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All Interviews from Red Ice Radio, 2009

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Farrier - No CCTV, Campaign Against Big Brother Camera Surveillance
Howard Martin - Heartmath Institute, Heart Based Living & The Global Coherence Initiative
Kevin Randle - UFO Crashes, Sightings & The Roswell Incident
Kevin Randle - The Validity of the Majestic 12 Documents
William Henry - The Apotheosis is at Hand, NWO, COP15, Norway Blue Spiral & Stargates
William Henry - The Apotheosis of George Washington, Freedom's Gate & Stargates around the World
Michael Tsarion - Disciples of the Mysterium
Michael Tsarion - Disciples of the Mysterium Continued
Sabina DeVita - Electromagnetic Pollution, The Silent Invisible Pollutant
Sabina DeVita - Swine Flue, Vaccines, Mercury & Essential Oils
Aaron Franz - TransAlchemy, Save the Humans!
Aaron Franz - Transhuman Fundamentalism
Michael Tsarion - Roots of Tyranny, Calvinism & Behaviorism
Michael Tsarion - The Constitution Con, The Death Instinct & Psychopathy
Tim Ball - Climategate & The Anthropogenic Global Warming Fraud
Tim Ball - UN Climate Change Conference Copenhagen & Global Warming Science

Joe Slate - Psychic Vampires, Energy Predators & Energy of the Soul
Joe Slate - Energy Protection & How to Guard yourself from Psychic Vampires
Michael Tsarion - Conspiracy, Psychology, Tyranny & Comments on "Fall of the Republic"
Michael Tsarion - Conspiracy, Psychology, Tyranny & Comments on "Fall of the Republic"
Kyle Hunt - The Gods of Technology
Kyle Hunt - The Gods of Technology Continued
Scott Tips - Codex Alimentarius Update Victory, Nutrient Reference Values & Swine Flu
John Kale - The Masonic Star Map of Charleston
John Kale - The Masonic Star Map of Charleston Continued
Nick Rosen - Going Off-Grid, How to Escape the Big Brother System
Peter Levenda - Chinese Alchemy
Peter Levenda - Freemasonry, the Elite & Leaders above the Law
Patrick Heron - The Nephilim and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse
Patrick Heron - Return of the Antichrist and the New World Order

Eldon Taylor - Subliminal Programming, Media Persuasion & Mind Control
Eldon Taylor - Mind Programming & How to Break Free from the Spell
Dennis Price - The Missing Years of Jesus
Dennis Price - The Dark Side of Stonehenge
George J. Haas & William R. Saunders - The Martian Codex
George J. Haas & William R. Saunders - The Martian Codex Continued
Andrew D. Basiago - Comments, Questions & Answers
Andrew D. Basiago - Teleportation Trip to Mars & Life on Mars - Two Parts
Dr. David M. Jacobs - UFO History, Abductions & The Human-Alien Hybrid Program
Dr. David M. Jacobs - Human-Alien Hybrids and the Integration Program
Cliff High - Web Bot & Predicting the Future
Cliff High - The Shape of Things to Come & Future Weirdness
Kevin P Miller - Generation Rx, SSRI's & Happy Pills
Kevin P Miller - Pharmaceutical Control, School Shootings & Psychotropic Drugs

David Icke - Swine Flu, Mass Vaccinations & G20
Ellen Brown - The Web of Debt & The Manufactured Financial Crash
Ellen Brown - Bank for International Settlements, Global Tax & The Basel Accords
Nick Pelling - Deciphering of the Mysterious Voynich Manuscript
Nick Pelling - The Voynich Manuscript, Alan Turing and Ciphers
Anthony & Derek from Wise up Journal - NO to the Second Lisbon Treaty Vote
Lloyd Pye - The Starchild Skull Update
Lloyd Pye - The Starchild Skull & DNA Revelations
Andrew D. Basiago - Project Pegasus, Time Travel, Teleportation & The Chronovisor Device
Andrew D. Basiago - Suppression of Technology, History, 9/11 Foreknowledge & the Crucifixion of Jesus
Marta Andreasen MEP - Brussels laid Bare, Financial Fraud within the European Union
Aaron Kaplan - Operation Highjump, The Secret Diary of Admiral Byrd & The Nephilim Agenda
Aaron Kaplan - The Nephilim Agenda, Nibiru, the Ark of the Covenant & the function of the Great Pyramid
Kathleen McErlain - Too Many Secrets, Humanity's Fight to Expose The Secret Underground Worlds
Kathleen McErlain - Jumpgate Technology, Clones, Human-Alien Hybrids & Alien Species

Robert Bauval - Black Genesis & The Ancient People of Nabta Playa
Robert Bauval - Black Genesis, Architecture, Science & Mars Anomalies
Rand Flem-Ath - Atlantis in Antarctica, Solar Typhoons & When the Sky Fell
Rand Flem-Ath - The Lost Map of Christopher Columbus, The Piri Reis Map and the Mappa Mundi
Catherine Austine Fitts - Swine Flu, Vaccination & The Economy
Simon Murphy & Paul Flynn - Truth Coalition Ireland, Calling All Irish: NO to the Lisbon Treaty
Philp Willan - The Last Supper, Vatican, Masons, P2, Mafia & the Murder of Roberto Calvi
Philp Willan - Propaganda Due, Licio Gelli, the Murder of Pope John Paul & The Swiss Connection
Dominick Ohrbeck - Reptilian Marketing vs. The HeartBrain Model
Dominick Ohrbeck - The HeartBrain Model
Freeman - Obama, Cloning & The Coming Space War
Freeman - Obama the Clone, Phobos, ET & Stargate Technology
Freddy Silva - Ancient Sacred Sites, Invisible Temples, Giants & Our Ancestors
Freddy Silva - Places of Power, Crop Temples, Sound & Light
Nigel Farage MEP - The State of the EU & The Undemocratic Treaty of Lisbon
David Icke - The Lisbon Treaty & The Corrupt European Union
Alfred Webre - Exopolitics, NASA Bombing of the Moon, Outer Space Treaty & E.T.
Alfred Webre - Mars and Moon Bases, Time Travel, Teleportation, Aliens & Genetic Alteration

