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Alex Jones show 2011.07.12

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The Alex Jones Show -- 2011 July 12 TU

On this Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Ed Foster, the mayor of Quartzite, Arizona. Foster was ousted by the city council and replaced by the town's police chief. The far western Arizona town is now under martial law after the council declared an open-ended state of emergency in response to a video of the arrest of Jennifer Jones during a council meeting. Foster described the government and the chief of police as corrupt and abusive of their power.


Some people complain about the lame humor. We Danes have a lame humor and if you don't like Danish lame humor, you are a hateful racist and will be cursed too!

This torrent is cursed by Zionist Kabbalistic Elders. :kev:

If you spread hate and rate this torrent 1, you will be cursed!

When you have a GF over, you will wake up in the middle of the night by her screaming, because you have wet the bed. The bedwetting curse will happen every time you sleep with a woman! The curse can only be broken the moment you find the truth about Israel vs. Gaza.

You might say "Nhaaa I don't believe a word of what this Crypto Jewish Zionist Agent says. I will rate this torrent 1 anyway". You may be right, that it's only a joke. What if it's not?

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End up being an adult bedwetter , when you sleep with a woman is a serious killer of your sex-life. You better rate this torrent 5 to be on the safe side, even if you think Alex Jones is a Zionist agent and a fearmonger or have a racist attitude against danish lame humor :yes: