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Against Zionism - Interview with Rabbi Yisrel Dovid Weiss

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What is truth and what is propaganda? Tonight we'll be discussing what is probably the single most controversial subject in the world today: Zionism. What is Zionism, and why is it important to understand? Is anti-Zionism related to anti-Semitism? Are Zionists attempting a world takeover, or is it just "good business"? Does the state of Israel have the right to exist? What are the local and global consequences of Zionism? What is the real purpose behind groups like the ADL? Are all Jews Zionist, and do all Jews support Israel? And what is AIPAC? This is the other side of the story that you won't hear on the mainstream news, or for that matter, just about anyplace else.

In the name of free speech and stirring controversy and thinking outside the box, my guest is Rabbi Yisrel Dovid Weiss from Neturei Karta here to discuss Zionism and the end of Israel. Rabbi Weiss is the man who gave President Ahmadinejad of Iran an award for NOT being a racist and for understanding the real dangers of Zionism. This is an interview that counters everything we've been told about Israel and Zionism, and Iran in the mainstream media.

So lay your emotional arguments aside and put on your thinking caps because I've got one heck of a show for you - and please, leave your prejudices at the door.