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Alex Jones show 2011.07.21

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On this, the Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with actor, comedian, musician, television personality, activist and 9/11 truth supporter Hal Sparks. Alex also talks with radio talk show host, ex-Killbilly band member and one-time Forth Worth, Texas, mayoral candidate Richard Hunter. Both Sparks and Hunter will be in-studio.

Alex also covers the latest news, including the DHS claim white terrorists will attack America.

Today's broadcast was extended 20 minutes into a 4th hour overDrive.

With "extra" dialogue being added in the description of the AJ Show upload!

The Alex Jones radio show torrents have been under heavy attack by evil anti-Zionist upload bashers that gatekeep what freethinkers are exposed to. They downrate every AJ torrent by rating it "1" even without downloading it and attack in the comment section and make racist jokes about my Danish humor and call it lame. :weep:

They don't want you to listen to anything else than anti-Zionist info and if you do, they will name call you and make up lies about you are a Zionist agent that works for Israel. Don't be intimidated by the anti-Zionist gatekeepers with all their AJ hate and racist anti-Danish comments! :no:

Fascists prevent people from getting other books or radioshows than what they have approved.