Lenon Honor - The Borg Agenda & The Sexualization of Technology
Lenon Honor - The Hive Mentality, Family, Gender & Manipulation of Human Consciousness
Neil Kramer - The End of the Fourth Age
Neil Kramer - Paradox, Sorcery & Fear
Mike Bara - Dark Mission, The Occult NASA Moon Mission
Henry Makow - Free Speech Threatened in Canada, Zionism & The Elite Satanic Bankers
Henry Makow - Bohemian Grove, WWII History and The Rothschilds
Gary Biltcliffe - The Legacy of the Etruscans & The Mysterious Pelasgi
Gary Biltcliffe - The Spirit of Portland & The Spine of Albion
Cort Lindahl - Geomantic Information Systems Part Two - The Baalbek Hexagon
Cort Lindahl - Geomantic Information Systems Part Two - Vatican Alignments & College of William and Mary
Sofia Smallstorm - 9/11 Mysteries
Sofia Smallstorm - Chemtrails, Nanotechnology & The Artificial Environment

Russ Baker - Family of Secrets: Poppy Bush
Russ Baker - Family of Secrets: "W"
Cort Lindahl - Geomantic Information Systems
Georgia Lambert - The Western Esoteric Tradition
Georgia Lambert - Spiritual Alchemy & The Chakra System

Brian Gerrish - Common Purpose & Neuro Linguistic Programming
Sandy Frost - The Corruption of the Royal Order of Jesters
Sandy Frost - Intuition Based Research & Non-profit Organizations
Anthony Peake - Cheating The Ferryman & The Daemon
Anthony Peake - Quantum Weirdness & Precognition
Art Rosengarten - Tarot of the Nine Paths
Art Rosengarten - Nine, The Shadow & The Unconditioned
Dan Winter - Fractal Geometry & The Golden Mean
Dan Winter - Architecture, Electric Smog, The Star-Gate & Astral Parasites
Lon Milo Duquette - Aleister Crowley, O.T.O. & The Thoth Tarot Deck
Lon Milo Duquette - Enochian Magic, Initiatory Societies & Freemasonry
David Halpin - Israel, Palestine, The Dignity Incident & Dr David Kelly

Andy Thomas - Crop Circles, The Era of Turmoil and the Energy of Hope
Andy Thomas - Depopulation, the Power of Consciousness and the Alien Agenda
Terry Boardman - Mapping the Millennium
Terry Boardman - The NWO, Antroposophy and Power of the Trinity
Sonia Barrett - Immortality and the Quest for Eternal Life
Sonia Barrett - Immortality and the Quest for Eternal Life Continued
Edmund Marriage - Kharsag, Garden of Eden and Stars and Stones Forum
Aeolus Kephas - The Alternative Perceptions Community
Aeolus Kephas - The Alternative Perceptions Community Continued
Edmund Marriage - Sun, Earth, Global Cooling and Neuro-Therapy

Robert Newman - The Mozart Myth
Robert Newman - The Mozart Myth Continued
Tony Gosling - Bilderberg & New World Order
Helen Sewell - The Astrology of 2012
Helen Sewell - Influence of the Outer Planets: Uranus, Neptune & Pluto
Scott Tips - National Health Federation & Codex Alimentarius
Adrian Gilbert - The Orion Mystery & The Invisible College
Adrian Gilbert - Opening of the Orion Star Gate
John Harris - Illusion, Common and Commercial Law & the Ego
John Harris - Freedom, Government, Love, Thinking & The Internet
Dr. Leonard Horowitz - The Pharmaceutical Industry, Vaccines & Frequency 528

Ian Crane - The Alternative View II
Freeman - Barackhenaton & The Occult Election
Freeman - The Obama Dynasty, The Space Program & Important Dates
Ben Singleton - Pseudoccult Media
Ben Singleton - Pseudoccult Media Continued
Todd Campbell - Through the Looking Glass
Todd Campbell - Through the Looking Glass Continued
Hugh Montgomery - The God-Kings: Babylon, Ulvungar & Oden
Hugh Montgomery - The God-Kings: Outremer & The Descendants of Jesus
Daniel Tatman - Palladian Genesis - Part Two
Lynn Marzulli - The Alien Interviews
Lynn Marzulli - The Alien Interviews Continued
Daniel Tatman - Palladian Genesis

Jim Elvidge - The Singularity Will Not Occur, Programmed Reality & Infomania
Jim Elvidge - Programmed Reality, The Power of 10, Science & The Soul
David Livingstone - The Muslim Brotherhood, Johannite's & Shabbatean Frankist's
David Livingstone - Al-Qaida, Wahhabism & The Asiatic Brethren
Terry Melanson - Perfectibilists, The 18th Century Bavarian Order of the Illuminati
Terry Melanson - The Illuminati Order Today
Sonia Barrett - The Holographic Canvas
Sonia Barrett - Control, The New Age, Obama, Change & The Messiah Complex