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The Alex Jones Show
Friday, 05 November 2010
Alex scheduled a full 4th hour today, then extended the broadcast 30 minutes into a 5th hour to continue his conversation with Joe Rogan and a comedian friend of Rogan's who was also in studio. Neither GCN nor infowars has made audio of the 5th hour available for download. I was unable to record it because I was already recording Mike Rivero's show. See my blog for further details.
Scheduled Guests
From the Infowars web site ::
Alex welcomes back to the show Gary Franchi, producer of Enemy of the State: Camp FEMA Part 2, the follow up to Williams Lewis' eye-opening documentary, Camp FEMA: American Lockdown. Franchi is a Chicago-area native and host of The Reality Report. Gary helped Aaron Russo found Restore The Republic in 2007.
[from 19:00 in hour 3, through about 15 minutes into hour 4]
Alex also talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster about the economy and the Fed's decision to unleash QE2.
[1st half of hour 2, through 1st 5 minutes of hour 3]
Lindsey Williams makes an appearance to reveal his insider source.
[2nd half of hour 2, through the end of hour 3]
Alex also welcomes back in-studio comedian, actor and color commentator for the Ultimate Fighting Championship, Joe Rogan.
[from 18:00 into hour 4, through the end of the broadcast]
[Infowars employee] Michelle continues her story about the indignities of the TSA and their molestation of children.
[2nd half of hour 3]
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It is my opinion that in this time it is virtually essential
to seek information from a variety of sources, to listen to a
spectrum of voices in order to better understand the "big
picture." A reliance solely upon mainstream corporate media
for news and info is a prescription for ignorance. I try to
share information that counters the monotone of mainstream
corporate media.
NOTE: The material here is made available strictly as
information. Do not assume my support for or endorsement
of the contents.
Think for yourself! To paraphrase the late William Cooper:
Read everything, listen to everything, but believe nothing
until you've researched it yourself.