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Amitakh Stanford Xee-A Twelve collection '96-'10

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A collection of all the published material by Amitakh Stanford and the Alukar Heights animal shelter. Amitakh and her friends have been writing on topics of gnostic philosophy, spirituality, aliens, UFOs, implants, mind control, the NWO and many related issues for over 20 years, and most of the material has been published online at since 2004. Xeea-twelve has not had any new material published on it since Sept '08, however a new subsection, Thomas Paine Returns, featured new articles in '08-09, and a new website, is now publishing new material.

I have collected all of the documents I could find into these PDF files. Older ANNWN material, although featuring Amitakh's name, was mainly written by her ex-husband Joseph Chiappalone, who was also a regular guest on Jeff Rense in the late '90s. In her final Xee-a Twelve essay, Amitakh exposes Joseph Chiappalone as a physically abusive, demonic individual.

A good place to start might be with the most recent articles posted on The following excerpt of an essay from 2008 will give you a sense of the territory covered here:


Separation of Light From Darkness Has Finally Begun


Amitakh Stanford

8th June 2008

The reality of what lies ahead for the world is unacceptable to many. The ones with no understanding of the situation will be gravely disadvantaged, as will those with some understanding who have been indoctrinated to believe that everything is beautiful when it is not – they deny truth whenever it conflicts with their comfort zone.

Truth can be painful and daunting. Nonetheless, truth is positive, no matter what spin others may put on it. There are those who mislead others with the mistaken doctrines that all is love, all is one, everything is beautiful, there is no evil, the harmonic convergence will make everything wonderful, and one can create one’s own reality. Often they insist that only positive things should be discussed. These people are in serious denial of what is happening in the world.

There are those who do not wish to discuss wars, diseases, crimes etc. because they say these are negative things and should not be spoken of. This is ignorantly absurd. The world is a vile place and there are wicked things that occur here. Whilst the topics are troubling, they should often still be addressed. For example, children and young people should be informed about the dangers of drug usage. It is a positive move to prepare children for the world they live in. However, there is a fine line, and the way issues are presented is critical to how the message impacts the audience.

This is a virtual reality that will corrupt any truth that is brought down to it. This is why truth is so easily distorted the moment it is dispersed in the Virtual Reality, from the physical to the astral to all levels in the cosmic realms. How true it is that truth will become fable, then myth, and finally absurdity as it is repeated by those without any understanding of it. Indeed, it is a well-worn path known to many researchers. Corruption of truth is an imposition by Darkness in the Virtual Reality designed to keep inhabitants ignorant. That is why there is no way that truth of all things can be understood or revealed here. One can only hope that he or she receives sufficient truth to sustain him or her until the Rescue Mission is completed.

The New Age movement is headed by many self-appointed “gurus” who spread whatever “new” thing they re-discover and modify. Whilst there are exceptions, these “gurus” usually have little or no academic training in theology/philosophy/science and other relevant disciplines. It is generally believed by many in the movement that those with academic or scientific backgrounds cannot grasp the deeper aspects of spiritual matters. This becomes the focus of the “gurus”. That is, they indoctrinate others with whatever beliefs they choose.

When a “guru” presents an ancient thought, they often give it a new twist. Since the “gurus” have limited relevant academic/research backgrounds, often they can only present a veneer of a concept, whether it is re-incarnation, astral travelling, channelling, enlightenment, past-life experiences etc. The New Agers are generally inclined not to accept information expounded by those who have done in-depth studies of the relevant subjects, because they believe that such people cannot really understand spiritual things. Likewise, those who are trained academically are restricted by their own academic indoctrination that metaphysical matters are primarily based upon superstitions and ignorance.

There is a huge amount of supposedly channelled material floating about New Age circles. Some of the material was never channelled, but was assembled by charlatans. Other material is channelled, but the sources of the material are mostly questionable, even though much of it is sugar-coated with echoes of love, altruism, self-giving, warriorship and the like.

Some channellers have been generally accepted as “clear” channels who bring down only truth. The concept that there could be such “clear” channels is based upon the same fallacy that is behind the Catholic doctrine of the infallibility of the Pope. It is extremely dangerous to readily accept channelled material as absolute truth.

