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Alex Jones - Is Glenn Beck for Real?

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Glenn Beck, as a national media figure, has never been consistent. While he has been seen on TV supporting big government bailouts, new taxes and unlimited war under the dubious banner of “conservative,” Beck has also made a name as a Libertarian of sorts, and now as a tax-revolting Patriot leader within the Tea Party.The corporate media admits that billions of dollars of taxpayer money are being used to expand the propaganda efforts at Fox News, CNN, and wide array of corporate local television stations in order to inculcate the masses with government scripted lies and distract them with meaningless sports and celebrity events as the economy and society is systematically dismantled and a control grid and police state implemented around them.Alex Jones explains how humanity has become completely disconnected from its primitive survival instinct because of modern consumerist culture, and how this is creating generations of nihilistic, depressed, soulless people who have a death wish and are being brainwashed to hate everything that is good and wholesome.

But what Glenn Beck has never done, until now, is come so close to telling the truth. In recent episodes, as on September 22, Beck has highlighted the agenda of “global elites,” while digging up valid information on some very serious advocates of World Government, like Col. Edward Mandell House, the foreign affairs advisor to Woodrow Wilson who helped found the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations. In the same episode, Glenn Beck exposed Eugenics as an American experiment that morphed into the Nazi Holocaust and linked Cass Sunstein with his intellectual ancestor, Edward Bernays, who refined the art of propaganda to facilitate covert social engineering and control.

All this is not only new ground for Beck, but for televised news at large. Those in power clearly intend that The People would pay attention to Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, Lindsay Lohan and American Idol, not find out the aims of the Council on Foreign Relations, a publicly-obscure but deeply-influential elitist think tank. Though many of Beck’s infamous Fox News programs have revolved around convoluted diagrams and misinformed flow-charts linking entities like the White House and the SDS with Van Jones, 9/11 and Nazism (and so on…), he has now reached the point of concise and important historical examples demonstrating the elite controlled agenda.

Despite what figures like Beck have portrayed, this global system is not run by Marxist ideologues or Communist revolutionaries; those groups and others are controlled by a psychopathic, offshore, corporate elite cabal who have sophisticated control over most of the world’s resources, peoples and territories.

So is Glenn Beck for real?