploitation of White Children by the Jews - Dr. Pierce discusses the Jewish control of the mass media and fashion industry and how they are trying to 'sexualize' children.