Whilst there is some genuine channelled material on Earth from reliable sources, this sort of situation is rare. Once genuine material filters through the evil system, it is immediately pounced upon by the “natural laws” in place in the realm. That is, the agents of Darkness in all forms begin corrupting the truth. This corrupting process is ever so subtle, gradual and deceptive that it appears natural, thus keeping people unaware of the process and the unseen intention behind it.

Many of the channellers have very limited knowledge and background regarding the material they are channelling. Hence, they do not even have the physical-mind knowledge to critically question or assess the material they are presenting. They can even behave as robots that are presenting programmed material. The beings capable of sending out the channelled messages to the channellers could be discarnate beings, astral beings, alien beings or even physical, living beings. All of these can have their own agendas. Most of the people who dabble in channelling cannot discern energies, even though they think they can.

The materials channelled from evil aliens are the most dangerous of all the channelled materials for many reasons. Firstly, the evil aliens are at war with humans, regardless of the nonsense that has been presented about their compassion and love for humanity. Further, the evil aliens can disguise themselves as angels, ascended masters or even gods. They or their messages might appear harmless or even helpful and spiritual, but that is not the case. They can make their followers feel that they are on the right spiritual path, and make things around them appear to be good, spiritual and uplifting. However, the followers are unaware that they are weakening themselves through the process of connecting to certain channelled material.

Prolonged exposure and involvement with the benign-appearing channelled material can weaken their Will, which the victims are not even aware of on the physical level. On the contrary, they may even feel spiritually connected and fulfilled, and be deceiving themselves into thinking they are progressing spiritually. Since many are taught about spiritual progression and advancement, they accept the doctrine of evolution of the soul. They can be quick to attack anyone who questions this spiritual evolutionary theory. In fact, evolutionary theories of all types are generally protected by Darkness and people are programmed to accept them.

People associate psychic activities with the New Age movement, but there were many genuine healers, psychics, seers, prophets and soothsayers in antiquity. The New Age movement has purposely or unwittingly attracted shameless rogues who have dabbled in psychic readings, healings, exorcisms and other things to con the unsuspecting public who seek help from them. In recent months, the media in various countries are exposing these charlatans. This exposure is not so much to protect the public, but mainly intended to ridicule and persecute the genuine psychics. Many of the charlatans who are being exposed by the ruling elite media are working with the ruling elite. This is another example of a single force running both sides of a situation and making it appear as a conflict. This is a variation of the “good cop, bad cop” scenario. It is a set up to disadvantage genuine psychic workers.

Many of the “gurus” pinch bits of truth or information from here and there and pretend it is their own material, to which they apply their own spin to totally corrupt what little truth there was originally. Some of these post other people’s work on their own websites and spend volumes of space critiquing the material. They try to elevate themselves by pretending to have in-depth knowledge to fool the casual readers of the sites. The types of critiques in most of these websites show that the writers have very limited or no inner understanding or experience of what they are writing about. This is irresponsible at best! Worse than their egoistical puffing is the amount of misguiding they do to people who are sincerely searching for truth.

Among these sites are many that are operated by people who serve the ruling elite. Many of these websites are assisted by the ruling elite, which have control of the internet. The ruling elites’ agents decide which websites are blocked and which are promoted. Website hit counters, availability, speed, convenience and access are all controlled and manipulated by the ruling elite. Search engines will often place the ruling elites’ chosen sites at or near the top of many searches. However, there are times when it suits the ruling elite to put valid websites at or near the top of searches to satisfy their own ulterior motives.

Apart from the widespread spying on the internet, individual liberties are being compromised by the ruling elite. There has been a proliferation of sophisticated tracking devices that can track the movements of almost anyone who has possession of certain laptop computers, cell phones, passports, driving licences or satellite maps. The wireless networks allow easier tracking, even when people do not think they are connected to the internet or other relevant network. There is also such a bombardment of radio broadcast noise in the atmosphere now that many people have heard bits of physical broadcasts or conversations in their own homes. These are not ghost activities, but physical broadcasts that occasionally can be heard with human ears. One can just imagine how this impacts animals with more sensitive hearing.

It is done, It is finished. :wave: