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“THE SECRET IS: You are Source Energy in a physical body.”
* “You are supposed to get everything you want.” He’s lost his fear of death, but now the idea of being eternal is a little unsettling!
* Long-term, committed relationships: “From our point of view,” says Abraham, “there’s only one relationship to attend to – and that’s the one between you and you. The rest will take care of itself.”
* Is it possible for human beings to fly? “We can’t say that all things are possible and then say – except that.”
* Sex – just for the fun of it: Is it possible? Without anyone getting hurt?
* Indigo Children: “They are not unique in that they have access to MORE energy, it is that they have less resistance to the energy that you ALL have access to.”
* Weight loss: What to do when it’s hard not to notice what-is because it’s staring at you from the mirror.
* Judgment and punishment: What’s with these disconnected people? When murderers finally die, do they feel any regret over what they have done?
* A lifetime of anger: “If you are feeling powerlessness, then anger is the next logical step – isn’t it?”
* Zest for life! An Abraham-inspired routine to help you spend your days in fresh, positive energy.
* Sweet dreams aren’t made of this: “An unsettling dream is an indication of discord in your vibration.” Dream analysis Abraham-style.
* PLUS: The deliciously-detailed story of how Jerry & Esther came to know Abraham.
“THE SECRET IS: You are Source Energy in a physical body.”
Answers and inspiration from the Non-Physical entity Abraham — whom Esther calls “infinite intelligence” and Jerry refers to as “the purest form of love I’ve ever encountered.”
I.01. Opening.mp3
I.02. Why does he resist an 'Eternal Life'.mp3
I.03. Evolution, in a long-term commited relationship.mp3
I.04. What Vibrational Escrow have they created together.mp3
I.05. A belief as a thought I keep thinking.mp3
I.06. Are sex and love two different subjects.mp3
I.07. She has a question about 'Indigo Children'.mp3
I.08. Apply the Law of Attraction to weight loss.mp3
I.09. How does Source look at disconnected murderes.mp3
II.01. She proved she could get called on.mp3
II.02. What is her underlying anger all about.mp3
II.03. Crashed his motocycle but found his joy.mp3
II.04. Could childhood assault be causing adult nightmares.mp3
II.05. Where does effort fit in with releasing oars.mp3
II.06. In words we understand, who is Abraham.mp3
II.07. Workshop closing.mp3