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Andrew Gause - The Real World of Money - July 24 2010 more on Financial Reform Bill

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Financial Reform Bill - Andrew digs into it

He unveils stunning facts about what this is all about -

A new "Corporation" is born with The ultimate power

Ratings Agencies and Political cover - How do they do it?

Yale says highest economic insecurity levels in 25 years

Insiders say BP's total cost will be 1 Trillion - time to sell short?

Middle Class is disappearing

SDR - The new world currency ?

Andrew Gause,is a nationally recognized currency historian and money expert and is not afraid to defy the conventional wisdom and call it how it is by backing it up with facts. When it comes to the privately owned Federal Reserve, monetary systems, social security, the national debt, economic policy or private issues there is no better expert than our own true patriot.

Andrew has done over 1,000 TV and radio appearances and publishes a weekly newsletter "The World of Money." His first book "The Secret World of Money," challenges a wide range of topics dealing with the history and future of money. His second book, "Uncle Sam Cooks The Books" predicted the great calamity of 2007.