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The Alex Jones Show
Monday, 27 September 2010


Scheduled Guests

Alex scheduled in advance a full 4th hour for today's broadcast.

Alex talks with film director and producer Tommy Pallotta. Tommy began his career working with director and screenwriter Richard Linklater as an actor and production assistant on Linklater's directorial debut, Slacker, in 1991. In 1997, Pallotta wrote, directed and produced his first film, The High Road, and later produced several of Bob Sabiston's animated projects. Pallotta then worked with Linklater on his animated film Waking Life in 2003. Alex Jones makes an appearance in the film. Tommy Pallotta also worked with Linklater on A Scanner Darkly, based on the novel of the same name by Philip K. Dick and starring Keanu Reeves. Collapsus is Pallotta's latest project.
[from about 9:00 in hour 3 through 5:00 in hour 4]

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It is my opinion that in this time it is virtually essential
to seek information from a variety of sources, to listen to a
spectrum of voices in order to better understand the "big
picture." A reliance solely upon mainstream corporate media
for news and info is a prescription for ignorance. I try to
share information that counters the monotone of mainstream
corporate media.

NOTE: The material here is made available strictly as
information. Do not assume my support for or endorsement
of the contents.

Think for yourself! To paraphrase the late William Cooper:
Read everything, listen to everything, but believe nothing
until you've researched it yourself.

!! please try some of the other shows I upload too !!


folder.jpg courtesy of commenter "Nighted" at the sebaygo1 blog