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Alex Jones Show 2010 06 16

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The Alex Jones Show
Wednesday, 16 June 2010


Alex IS back live today.

Alex Jones Quote of the Day ::
"Ha ha ha! I'm Chris Matthews, I'm a big fat bastard!"

Scheduled Guests

[show description from the Infowars web site]

New American journalist Alex Newman talks with Alex about his latest article, Fed Manipulations in the Crosshairs. "It turns out that under the guise of “stabilizing” the economy, the Federal Reserve banking cartel had set in motion a series of actions that would eventually transfer trillions to the bankers at taxpayers’ expense, all while decimating the investments of countless average Americans," writes Newman.
[from about 25:00 in hour 3 through to the end of that hour]

Alex also covers the news and takes calls.


It is my opinion that in this time it is virtually
essential to seek information from a variety of sources,
to listen to a spectrum of voices in order to better
understand the "big picture." A reliance solely upon
mainstream corporate media for news and info is a
prescription for ignorance. I try to share information
that counters the monotone of mainstream corporate media.

NOTE: The material here is made available strictly as
information. Do not assume support or endorsement on my
part of the contents.

Think for yourself!
To paraphrase the late William Cooper:
Read everything, listen to everything, but believe nothing
until you've researched it yourself.
