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Anti-Gravity and the Aetheric Physics of Shape Power [pack]
An Exploration of the Work of Dan Davidson
The study of aetheric physics must begin with the study of the aether itself. And to fully
understand how “shape power” is able to produce subtle energy, we have to understand exactly how
shapes interact with this luminiferous aether. The basic premise of subtle energy researchers, who
are convinced of the existence of the luminiferous aether, is that all matter is a manifestation of
this aether that permeates and fills all space. Dan Davidson’s research, along with the research
of other pioneering subtle energy scientists, has concluded that the aether is the underlying subtle
energetic foundation for gravity and various energy effects at the micro and macro levels.
Davidson views the aether as a superfluid which has little to no measurable viscosity. His 35-year
research career offers extraordinary support for the existence of this super-fludic aether.
Mainstream science, however, generally does not recognize the existence of the aether. This is due
mainly to the faulty Michelson and Morley experiment that took place in the early part of the 20th
century. This defective study failed to detect the aether-drift that naturally occurs as a result of
the Earth’s rotation. The mainstream scientific community has remained oblivious to the fact that
later experiments by numerous researchers have repeatedly offered strong evidence in support of the
existence of the aether.
Numerous spiritual and wisdom traditions feature terms that describe an all-pervading energy, of
which the entire material world is made. Likewise, there are numerous pioneering scientific
researchers who have also alluded to the existence of an energy that permeates all space and all
material existence. Qi, prana, orgone energy, torsion, and biomagnetism are just a few of the names
given by these traditions and researchers to this ubiquitous sea of energy. It is this
all-encompassing field of energy from which all things arise and to which all things return.
Although mainstream science mistakenly dismissed the existence of the aether, it somehow
“rediscovered” it in the so-called “Zero Point Energy” field.
This discovery came by way of numerous scientific experiments in which empty space was found to have
measurable quantum fluctuations present even when all subatomic movement should have, theoretically,
been frozen to a standstill in controlled experimental conditions. Davidson therefore surmised that,
rather than admit its mistake of dismissing the aether, the mainstream scientific community instead
replaced the aether with the Zero Point field. In other words, the aether and the Zero Point field
are one and the same. The energy density of this quantum vacuum is apparently many times greater
than the nuclear energy densities implied in Einstein's famous equation E=MC2.
The energy density of the aether has been calculated to be so immense, that if scientists were able
to tap into the energy potential present within a mere cubic foot of empty space, they would have
enough energy to boil all the oceans of the world. Further research suggests that matter is formed
and held together by this Zero Point Energy field. This aether is at the causal level behind the
accepted but still little understood forces of physics. These known forces of physics are the strong
and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism and gravity. In essence, all physical reality is a
manifestation of, and interaction with, this luminiferous aether, the Zero Point field, the quantum
Davidson characterises the aether in the following five ways:
1) The aether is a super fluidic particulate medium which pervades all space.
2) The aether is a medium which, in its various modes, is the building block of the physical
3) The aether is a medium which, in one of its modes, is responsible for all the known grosser
physical forces, such as magnetism, electricity, electrical charge, gravity, inertia, and the strong
and weak nuclear forces.
4) The aether is a medium which is controllable by the human mind; it can be manipulated by human
thought and consciousness.
5) The aether is a medium which can be intensified and manipulated into any force or manifestation
by the use of materials, shapes and grosser forces.
Biography of Dan A Davidson
Mr. Davidson has been doing research in gravitational physics, free energy systems, and electronic
medicine for over 35 years. He has concentrated his research efforts in understanding the nature of
energy and how it relates to the forces of gravity, electricity and magnetism. Over the years of
research he has witnessed and collected many fascinating stories of well documented bizarre
incidents that point to a new understanding of science. He believes that the scientific community is
in the process of developing a new paradigm in our understanding of nature which will radically
change the physical sciences. His degrees in mathematics and electrical engineering have provided a
basis to relate orthodox science concepts to advanced experimental research. Mr. Davidson is a
strong advocate of experimentation and always backs up his theory with actual working experiments
and publishes experimentally verified information.
Tesla Tech, Inc 2004 - Speech by Dan A Davidson
This presentation will briefly summarise the Shape Power phenomenon whereby physical shapes convert
the ether to other forces as discovered by Mr. Davidson, followed by research findings of a
universal resonance principal where shape, mass, frequency, and other quantities fit into a natural,
universal order of creation. Preliminary analysis shows that there is a basic pattern to creation
that exists from the sub-atomic level to the higher levels of the physical universe. This discovery
leads to a cohesive understanding of how the ether manifests on various levels and opens the door to
a new understanding of how free energy and gravity control is possible. A presentation at the Tesla
Technology conference in 2004.
Shape Power and Gravity Resonance Phenomena - by Dan A Davidson
Theory, demonstration and discussion of Dan's gravity wave detector research and his discoveries
with shape power along with the correlations to quantum nano-structures. Dan's book SHAPE POWER
describes his analysis of the mysterious pyramid energies, Keely's aether force, Reich's orgone
energy, Schauberger's diamagnetic energy, plus a host of others, and shows how shape and materials
interact with the universal aether to modify the aether into electromagnetic, gravitic, and various
healing energies. Also described are recent experiments in anti-gravity using pyramid shapes as the
basis for over 3 times weight reduction. "Shape power" is the ability of multi-dimensional shapes to
manipulate the local space energy. The "Shape Power" book is the result of over 35 years of
personally funded research by Dan A. Davidson into finding how shapes and different materials
convert universal aether into other forces and energies.
Dan has broken the code on how the process works; how nature manifests from the virtual particle
soup of aether into matter. In addition, Dan has defined a grand unified field theory which puts all
this into perspective, complete with the mathematical physics and a morphology of atomic structure.
This defines the embryonic basic for a new branch of physics and chemistry. The implications of the
breakthrough discoveries elucidated in this book have far-reaching implications in every area of our
lives. For the most part, man builds and creates with little regard to shape other than as a
functional mechanism to contain space and to occasionally add aesthetic beauty. It is hoped that by
making known the rules of how shapes manipulate energy, that everyone, from inventors, artists, and
architects, to each of us as creative beings, can use the scientific rules in "Shape Power" to
create a better world filled with constructive shapes and designs which uplift and ennoble us all.
Dan Davidson - 214 Grimerica Talks - Shape Power and Aetheric Science.m4a
Gerry Vassilatos - Nikola Tesla's Aether Science.m4a
Joseph P Farrell - Off the Books Physics.m4a
Joseph P Farrell - Secrets of Aether Physics.m4a
Joseph P Farrell - Secrets of the Unified Field The Philadelphia Experiment.m4a
Walter Russel - Aetheric Forces & Hierarchies.m4a
Yury Kronn - Harnessing Subtle Energies.m4a
Aether and Gravitation by Hooper, William George.pdf
Complete Pyramid Sourcebook.pdf
Davidson - Shape Power.pdf
Gerry Vassilatos - Lost Science.pdf
Krafft - The Ether and its Vortices.pdf
Larmor - Aether & Matter.pdf
Louis BOUTARD - Aether Technology.pdf
Lyne - Occult Ether Physics.pdf
Lyne - Pentagon Aliens.pdf
Thomson & Bourassa - Secrets of the Aether.pdf
Whittaker - History of Theories of Aether and Electricity.pdf
An anti-gravity platform of V.S. Grebennikov.pdf
Communications - With 66 Milliwatts from Germany to Australia.pdf
Free Energy, Gravity and the Aether by Dan A. Davidson.pdf
G COM 1 Telecommunications Free from Electric Smog.pdf
G COM 2 New Bio-Cellphone Technology in the Making.pdf
Global Scaling Introduction 2009.pdf
PP 52 01 Astrobiological Aspects of Global Scaling.pdf
PP 53 03 Global Scaling of Planetary Atmospheres.pdf
The Utilization of High-Frequency Gravitational Waves for Global Communications.pdf
Bergson's Holographic Theory - 18 - Tesla and the Ether.mp4
Dan A Davidson - On Aetheric Science.mp4
Dan A Davidson - Shape Power and Gravity Resonance Phenomena.mp4
Dan A Davidson - Shape Power as Universal Resonance.mp4
Dan A Davidson - The Aetheric and Field Forces.mp4
Dan A Davidson - The Gary Magnetic Effect, 1990.mp4
Element and Ether - Thomas Joseph Brown.mp4
Eric Dollard - Origin of Energy Synthesis_ Thoughts on Gravity Aether Magnetism and Electricity.mp4
Grebennikov's Flying Platform - Bio-Gravitics.mp4
The Aetheric Physics of Shape Power.mp4
Viktor Grebennikov - Anti-Gravity & Levitation.mp4
tags: aether, physics, magnetic, geometry, vortex, scalar, electricity, communications, gravity,